Comments on: When the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission exposed its own secret Sun, 31 Dec 2017 20:14:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jon Olsen Sun, 31 Dec 2017 20:14:58 +0000 My version goes: “One empire, under surveillance, with deceit and oppression for all.”

By: Harold Holland Wed, 29 Nov 2017 16:10:45 +0000 Listen people of this wonderful nation, you had better wakeup to what is going on, right in front of your face(s). We had better stop this white and black or black and white thing. The elite are pushing this upon all of us to maintain a separation and hate between us so that they can accomplish that which they need to accomplish without us knowing it. They are trying there best to turn this nation into a third world country and will accomplish it if the people don’t wakeup.

By: Harold Holland Wed, 29 Nov 2017 15:54:30 +0000 Thank you for this information, people in this nation need to know of the criminals that are in our government that are tearing down this nation setting around doing nothing and if you are wondering who I am talking, I’m talking about our so-called congress of criminals who are allowing all this to happen.

By: Glenn “GIGGITY” Quagmire Wed, 29 Nov 2017 01:48:09 +0000 Hey Jon, I have recently come up with a Tri-Lateralist in my research. It’s definitely off topic, but my youTube channel with 10k subs was just deleted, and I need to share this elsewhere, so here goes:

I feel after studying the Boston bombing I’ve identified an individual whom I strongly believe was behind staging the Boston bombing drill which was likely under the moniker of Operation Urban Shield

We know from many witnesses who have attended numerous Boston marathons the one difference they noticed is that there was an obvious militarized police presence that day, bomb sniffing dogs, men on roofs with radios and the Boston Globe tweeted that the fire department would be detonating a device as part of bomb drill activities that day. So it’s safe to say we know this as fact. The Belfer Center for science and international affairs published an article affirming the Boston marathon was used for DHS training of major civil emergency scenarios for public events as far back as 2008.

This individual whom I will name has an extensive background, so bear with me;

This person was a legal advisor to Janet Reno, Bill Clinton’s Attorney General.
They Ran for Massachusetts Governor in 2013
This individual has a background in law enforcement, a former trial attorney at the Justice department and an expert on terrorism, counter-terrorism, security strategy and also oversaw security and emergency response in Boston that day being the head of the Massachusetts division of the Department of Homeland security as Governor Deval Patrick’s homeland security advisor.
If anyone knew about any drills that day, this person would have been directing it. I have absolutely no doubt.

They are a leading figure in the National Commission on Terrorism and headed the Massachusetts National Guard and oversaw it’s Civil Support Teams or CST’s such as Craft International ( The creepy as fuck guys with khaki pants and black backpacks whom many believe planted devices)

This person is married to a judge (David Barron) who came on CNN explaining to America why it was necessary for SWAT teams and militarized police to lock down the entire Boston area, businesses, schools, transit EVERYTHING!! and search homes door to door, bedroom to bedroom in a de facto martial law state, looking for a skinny 19 year old Dzokar Tsarnaev
This individual is a CNN contributor and much to my surprise a virtual expert on both Dzokar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev and their alleged radicalization. When I found this out I knew I was really on to something

This individual is also a member of both the Council on Foreign Relations and The Trilateral Commission.

They are a “Mega Event Planner” and played a pivotal role in major operations including handling of the H1N1 pandemic and the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill response and is a key member of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs with other shady characters such as John M. Duetch fmr. CIA dir, Paul Volker Fmr. Fed Chair, leading patron Nathanael Rothschild and Robert Taubman a billionaire real estate mogul who owns a mall in which last month the FBI thwarted a pressure cooker bomb plot that they helped the ISIS sympathizer construct and deliver to that mall. What are the odds? The individual is an Arab American woman, married to judge David Barron, a Jew. Her name is JULIETTE KAYYEM.

