Comments on: The collapse of major media Fri, 22 Dec 2017 23:20:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: themolecularbiologist Fri, 22 Dec 2017 23:20:43 +0000 Great post!

By: JB Fri, 15 Dec 2017 15:02:16 +0000 The media has been “collapsing” ever since the Confederacy proclaimed the creation of the United States of America.

Jon’s weak spot has been, and ever will be, his State propagandized American history peddled in public education.

By: Theus Isded Wed, 13 Dec 2017 19:23:47 +0000 Yes, but if you consider that the first snake oil salesmen, the Christian pastors, ministers, preachers, priests, etc have splintered their little control ops into a staggering 40,000 plus denominations so they can tell their versions of the same stories you might get some idea of where news as we knew it will go. Painted pigs, all of them…..

By: Terry Adams Tue, 12 Dec 2017 13:42:15 +0000 I bet most Americans don’t know that Cronkite was a HUGE globalist.. actually a award winning member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Having studied the murder of JFK (like most readers of this blog, no doubt) I have to wonder if, and if so, how much of a part he played in the coverup. The initial discovery of a German mauser rifle from the school book depository was shown to us via Walter Cronkite and other media types, yet a week or so later when it magically changed to an Italian Manlicher-Carcano there was not explanation given… Why not?

By: From Quebec Tue, 12 Dec 2017 08:44:30 +0000 Are you kidding? Mark Passio is an anti-semite freak.

I cannot stand that guy.

By the way, Alex Jones is putting all his money in All of his shows: Infowars, Prison Planet, Real News and The War room. He does not take a penny out of it. Plus, he his paying his staff with all this money that he gets from his powerful great products that are good for your health.

Jon Rappoport in a regular host on the show. Do you think that Jon would go on this show if Infowars was bad?

And, why do you hate Jews, when we all know that it is the Islamists that are bad dudes?
Jon is a Jew, what are you doing on this site if you hate them so much.?

You must be very miserable since Trump finally declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel.
I lke Israel and the Jews. I know many, and I can tell you that they are great people. The worst people in this world are the anti-semites and the Islamists,. I cannot stand them. and I never will.

For sure, there are a few bad Jews, so what? Like there is some bad Americans and Canadians etc, What do you expect? Perfection?

By: honestliberty Tue, 12 Dec 2017 05:00:03 +0000 /eLS5h1ZDKvE

This is what real journalism looks like.
I want to make sure everyone reading this site and reading your posts is clear about the difference between your propaganda and real journalism.

Trump is more dangerous than you could ever believe. He’s going to make that Leach Obama look like a kindergartner

By: Larry Tue, 12 Dec 2017 02:52:49 +0000 I miss the old days when news had *substance*! ;>)

By: INGAORAMA Tue, 12 Dec 2017 02:43:03 +0000 Reblogged this on Ingaorama and commented:
People get “fed” with fabricated steam boiled fake news through the biggest mind controller of all time-the TV-while they consume what they are told are food but is just some fabricated stuff minced together and then “beamed” in the microwave oven… When people dose off after the “consuming” then they get the “desert”..that is mind control/mind overtaking input, it easy to do it when people have got into kind of hypnotize stage after the consuming of the fabricated mixture..

By: From Quebec Tue, 12 Dec 2017 02:01:01 +0000 Sibel Edmonds expose the whole fraud, Very powerful information This is real news that the MSN will never tell you:

Must watch:

Alex Jones (2nd HOUR Commercial Free) Monday 12/11/17: Sibel Edmonds NEWS ALERT /watch?v=uvxV7b-Zk-0

The interview continues a bit in the 3rd hour:

Alex Jones (3rd HOUR Commercial Free) Monday 12/11/17: Sibel Edmonds, Aaron Klein /watch?v=_X_ulSqLVes

By: honestliberty Mon, 11 Dec 2017 23:40:38 +0000 Quebec, I sincerely believe you mean well, and yes, there are probably more morsels of truth in AJ’s moneymaker Infowars, however he is a fully invested in the divide and conquer strategy. Well intentioned folks such as yourself can’t separate the reality from the fiction and it looks our ability to have meaningful conversation.

I’m forever grateful for his work; it shook my young mind, shattered my illusions… But his methods are suspect. Much of his work is filled with half truth and he never touched on the Jews. That is a what I consider a red flag. There is extensive verifiable information and accounts, admitted by then, to what they’ve done and what they’re doing.

Anyway, i think you are better than that. That shit is poison. Graduate to Mark Passio (whatonEarthishappening.Com), school sucks podcast, tragedy and hope peace resolution podcast by Richard Grove. These are extremely useful sites debited to the truth and the individual. AJ is trying to make a buck going after the disaffected right who are desperately clinging to a fantasy that never existed and will never exist. The Glory days weren’t that glorious.

Will you please spend some time with Mark Passio presentations, must start at podcast one. I think you’ll like it. I’d wager that if you listened to his first 100 podcasts, a year from now your look back and understand why I’m so hard on you. You’d understand why I’m so adamant that most adults are truly children.
