Comments on: The universal Rebel and the psy-op to neuter him Thu, 16 Nov 2017 08:18:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: truth1 Thu, 16 Nov 2017 08:18:32 +0000 I think you might be right on the money.

By: rightwingconservativenewsblog Thu, 16 Nov 2017 06:53:54 +0000 Reblogged this on TRUE Right Wing Conservative News, Conservative Politics News Site and commented:
Jon Rappoport has the Perspective that only vast Experience can garner. Fortunately, he is driven to pass all this onward….

By: truth1 Thu, 16 Nov 2017 00:11:33 +0000 Tony, you know I find myself often in that auto-pilot zone. going thru the turn pike, I end up responding before the attendant speaks. I am conditioned and often am lead by the circumstance. Its better when I am in a position I am not normally in, then I will be more awake. We let our environment swallow us up. The farm was a way better situation. Too easy to herd a crowd in the city. That is a big part of the problem. Thanks for the compliment.

Assembly line manufacturing really is cruel and unusual punishment. Our spirits/intellect are under a full blown attack 24/7.

By: truth1 Thu, 16 Nov 2017 00:05:30 +0000 In general, you are referring to a far more sophisticated form of hypnosis, such as a CIA programmer might use. Its hardly practical when just trying to put people into a dulled unresponsive state of mind that allows better access to the subconscious that gets programmed/conditioned by the routine drudgery. You were 100 % accurate, but you left out the context and who was being targeted. But regardless, I hope many give attention to what you wrote and look more into mind programming and the like. They need to wake up and too many are caught in that dull state that tends to reinforce itself.

By: O'Farrell Wed, 15 Nov 2017 19:04:13 +0000 I want to add more info to your description of hypnosis and hypnotic states of mind. First of all, hypnosis isn’t always a calming, meditative state – nor does the hypnotist always use a slow, relaxing induction. The type of induction depends upon 1) what the person needs to slip into the hypnotic state, and 2) what the hypnotic session is for. Hypnosis simply means going into alpha and theta brain waves. Also called the Subconcious Mind – where the issues lie, where the programming is, and where new programming can be implemented. An induction into hypnosis can be gentle but another type of induction is louder or even shocking. Hypnosis = “fight or flight mchanism” (which includes “lay down and play dead.”) The hypnotic induction can trigger this mechanism in humans. Humans can walk around in the state of fight or flight – and can appear to be trancelike. Fight or flight is triggerd by stress, which includes unexpected violence (terrorist attacks and violent events.) The the continuous problems in the world can cause some people to walk around in hypnotic trances…and since hypnosis means walking around with your Subconscious Mind open to receive cultural programming/conditioning. Oh yeah, watcing movement on screens (TV, Cinema) induces hypnosis. Manipulating the masses is easy in our modern world.

By: Sunshine2 Wed, 15 Nov 2017 16:23:42 +0000 I’ve noticed that too Tony. If you tell anyone you’re not busy, they look at you like you grew a second head!

By: Tony Wed, 15 Nov 2017 12:39:47 +0000 Thanks truth1, that was really good to read this morning!

I find people regularly ask how you’re doing — which is immediately followed up with “are you busy?” Occasionally responding “no” is quite an unsettling (dare I say ‘rebellious’) act… and you can almost watch the struggle to make sense of the possibility of slipping the knots of daily routine and mind-neutering procedure.

It’s quite an interesting little social experiment — so suffocated has our inherent need for autonomy and creativity in our own lives become.

By: tomaz050959 Wed, 15 Nov 2017 12:36:14 +0000 Reblogged this on tomaz2015 and commented:
, if people want to live the creative existence, they have to be willing to destroy—and the main thing that awaits their destruction is their own illusions and their commitment to the World of Nice where doily power is the only power. Where that tired phrase, “the approval of others,” is the guiding precept and the stick of fear.

The creative life isn’t about little changes done in little penguin steps. It’s about putting your arms and your mind around Deep, Big, and Wide Desire. It’s about making that Desire come to life.

By: the glorious world of next Tuesday Wed, 15 Nov 2017 11:28:43 +0000 We’ll need all the rebels we can get for the global gulag slavestate that is coming. The Great Leap Forward 2.0 led by the red guards will come to America by 2022.
The war with Russia will be in an attempt to fulfill the depopulation goals of the Georgia Guidestones.
America is the designated loser of WWIII so the global slavestate can be ushered in as the lumpen proles scream for order out of chaos.
America will be balkanized and taken over by its enemies in a few short hours as marshmallow soft snowflakes cry when their selfie sticks are broken and the sail fawns (cellphones) don’t work.
The new managers will laugh at quaint notions of equality and fluid genders as they put useless idiots against the wall.

By: From Quebec Wed, 15 Nov 2017 07:44:59 +0000 Jon Rappoport on Real News today with :David Knight

REAL NEWS (2nd HOUR) Tue – 11/14/17 • Alex Jones Infowars • Lionel, Jon Rappoport /watch?v=YPTgLnZYhEg
