Comments on: The CIA documented long-range planning for a drugged and debilitated society: OPIOIDS ARE A PERFECT FIT Tue, 05 Dec 2017 19:18:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Z Freeman (@BC_Man) Tue, 05 Dec 2017 19:18:28 +0000 Hi greg. My current take on that is that there are a number of conspiracy theories that sound very sexy that are used to distract from very real agenda’s such as Rappoport writes above. I’ve never seen any convincing evidence for mass radio control of people mainly because of square law of way radiation falls off by distance. For example having wireless devices turned on which are in pockets and so forth is probably a bad idea. But there’s no evidence I’ve seen of serious effects of these devices. For example the Drug Zyprexa has killed around 200,000 people. An appalling statistic ( see ). I’ve never seen figures like that for mobile phone towers and so forth. In fact this is one of the reasons I started staying away from the conspiracy theory crowd as they were ignoring the pharma issue (hopefully they are more astute these days).

By: greg Fri, 24 Nov 2017 03:08:27 +0000 Other things dumbing down people are mobile phone and wireless radiation, and to a lesser degree mains radiation. Brain cells resonating at frequencies less than optimum for good brain function. The pineal gland being stressed. The radiation acting as a radar jammer and preventing people from sensing what’s going to happen.

By: JB Wed, 22 Nov 2017 22:43:53 +0000 +a concerned citizen Thank you. Same opinion here about the obsession.

By: afshintxgmailcom Wed, 22 Nov 2017 20:35:21 +0000 And throw in fluoride in various sources especially the water supply, grown produce (and many other things in both, and in pack in various aerosols sprayed all over everyone). Literally, this is CHEMICAL WARFARE. So naturally they are looking at force multiplication of each vector by each other vector, all while useful idiots and talented whores ROLL OVER to these damned rackets. Those fools can get on the first ghost train to hell, probably leaving underneath a Wal-Mart near you.

By: nmartinez1938 Wed, 22 Nov 2017 16:03:37 +0000 Infiltrated in my day too, and some infiltrations too, staged disturbances at meetings and street protests, but not as obvious as these days. The wicked called by any name these days, are in the open for those of us who are aware, Satan is shedding many of his cloaks. All the vile things, corruptions of past gov’t plots, this whole pedophilia thing, I am reading these things I would have never seen published in the light of day, had I died even 5 years ago. Truths will be revealed, maybe not all, impossible, but I’ve seen enough that the world should know, the day of reckoning of all things will shortly follow.

By: L Garou Wed, 22 Nov 2017 13:48:21 +0000 The plan has obviously been embraced by the citizens and is moving forward at a pace only dreamed of by the enemies of freedom.

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 22 Nov 2017 09:33:18 +0000 I see more inaccuracy here, Jon.

You use the term “amnesia” (a generality which is popular science-bluster).

Let me explain. Those in “altered state” experience a dimension shift. The consequence is perception of time and the way it is “regulated” changes, but also cognitive functionality ceases in the standard sense.

Memory exists but not in conventional “3D”. Those with transcendental perception could theoretically bridge the divide, I do have transcendental perception but I could never be convinced of the value of the consumption of narcotics beyond strict “medical’ parameters, so I do not offer myself up as “guinea pig”.


By: johnbarleycorn12 Wed, 22 Nov 2017 07:01:23 +0000 Reblogged this on John Barleycorn and commented:
I find all of this plausible

By: Jacqueline Wed, 22 Nov 2017 04:02:19 +0000 A distinction must be made between natural plant opiates (opium, morphine, heroin) and the synthetic opiates. The terminal cancer patients I have cared for showed a clear preference for morphine versus the oxycontin/codone group, but had to request the morphine as the synthetics were the first choice prescribed by their physicians. The FDA has worked diligently to vilify and drastically limit the use of morphine in terminal cancer patients, based on a rational of ‘addiction’ Really?? They took a lot of heat for that position. Clean, plant-derived opiates are more effective as the body possesses receptors for compounds in Nature. Not so for the synthetics. But the FDA is on a mission to eliminate these natural effective forms in favor of the synthetic equivalents with all of their accompanying debilitating effects – patient well-being be damned.

By: Tim Wed, 22 Nov 2017 00:53:18 +0000 “… –why “Occupy” type movement peter-out so soon. …”

Everything is infiltrated.
