It’s better to try and fail than to never try at all. The learned helplessness scenario.
We need more free thinkers like we had 100 years ago. Lead, follow, or get out of my way! This country was born on self determination. We’ve turned into a nation of spineless jelly fish. Time get get rid of the squeaking gerbil inside, and unleash the roaring lion.
“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”
Steve Jobs
Mankind is at a critical juncture in human history. With the internet we can share thoughts and ideas with every one on earth. We can find out what we have in common as opposed to what divides us. Like my friend who is a Sioux Indian, and a member of one of the tribes that met Custer his demise. He was also a member of the 7th Calvary in Vietnam. I asked him what is was like to be a member of the Sioux nation, and in the 7th? “People are people.” he said.
To fail at something should be a positive learning experience. It’s only a failure if you believe it’s a failure. Never say never!! Let that 3%terS in all of us rise up. Future generations are counting on it.
Stupid people that get us into trouble, always have the answer to get us out of trouble. REALLY???