Interestingly the Belfer Center was involved recently in a Wikipedia editing scandal of sorts engaged in a pay-for-play editing scheme.
with the Stanton Foundation. They made a $3.6 million donation to Wikimedia, the largest one-time gift in the non-profit’s history. About $53,000 of that money in turn was used to pay a Wikipedia editor at the Belfer Center. improving Wikipedia articles related to international security. was the excuse given. All this is made even more suspect by the fact that director of the Belfer Center, and the head of the Stanton Foundation are married. I have no proof they edited the Boston bombing entries, but I suspect everything an anything was fair game.

I next spent tedious weeks, enduring sore as hell eyeballs on Wikipedia (Lies, lies and more lies) noting dozens of edits, mostly omissions specifically for “Boston Bombing and both the Tsrarnaev brothers” I found the most edits were coincidently done by the same person who edited the subject “Israeli apartheid” the most…of anyone. Not sure what to make of that.

The Stanton Foundation was endowed by the late longtime CBS president Frank Stanton.
Coincidently the recent movie starring Mark Walberg called Patriots Day about the Boston bombing was produced by CBS. When’s the last time you saw the opening credits of a major Hollywood feature film produced by CBS? I digress.

Anyways, long story short, these people are liars trying to dismantle our republic. Using false flag, or in the case of Boston, hoax terror is how Israel was created, (blame Arabs) so the Zionists, whom many Trilateral commission members are, know it brings political results far faster than yays and nays in our congress could, ever.

By: Satanists Rule the World Tue, 28 Nov 2017 23:03:12 +0000 Bill Gates LOVES the Rockefellers. He praises them for “all the wonderful things they’ve done for humanity” through their “philanthropy” (see 11:35 below): /watch?v=coHf5UEFUl8

This mainstream article compares him with old John D. and declares that they are both admirable people for funding medical “research”:

Bill Gates’s vaccine research is an admirable use of philanthropic dollars. I hope he succeeds in finding a vaccine for malaria and in eradicating polio.

An honest account:

I’ve met the man; he’d show up at meetings of small groups back in the early 90s. He’s pathologically and pathetically competitive and nobody would like working with him.

I remember years ago reading journalist Robert X. Cringley saying that if you want to understand Microsoft, think of “The Terminator”. As in the real scary one, the first one with Schwarzenegger as the Terminator.

Their only aim was to terminate every other company in the tech industry. Total monopoly and control.

He also said that there was $10 in his wallet. “Bill Gates has a problem with that”.

Thus did the relatively simple criminal psychopathy of “Doc” William Avery Rockefeller, founder of the Dynasty, blossom out into the megalomaniac madness that aims to conquer the world by subversion, overthrow of governments of the world by wars, revolutions and various forms of attrition with the ultimate objective of looting the whole world and everyone in it. The avowed ultimate objective is attaining that status of hereditary world monarch and absolute dictator, with the help of a “United” Nations, of “One (Rockefeller) World” that will give “absolute security” to the Rockefellers only.

Emanuel M. Josephson, “The Truth About ROCKEFELLER – ‘Public Enemy No. 1’ – Studies in Criminal Psychopathy”, pp 30-31.

By: amnesiaclinic Tue, 28 Nov 2017 10:45:07 +0000 Reblogged this on amnesiaclinic and commented:
Hopefully, their arrogance will be their downfall…

By: Waterboardahmed Tue, 28 Nov 2017 01:08:37 +0000 Is trilateral commission a euphemism for international revolutionary jewligarchs??

By: From Quebec Tue, 28 Nov 2017 00:55:31 +0000 OOPS, I should have said: Trump is a FEARLESS NATIONALIST …………

By: From Quebec Tue, 28 Nov 2017 00:19:34 +0000 LOL Michael. I really enjoyed your rant. Well done!

By: From Quebec Mon, 27 Nov 2017 23:51:47 +0000 No wonder they hate Trump so much
Trump is a fearful nationalist who is inspiring all nations of the world with his speeches of freedom and nationalism in every country he goes to. And everywhere he speaks, he gets standing ovations. You can feel and see the crowd full of hope again, that they will be able to keep their country.and defeat the NWO.
