Comments on: A break from reality: the path of the artist Wed, 20 Dec 2017 21:30:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Clem Wed, 20 Dec 2017 21:30:58 +0000 Unfortunately, just as is ‘journalism’, ‘science’ and a myriad of other arts, one first needs to figure out what is real art and what is, as Tom Wolfe put it, ‘The Painted Word’ and that’s an art in itself. I suppose that it is also what helps feed the true artist.

By: Michael Burns Wed, 20 Dec 2017 04:51:19 +0000 WHITE DOG:

Its dark out here…

its black and darkly, and cold, out here.

Deep and unwritten, yet waiting on edge for a breath from a free life to write it.

The starry dingle…now I see.

I raise my head, to take in all this, dark vastness.

Scattered diamond dust on the top of the Iron sky table.

Glitter…and the stuttering glitter.

And Betelgeuse pulls Orion high…

And there about it all, sparks from that great fire, started so long ago.


The white dog stops, and looks back glowy eyed on me and my little lamp.

I stare back and think…

One should be allowed to die in such a moment as this one…

the existential ease of it.

The peace and unwarring nature of it…I surrender.


Cold frigid and wind blows snaps out like open jaws, on the backside of this frozen slough.

Dog after an owl, looking for a mouse between frozen cattails

Thick ice, I trust beneath my boot steps, and water neath that too; I hear great wealth of life down there, dozing in and out of a sleep, and waiting for a Spring…


The dog calls me on, and not to stop, and round the edge we go, on slippery legs and further into that void.

Jagged, long dead willow branches, gnarled in a sea of dark twisted line and feckly shadow; and things look back and we look forward.

I turn my lamp off and trusting, let the night swallow me whole.

And hear the deep thrust of wing, and smell of his feather, as the hunter is headed home.


Walk on and feel my legs, lose their weight, and lightly I drift up…

Roll around in the embrace of that eternity, and remember that I have always been forever.


The dog pulls me back and reminds me we are on a mission to find the best spot.

He is my master now.

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 20 Dec 2017 03:46:50 +0000 Jon

I am not convinced of two things that are currently popular,

1) Hu-man has evolved to what has become today from humble “ape-like” status

2) Hu-man is exclusively responsible for his own destiny

Here’s what I wrote about spirituality recently:

“Spirituality is all about confronting froth and then being true with truth. In that regard, faith is knowledge and not belief. Belief backs whimsical bluster that fuels regions. The religiously faithful, by that token, bluster blindly. Religious adoration is the précis to abject enslavement to chaos and all that is dark.”


By: Peter Tue, 19 Dec 2017 21:25:59 +0000 Thanks Jon. for those who want to see the Artist’s point of view of the Artist’s Life; my poem which was published in 2001. I republished here on my blog as I consider it one of my better poems & certainly one of the hardest to craft it right in what I wanted to say. An Ode to artists,

By: Jacqueline Worthington Tue, 19 Dec 2017 20:43:32 +0000 Thought-provoking. Thank you.

By: henry Tue, 19 Dec 2017 15:47:27 +0000 What is art? I think it is a performance or product that is simpler than the ideas that it represents.

Why are some paintings worth more than $100 million while a copy might be a few hundred dollars and a print is fifty bucks or an image online is free? I think it is because the originals of certain paintings are pieces of the turning points of the history of civilization.

Why are some paintings worth a fortune and others nothing? I think that the big money class values the pieces that further their goals more than everything else.

Why is modern art not as aesthetically pleasing as classical art? I think the money class wants to instill in the common man that the smart people think better than they do. The goal is to dominate the regular folks. If you can’t see the beauty of the stuff in the museums then you will give the benefit of the doubt to the experts to make decisions for everybody.

What does Yoko Ono’s art exhibit of three pile of dirt mean? Nothing. It is an example of the psy-op.
