Comments on: Two huge current vaccine scandals the press isn’t covering Sun, 31 Dec 2017 02:22:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pat Sun, 31 Dec 2017 02:22:09 +0000 Every year we venture to guess which strain will become the front runner the following year. This is clearly not black and white or an absolute science. The vaccine has been developed for decades the same way…yes ..this isn’t new or newsworthy. Please go back and spend your time trying to help..rather than holding those who try to help accountable.

By: Phoenix Wed, 27 Dec 2017 05:36:05 +0000 Too bad governments can’t have an open and honest discussion about vaccine harms, without pHARMa lobbyists’ involvement.

By: Mez Sun, 24 Dec 2017 15:53:36 +0000 Oh, almost forgot… another cover up: US v Merck.
Outline here:
Fact Checks here:
Final submissions were supposed to close this month (from memory) but Merck’s stalling it for some lame/irrelevant reason.

By: Mez Sun, 24 Dec 2017 15:44:52 +0000 Lots of parents are hearing the trees fall in Australia. Case in point:

The state now has the power to disrupt the child’s life, remove them from their parents care and force-medicate them – all in the best interest of the child???? I don’t think so Tim!

By: Jodi Sat, 23 Dec 2017 18:40:50 +0000 And this is going on: “But supplies of a special monovalent or single-strain vaccine that protects against type 2 polio have been stockpiled in case outbreaks like the type in Syria crop up. This is the vaccine that will be used in this emergency response.” If you read in between the lines here, what I believe they’re actually saying by “special” is they’re about to test out their vaccine on the Syrian people. The outbreaks are caused by the oral version of the vaccine and so instead of continuing to give out the usual injectible polio vaccine, they’re going to vaccinate with a “special” one. They created the outbreak and now they’re coming up with the “solution.” God help the Syrian people.

By: Sara Sat, 23 Dec 2017 17:47:47 +0000 Hahaha. Vegan diets are depopulation diets. They impair fertility in many women and do not adequately meet the developmental needs of growing children.

By: LMP Sat, 16 Dec 2017 00:57:40 +0000 Much higher grain consumption by everyone would be needed for sufficient livable calories in a vegan scenario. Grain agriculture does not replenish the soil and depletes its quality over time. And already greater grain consumption compared to 60+ years ago has diminished population health significantly.

By: honestliberty Sat, 16 Dec 2017 00:50:57 +0000 Well then my understanding is that what you are advocating is a strengthening of industrialized Nations middle class and natural biological family. Man and woman, having children naturally together, in a proper natural unit. Correct? I think the evidence is clear healthy repopulation is most efficiently served in a naturally genetic setting with a tight, moral family, whereby both partners have the ability to reproduce with each other. Would you agree?

So what about homosexuals? What about the men and women who don’t want children? That necessarily offsets the total birth rate so how do we accommodate the reproduction rate?

This would necessitate child limits per family, similar to China. How would the Hispanics, blacks, Mormons, traditional Christians, genuine Orthodox Jews, Muslims, etc around the world be treated under your proposal? Are you advocating a centrally planned program? Or do you think somehow the poor and uneducated are going to evolve by osmosis into a higher level understanding of your vision of sustainability?

Lastly, the world’s food production to my knowledge currently produces enough for 10 billion yet we only have 7 billion. The percentage of fat humans is staggering, even in poor countries. The way we use energy is centrally planned now with the smart grid being implemented as a mechanism for control.

The very agencies that claim to support sustainability are enacting Draconian code to keep rural and City folk alike from living that very lifestyle. Rain water collection, tiny houses, composting toilets, earthships, etc… All of these sustainable measures are met with massive bureaucratic red tape. So you are telling me it is population and I agree. It’s a very small percentage of the population ensuring they can manipulate the minds of the masses to agree to kill themselves.
It is that contagion that must be dispatched. Now.

By: NK Fri, 15 Dec 2017 22:45:35 +0000 Until recently, I never thought much about population and environmental consequences and populations outgrowing their food supplies. I am not an expert, I have just started reading about these issues, but if KG is correct, then a sound approach to population growth is in order. He advocates (I think) replacement level fertility, that is, each woman has two children only. This sounds reasonable to me. So not de-population, rather, population stabilization.

By: honestliberty Fri, 15 Dec 2017 22:10:09 +0000 Did I misinterpret?

Honestly, I don’t have the time right now to investigate how work, but it claims on wiki spooks (whatever the fuck that is) he is anti depopulation.

But NK, it doesn’t appear from what you’ve said you are also anti depopulation. Would you please explain your position?
