Comments on: What about the UFO metal no one can analyze? Sat, 30 Dec 2017 18:26:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: OUR GREATER DESTINY Sat, 30 Dec 2017 18:26:17 +0000 An entirely new gambit in the UFO disclosure game [Part I]

By: activeguardian Sat, 30 Dec 2017 15:05:12 +0000 Estimate of the Situation #1 (more to follow)

The USG, thru mouthpiece of NYT, has admitted to having a UFO research program from 2007 to present, with approximately 22 million dollars of DIA government funding. The source of the past five years of funding for this continuing Pentagon program have not yet been disclosed. It was instituted by Nevada Senator Harry Reid and two other Senators and has been kept a secret from everyone until now. The program name is AATIP, Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.

The news came out with the resignation of program head Luis Elizondo, senior career intelligence officer who worked for the Army at the Pentagon. The New York Times claims that this news has come out as a result of their investigations. It is my belief that this was not revealed through investigation but through a carefully planned release where the USG and Times worked together, and that this release is the work of the USG as the initiator, not the Times. All released materials were cleared for release by the Pentagon.

The ideas being pushed here are that the USG will admit to investigating UFOs as a security threat starting in 2007 and that their research has turned up witnesses, videos and even alleged physical material stored in warehouse in Las Vegas. This is what is called a “limited hangout” and it is designed as much to confuse and spread lies as to tell the truth about anything. That’s the purpose of “limited hangouts” — delay before the whole story is known for the advantage of those controlling the story.

Documents released in the mid ’70s through the congressional “Church Committee” core dump of intelligence records show a far different story. Since the 1940s, the USG legitimately recognized unidentified aerial and underwater phenomena as a potential threat because their capabilities clearly exceeded our own. The records are there. (Richard Dolan’s work is the best available on this subject) But the USG went silent and simply pretended that none of this had happened and that UFOs were of no interest and certainly not a security threat to the nation. All former UFO programs have gone completely black, even to presidents and top military officers… who were naturally concerned at being given the same lies as everyone else.

So….. another UFO research program was started by the people who had been shut out of the old programs. The knowledge from these former programs has been used by a small group of people and is known as the “breakaway civilization.” Their technical abilities and resources may begin to compare with that of extraterrestrial cultures. The problem for the powers-that-be now is to somehow delay the introduction of outside technology to protect the interests of the 1% who are not in the “breakaway civilization” club.

Fossil fuels, nuclear, banking, defense hardware– technology and resources in general are going to be turned upside down if ordinary people are allowed to know about and have them without these new technologies and resources being controlled by our current cultural masters. How do those people who are the most powerful and the most in control keep that control if it is certain that they are no longer the most powerful? Why should we listen to our tribal chiefs if it’s clear that the newcomers have beads and mirrors and better knives and axes and tools? That they have a clean-burning stove instead of an open fire? That they have better clothing and transportation and medicine and may have better ways of doing things that don’t involve so much killing and maiming and being mean to people in general. Time is also needed to square things with religion, another important control mechanism for the powers-that-be. They need to get their stories straight where “god” is concerned and to try to control the introduction of alien religions and philosophies.

The “Tale Of The Rattler”, a story included in Lambros Callimahos’ National Security Agency monograph “UFO HYPOTHESIS AND SURVIVAL QUESTIONS” makes abundantly clear that 2007 wasn’t our first stab at threat assessment from unidentified aerial phenomena, and that people have been thinking about what happens when two unequally technological cultures meet, long before now. That is what we should be thinking of now. Unless shown to be a hoax, it has been admitted that the USG believes in ET and believes that it has physical materials from ET sources.

How will we make the transition to an interstellar culture and who will we allow to control it? A transition has already been made– i.e. the “breakaway civilization”, but it has not been shared. Will it be shared, or will we only get dribs and drabs that cost dearly and are controlled by the present powers-that-be? These powers-that-be have used every method they can to control us and we should anticipate that any new tools available to them will be used for the same purpose if they can do it.

AATIP is largely in the hands of Robert Bigelow, a billionaire who received the DIA contracts in 2007. Luis Elizondo’s military replacement has not been revealed. Bigelow made his money in tech, real estate and aerospace. Some of his background is just plain weird and would require a lot of explaining, but suffice it to say that Mr. Robert Bigelow has many years of association with UFOs and paranormal phenomena and may have been involved in “sanitizing” small pieces of ET tech for use in our everyday society.

Members of the press should remember that it is the status quo that pays their bills, and that if their corporate advertisers are hurt, the press will be hurt. Members of the press have been murdered over much smaller issues.

By: MSunShine Wed, 27 Dec 2017 14:56:56 +0000 I reject this entire story on its face. I seem to have no interest either. It is FAKE NEWS and if not, then the ‘story’ needs to include all the details, since it does not, it is not worthy of time or attention.

By: Vern Wed, 27 Dec 2017 01:39:37 +0000 A child can analyze it… very poor title.

By: JB Tue, 26 Dec 2017 13:35:04 +0000 Next phase, right on cue when the previous one runs out. (Whatever happened to Zika…?)

