Comments on: Charlie Rose: fall of a Globalist mouthpiece Tue, 26 Dec 2017 12:17:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ted Gorsline Tue, 26 Dec 2017 12:17:00 +0000 Perfect! Simply perfect!

By: twsiebert Thu, 21 Dec 2017 20:10:45 +0000 I’ve wondered this as well. Particularly the strange case of Keillor, who saw his syndicated legacy disappear and his signature show’s identity changed over a single public accusation and quiet MPS investigation.

All of this—it appears there is more than meets the eye.

By: Robert O'Leary Wed, 20 Dec 2017 20:40:41 +0000 I agree. I wonder if these people, were going to get exposed as child predators or devil worshippers, or both. Perhaps all of the politicians ducking out with no fight were given an opportunity to bow out and avoid having those charges against them.

By: james Wed, 20 Dec 2017 15:22:30 +0000 I could never watch that boring, droning, suck up idiot. Im so glad I wasn’t alone. He is an embarrassment to any thinking person. Great article!

By: william lawlor Wed, 20 Dec 2017 06:20:49 +0000 superb summary of an empty vessel carrying worthless cargo.

By: JohnZ Tue, 19 Dec 2017 23:38:10 +0000 I think I may have listen to this huckster for all of 5 minutes before I decided Rose was a conceited , self important wannabe. Came across as the type of individual who claims to know what’s best for the rest of us.
The problem was that he fooled so many people for so long.
Personally I liked Dick Cavett better. Anyone who interviews Jimi Hendrix and George Harrison or John Cleese (Monty Python) can’t be all bad.
As for the rest of the CMMM/Controlled Mass Mainstream Media and that’s exactly what they are, controlled by the CFR/CIA cabal for decades.
CNN, Fox, NBC, NPR, PBS…the lot of them are not worth listening to.
All of it fake. None of it true.

By: I Heart Heaumeaux Tue, 19 Dec 2017 23:22:13 +0000 Say this with me, in a Tavis Smiley Stylee: “Reg – u – LAR – ly”.

By: trishwriter Tue, 19 Dec 2017 19:48:51 +0000 Thank you for your insight, Jon. Although he is from a different part of the state, Rose is from the state where I grew up, North Carolina. His parents were tobacco farmers and owned a country store. I learned this information when I just now looked him up on that bastion of propaganda, wikipedia. I also learned that for many years, he was in a relationship with the step-daughter of William Paley. The entry also lists his membership in the CFR.

I find it fascinating that these supposed sexual predators (have there been any jury trials for these guys?) are suddenly erased, as if their work has been deleted from history. Some, like Garrison Keillor, seem to have rather dubious charges against them, and many defenders of their honor. I wonder if there’s not more to this psy-op. It’s certainly trying to brainwash us, but to what ends I am not so sure. Nonetheless, I am quite dubious of all these women who are suddenly getting some chutzpah and saying something about things that have supposedly been going on for years.

By: Morrisville Carpenter Tue, 19 Dec 2017 17:14:40 +0000 So much realist perspective on the world, what fun to read instead of the blather on TV and MSM, neither of which I any longer can relate to.

By: Levi Genes Tue, 19 Dec 2017 12:44:19 +0000 My dad used to love Rose. He represented intellectual legitimacy for liberalism reaffirming what working class people otherwise lacked in sophistication. Feet up, drinking the velveteen voice in before bed.

This cultural ‘purge’ of sexual predation is calculated to end Trump by innuendo and allegation playing to rule of emotion as all propaganda must. It is a fascinating thing to witness in its blatancy and terrible to imagine its probable success. But that’s the likelihood.

They’ll even bring the ‘aliens’ if they must, but along with the requisite arrogance of media masters is their demonstrable tenacity. Right this second MoveOn is deploying next phase ‘activists’ to visibly accompany and fine tune the fear brought to bear by a disintegrating financialization matrix.

A multifront war on we plebs just warming up. Gratitude, Jon, for your vigilance, and cheers for these articulate blows that you routinely strike.
