Comments on: Boom: Michael Flynn pleads guilty Mon, 04 Dec 2017 15:06:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fred Donaldson Mon, 04 Dec 2017 15:06:26 +0000 Reading between the lines, I see you are very unhappy. Did a Jewish girlfriend break up with you for reasons you can’t discuss publicly? Ah…love, rejection, dejection, but rather than blame yourself – it’s scapegoat time in the Alps.

By: paschnn1 Mon, 04 Dec 2017 14:49:25 +0000 You’ll pardon this “Goy” for not accepting your opinion in the matter. Ironically, your Talmud states quite clearly it’s not a crime to kill OR lie to a “Goim”. Can you possibly grasp the conundrum here?
I partied hardy with the average Jew through out school and we got along great – The PROBLEM rears it’s head from those Ford called the “International Jew” and their control over snakes the likes of those ruling this pig-sty.

I’ve read here and there that as few as 30% of Jews attend Synagogue. Is that accurate or?

As a Jew, even YOU must admit reading things such as the following would and SHOULD be cause for concern by non-Jews;

“A Judaic male is obligated to say the following prayer every day:
“Thank you G-d for not making me a gentile, a woman or a slave.”
(BT Menahoth 43b – 44a)


All gentile women without exception are:
“Niddah, Shifchah, Goyyah and Zonah” (menstrual filth, slaves, heathens and whores).
BT Sanhedrin 81b – 82a

Or this bit of frightening “boasting” published way back when;

“We have exterminated the property owners in Russia. We are going to do the same thing in Europe and America
(The Jew, December, 1925, Zinobit)

To me, it’s not a matter of “persecution” or Jewish Racism/supremacy. It’s simply a matter of self preservation;

Quote from “You Gentiles” by Maurice Samuel;

“We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you do will meet our needs and demands. We will for ever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build. (Pg 155)

By: rightwingconservativenewsblog Mon, 04 Dec 2017 05:41:35 +0000 YOU ARE WAY TOO KIND TO THIS “person.”

By: Not So Free Mon, 04 Dec 2017 03:56:08 +0000 Isn’t it interesting that lying to the government is a felony, but the government lying to us is just normal everyday business as usual.

By: honestliberty Mon, 04 Dec 2017 01:31:02 +0000 Great, your either a self loathing Jew masquerading around as ignorant or you know full well what the elitist Jews have plotted and executed over the last 150 years. Just stop. We who know our history, listen to the words of those with influence, and see how the money flows to mechanisms of control aren’t fooled by your vain attempts to play naive.

By: Cheryl Sun, 03 Dec 2017 22:50:48 +0000 So when will we talk about Uranium One and the things Hillary and Mueller did there? Now there is something real.

By: From Quebec Sun, 03 Dec 2017 21:18:48 +0000 You Know A Man By His Enemies.

The more they attack Flynn and Trump, the more it consolidates the fact that these are good men.

IT only confirms that Trump was the right man for America.

These idiots, will never understand that every time they criticize him, the more he gets popular.

By: fauxscienceslayer Sun, 03 Dec 2017 17:58:33 +0000 “World’s Richest Man Hoax” and “Rothschild’s Trillions Quantified” both at

SGTreports website. Illuminati crime syndicate is equal opportunity offender.

By: Fred Donaldson Sun, 03 Dec 2017 17:07:00 +0000 As a member of the “International Jewish Conspiracy” – your “Synagogue” – it is my sad duty to inform you that Jews can’t agree on a seating chart at a wedding, let alone figure out how to rule the world.

By: paschnn1 Sun, 03 Dec 2017 16:17:35 +0000 I was, AT BEST, delaying my feelings about “Drumpf” when he was first selected to rent the white house. My feelings began to wane after watching a video of him lauding the 2 owners of the Clinton Crime Family @ a “black tie event” immediately following his “insertion”.

One look at this sewer and what it’s done and IS doing to the world after over 100 years of Synagogue “advisers” leering over the shoulders of our leaders should make most understand why – after “Drumpf” revealed making the son of a convicted felon, (barely breaking his 30th birthday), his (lol) SENIOR ADVISER, I finally allowed my cynicism to take over and burst out laughing.

Ironically, (or not), this Synagogue “baby-sitting” of our, (wait, cross that), of THEIR appointed leaders in D.C. was allowed to become MORE obvious roughly about the time the snake Wilson rammed the Rothschild Central Bank, (FED RES), their IRS and un-apportioned wage earner taxes
where the sun don’t shine.

This “shill(?)” wallows in the SAME swamp we’ve been wallowing in since then, (except for an all-too-short respite before they added JFK to their “kill list” along with ALL presidents who dared buck the synagogue Central Bank except Jackson – whom they TRIED to off like three times). The only difference? “Drumpf” is wrapped in a different designer cologne.

As a “footnote”, that tough as nails sum bitch was the first and ONLY leader to pay our debt to zero.
Which makes our present situation even MORE repulsive when you consider this idiot culture STILL can’t make the connection between life W/O a Rothschild Central Bank, (and being used as the vehicle to force OTHER nations into adopting same), compared to life WITH one.