“Those who accept self-delusion shall perish by that delusion.” –Paul Muad’Dib

By: flyinggabriel Tue, 26 Dec 2017 00:54:16 +0000 There’s no method known to man that’ll get the truth out of a high-level intelligence spook.
The latest fashion in torture – waterboarding – has failed dismally.
I believe that’s now OFFICIAL.

By: Greg St. Pierre Tue, 26 Dec 2017 00:44:39 +0000 Yes, I’m sure that’s exactly where that money went. UFO research.

By: strawman Tue, 26 Dec 2017 00:24:25 +0000 i agree with richard dolan. voluntary disclosure will be slow and deceptive. we are spoon fed.

remember, they have millennials and another generation after that to deal with.

true landmark point for us will be keyword “immunity from criminal prosecution”. once i read that in nytimes, the disclosure is near.

By: Mark Mon, 25 Dec 2017 22:43:05 +0000 I’m sorry, I just can’t believe that the program found anything more than what they said they had found. I just can’t believe that aliens have flown from any distance across the galaxy only to buzz around aircraft and potentially crash and leave behind material. Any type of advanced intelligence that can travel interstellar distances safely have solved an awful lot of problems beyond that of interstellar travel. If they were coming here and didn’t want to be seen or make contact then we most likely wouldn’t know they had even come. We wouldn’t see anything in the sky or things flying around weirdly. I can’t imagine that an alien intelligence with that kind of technology would safely travel untold light years and crash at their destination.

I’m not saying there isn’t life out there or that there isn’t intelligent life. I’m 100% confident that there is. I just can’t imagine that anyone or anything that has been here would bother allowing themselves to be seen or bother contacting us. They would obviously be thousands if not millions of years ahead of us and there would be no value for them to make contact. We, as humans, take pain staking efforts to observe animals in the wild without them knowing we’re there so we can see how they live in their environment and learn from them. We’re certainly not talking with them and asking them to take us to their leader.

Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence. More than some video of things darting around in the sky and rumours of weird metals nobody can analyze. If there is metal the science is there to study it at its atomic level and see what it is. No mystery there. The fact is that if there is that large of a conspiracy here that it would take a huge effort to cover it up and it’s only as strong as it’s weakest link. Edward Snowden proved that. $22 million is but a drop in the bucket when compared to the entire defence budget of the US.

In the case of this alleged UFO study I take the NY times story at its word.

By: Sam Nelson (@Sam194275) Mon, 25 Dec 2017 19:17:18 +0000 This is absurd, just another give-away, a Political Hotshot doing what he is told to do, giving the wealth of our nation to the ‘chosen ones.’ Nothing can penetrate the Earth’s Dome, if something did penetrate it we would know it because we would be over our heads in water. Whatever we call UFO comes from the other side of the Ice Wall, Nibiru, etc., Earth is flat, non-moving, the center of the Universe.
The tricky stuff has always been about the ‘unknown’ an unknown metal is just power for the course. In time the human populations will understand the truth about Earth, us, and the terrible game that has been played on us, just to keep the rich in place and us -in our place.
We have had the truth in our possession, even, since the Internet, we have had the truth laid on our doorsteps, how funny the rich, the masters of the world, must think we are, that we do not believe our own eyes.
That we are so easily carried away into myth and fantasy, wishful thinking not truth is what keeps us in chains. Space men, gods, eternal life, new Heavens, new Earth’s, necessary because the rich using us as the plows have just about turned life on Earth under.
Please, for our sake, study it all, all over again, start with Jordan Maxwell, use Eric Dubay, read everything you can find about the Mega Structures, their destruction, the Annunaki, our invention, that is, the invention of us, people.
If you don’t get aboard you will be left behind, even out, because, every day more and more people are looking it up, finding it out, putting two and two together, building a way for us all to escape the end ‘they’ have planned for us. Still, more of us is needed yesterday, so we are not individuals knowing, but people, knowing, the truth. If we are one, they cannot stand against us, the rest begins when the murdering of us ends.
Their dream is: ‘the world before the flood’ and they seek it most earnestly. Having over the centuries separated themselves form us, the people, so today they do not know us at all; consider the third or fourth leading cause of death in the human population, no matter the species of human considered, we all are victims of the very medical system, we built to save us. Denied cures for diseases because the Pharmaceutical Industry cannot own it, the cure. Denied cures for cancer, how dreadful can it be? How easily can it be fixed?
Our Justice System, with the Gold Fringed Flag, the Royalty in England owning all the land and whatever we build on it, that Warranty Deed useless in real terms, the whole of the life we live a seething scam, just waiting an opportunity to get us out of ‘their’ faces. The world before the flood, oxygen two and three times the amount it is today, creatures and plants, life, abundant, long lived, people living hundreds of years.
This is their dream, a dream they have determined they cannot have as long as billions of us occupy their Earth. Strange metals indeed, strange chemicals that line the cans and bottles we store our food in, strange things in the air, 5G, towers on the playgrounds of the children’s schools, oh yes, we are under attack and none of us are safe. We should thank our lucky stars for having people like Jon, and Jordan and Eric and all the others watching our back, working night and day to show us the way. Jeff Rense, has donated his life to us, as have so many, we should do more, at least give a little more, lest we be left to our own devices, which, as we can know, just don’t get the job done. They, are one, we must be one, to fight them.
