Comments on: COMPROMISED: Sex-abuser Congressmen are open to massive blackmail Mon, 27 Nov 2017 01:36:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rampton Mon, 27 Nov 2017 01:36:24 +0000 There was something what caused Harvey to be thrown under the bus by the NYT, which itself killed the story years earlier. He obidiently kissed asses when it came to Guantanamo and vaccines films. I speculate he tried to masturbate in front of a wrong woman one day, and she had friends in higher places.

By: maidinamerica Sat, 25 Nov 2017 18:08:27 +0000 In the book “Clinton Cash”, by Peter Schweizer, he notes that an NBC reporter asks Bill that if Hillary is elected will he continue to make speeches. And he said, “Oh yeah, I’ve gotta pay our bills.” I’m thinking, “Wha-a-t bills?.. O…Yeah…Bribery, Blackmail,..O and now without immediate access to government employees at hand to do their dirty work they would need mafia hit men employees to retain on the payroll. And to think as average John Q Public’s spending power decreases, Hill and Bill would at least have tax-free arrangements with their back room deals, under the table transfers, and quid-pro-quos. But that would still be a huge.

By: maidinamerica Sat, 25 Nov 2017 17:58:01 +0000 And a vaccine documentary with Robert DeNiro.

By: bob klinck Sat, 25 Nov 2017 04:45:24 +0000 The hierarchical employment system in which, in order to obtain the money necessary for survival in a money economy, people have no tolerable alternative to accepting jobs that as often as not compromise their consciences is tantamount to practically universal blackmail. Despite virtually unlimited productive capacity (increasingly supplied by industrial robots), the financial independence enjoyed by the Insider class is not yet a condition society envisages for regular citizens. Atavism rules.

By: Wayne pacific Fri, 24 Nov 2017 21:09:45 +0000 PS: Sterns was, among other things, the west coast campaign manager of McGovern’s failed Presidential campaign. I would make a strong wager that he had a big hand in advising McGovern to to select Eagleton and then exposed his psychiatric shock treatment history.

By the way, surely you must know that the the MSM is CIA and Mossad, which don’t always see eye to eye.

By: Wayne pacific Fri, 24 Nov 2017 21:01:14 +0000 Mr. Rappoport,

Bill and Hillary are both CIA members themselves. They were recruited by Richard Sterns, back in the late 1960’s. “Ric” was a vice president of the National Student Association, which was outed as a CIA front organization. One of Clinton’s first appointments was to make Richard Sterns Federal District Judge in Massachusetts. Check it out, and you will have a great, great story. The best of the 21st century.

By: Michael burns Fri, 24 Nov 2017 16:31:39 +0000 Because of the recent purge of…sexual unlikables…bribery is a little more difficult to prove. And bribery can almost be justified, if the one receiving, has a sick young child needing a rather expensive operation. Or a wife or mother, dying of a vicious cancer. How many of the population cheat on their taxes; is that wrong?

Sex, especially perverted sex…on tape, pictures or video, that is the kiss of death.
Miight as well go under the knife, change you fingerprints and move to Katmandoo.
The sentence is loss of office, bottomless disgrace, chemical castration, broken marriage, loss of family forver possibly.

By: JB Fri, 24 Nov 2017 13:53:42 +0000 “The practical difficulty with our government has been, that most of those who have
administered it, have taken it for granted that the Constitution, as it is written, was a thing
of no importance; that it neither said what it meant, nor meant what it said; that it was
gotten up by swindlers, (as many of its authors doubtless were,) who said a great many
good things, which they did not mean, and meant a great many bad things, which they
dared not say; that these men, under the false pretence of a government resting on the
consent of the whole people, designed to entrap them into a government of a part; who
should be powerful and fraudulent enough to cheat the weaker portion out of all the good
things that were said, but not meant, and subject them to all the bad things that were meant,
but not said. And most of those who have administered the government, have assumed that
all these swindling intentions were to be carried into effect, in the place of the written

“It is not improbable that many or most of the worst of governments — although
established by force, and by a few, in the first place— come, in time, to be supported by a
majority. But if they do, this majority is composed, in large part, of the most ignorant,
superstitious, timid, dependent, servile, and corrupt portions of the people; of those who
have been over-awed by the power, intelligence, wealth, and arrogance; of those who have
been deceived by the frauds; and of those who have been corrupted by the inducements, of
the few who really constitute the government.” –Lysander Spooner

Enforcing the Constitution only promotes the present condition because that is what it was designed to do.

By: Paul Fri, 24 Nov 2017 11:20:13 +0000 Weinstein’s fall seems to be a case in point. It can be correlated with cancellation of a project with Oliver Stone which was to be on the topic of Guantanomo Bay. No one in the alternative media seems to have picked up this connection. Why was Weinstein brought down? There may be many reasons, but the triggering reason was surely that it was considered important to block that project.

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 24 Nov 2017 03:41:22 +0000 Unfortunately the wilful imaginations of a small percentage of the public have been always to turn assumption into presumption and fact without any hard evidence.

The voice of the accuser or the denier sweetest?

Whichever one is judged “wins”.

People have forgotten there is only violation or consenting partnership. “Abuse” is the hip “generality” of the age. I wrote these two articles to inspire stimulative thought – thinking “outside the box” (or some would say, “there’s thinking ‘outside the box’ – outside that is ‘Ozzie Thinker thinking'”):

