Comments on: The Surveillance State is creating new meta-crimes Thu, 25 Jun 2020 20:20:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anon Thu, 25 Jun 2020 20:20:25 +0000 Assange is a CIA agent not a Piker.
A media celebrity the face for freedom what irony.

By: afshint Wed, 20 Dec 2017 05:36:22 +0000 […]

Great references, by the way, to the “dark economy” which is a minimum in the most rational discussion of the real world of weaponized mass fakery, what I’ve called “Metafraud”. It is actually the essence of what should be religiously hated, or at least feared. People would rather, it seems, play blind, deaf, and mute (and dumb) and just roll over until they’re some nub of themselves. That’s “metadupery”.

But I would say this, there is another layer of all this treachery, which may even prevent you from reading my words. Covert internet topologies, which arrange for methods of altering the propaganda and surveillance throughout the totally monitored and manipulated networks. But moreover, they play “covert” facebook games with the entire net, FaceBook was just a public front to create a public action distraction/manipulation valve to affect feedback to what is actually going on, covertly, THROUGHOUT the internet on all topologies, in a way compartmentally stacked under increasingly fewer, increasingly corrupt, and increasingly coercive and tyrannical agents (agencies). And so who knows who is reading what version of this. They have quantum computing mainframe arrays to model and “Mandela Effect” into and out of etheric existence whatever they want in a now “simulated” public mind which adjoins the metarackets in a sort of “double bind” of a falsified status quo under the false and exagerrated glamors of which the “metaracketeers” orbit, like some parasitic dwarf star coming by to suck loosh every 3600 years out of Sol and Earth like reaching into a fridge for a cold beer. Or sending the dog to do it. They get to wear halos, also, due to the psychological halo effect. But wait, there’s more, because there is the Meta Halo Effect as a bonus because with Projekt Bluebeam Ultra, anything is now possible!

By: afshint Wed, 20 Dec 2017 05:07:15 +0000 Well Said! And if they have “discovered” these things, then they could “commandeer” them, yes. But I would say, are they not in bed with, and managed by, at least in the first instance, the old power elite? Even if the mad scientists took over from the old corrupt oligarchs, they would have their own hierarchy, and it might be even more ruthless and efficient due to powers of technology and science at their disposal, and a giant herd of truncated cattle. Either way, they are not simply discovering and commandeering events, but the possibility for events, of the necessity of events, and of fate itself. Truly a “meta” crime.

On my blog I discuss the primary meta-crime, a meta-racket which I call “fifthery”, or a systematic covert dictatorship by a metaphysically evil fifth column of a horribly debased and corrupted public, meretricious in its existence just as it is truncated in its capacities and dignity, but all this with a degree of manufactured, yet given, consent that it also spells out a distinction between not only the injured inhealthy, or even just the guillable and perspicuous, but especially the Good and the evil.

And it does so over the scope of an entire domain that must be called a “world”, and so this constitutes a specific form of fraud which is the purest and most complete form (Plato’s “perfect injustice”) and therefore is a “metacrime” which is the ultimate form of criminal evil, and is both crime and evil par excellence, in the form of perfect injustice. I’ve found that there is no distinction between these facts and the understanding that this world is fundamentally doomed.

Still, may everyone’s Christmas season on the Planet of the Dupes be bright! Or would with that tone Dr. Breggin say I am “not facing life”?

By: Laurens Battis Tue, 05 Dec 2017 20:20:16 +0000 Excellent analysis. Don’t forget Peter Theil and Palantir’s place at this feast.

By: truth1 Sun, 03 Dec 2017 13:52:59 +0000 “Should we conclude that intentionally maintaining criminal activity in society is but another aspect of the Matrix?”

Yes, we should. No one profits more from crime than government. Many criminals are an extension of the government, like the Mafia and the CIA. Stanley Kubrick’s “Clockwork Orange” was all about that crime/government connection.

By: bob klinck Sun, 03 Dec 2017 04:21:49 +0000 If, as whistleblowers have alleged, every digital communication is being monitored, wouldn’t you think that thwarting crime would have become a piece of cake? Yet the statistics vary only slightly from one time period to the next. Should we conclude that intentionally maintaining criminal activity in society is but another aspect of the Matrix?

By: truth1 Sun, 03 Dec 2017 03:40:48 +0000 I really liked this article, Jon. I have long thought the worst in regards to privacy. Back doors built into everything. They know what I am going to do, before I do. How do they do that? Wikileaks? Snowden, that you did a good article on a year or so ago? There are no secrets. There is no safe place or sanctuary. Whatever gets released, was intended to be released. They can withhold as long as they want. There are no real leaks. opposed or warring factions? Not really. that ‘s just for show so that we do not come to realize that we are controlled totally and completely and our decisions are already made for us. Phony wars provide for the sadistic pleasure of those in power who love killing, purely for its own sake. We are at the mercy of the ultimate psychopaths who truly hate life.

I am going to make this one crazy assertion that I do truly believe (yes, I am crazy and I have never denied it). All these earthly powers are fully kept in absolute obedience to evil powerful psychopaths in another realm, call it the supernatural or paranormal if you like. Our minds are transparent to them ad as such, there are no secrets kept from them so that if some smart @$$ thinks he can act on his own power and will, he will soon find out otherwise. Anyone in power today knows all about those supernatural beings. Not one of them doubts it. Only the little people do not believe. Me? I fell thru the cracks. Just an accident. A lucky one, for sure.

By: From Quebec Sat, 02 Dec 2017 19:26:30 +0000 DRAIN THE SWAMP!

By: elliottjab Sat, 02 Dec 2017 17:05:05 +0000 X

By: Ozzie Thinker Sat, 02 Dec 2017 05:39:19 +0000 It is far, far worse than even you suggest, Jon, in my opinion.

For instance, Wikileaks and other supposed instruments of illumination are actually alternative propaganda sources. How would have the enclaves of “conspiracy theorists” that now pollute the internet over debating half truths have existed without information feeders like George Orwell, Gary Allen etc.?

Gary Allen produces his book a year before the “Globalist” (another Zionism euphemism) Trilateral Commission is set up. A brave New World is published the year before Hitler “deals” with Zionists. “1984” is published on the first year’s anniversary of the reformation of Israel.

The books were critical as tools to “ram it up” those that dare consider taking on the establishment. How many times has the establishment “lost” any ground since 1932, 1949, 1972? They merely outline the “terms of engagement” for relative morons.

