Comments on: Are FBI “patriots” getting ready to expose the corrupt Mueller probe? Sun, 07 Jan 2018 02:53:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Daniel R Fretz Sun, 07 Jan 2018 02:53:24 +0000 Jon:

Thank you for your investigative reporting and insight. I have followed your web sight, on Alex Jones, and the cancer series with Ty Bollinger.
Thank you.

By: BRF Thu, 28 Dec 2017 15:55:05 +0000 This, if not some elaborate psyop, could be very big leading in many directions, or more likely it will take on the form of a limited hangout and be smothered in the cradle. The FBI is but the tip of one tentacle of a world wide operation that runs much of the world and those running it will be pissed and will act accordingly to make it all go away. This world spanning cabal has many tools at their disposal one of which might actually be a window dressing of corruption cleanup where their operations come into public view at such agencies as the FBI. The backroom dealings will go on but probably will be tightened up so that politicos, such as the Clintons, will no longer be allowed to mess up operations by being so blatantly inept due to their hubris over being ‘in.’

The greatest problem for the ‘One World Order’ cabal are those democracy loving peoples within their own bailiwick. We can bet the lights are burning late in the cabal’s castles and manor houses as they try to extricate themselves from this tar baby, which I believe was instigated as controlled opposition but got out of control due to the over zealousness of operatives within the corrupted agencies. After all, so far Trump has given the cabal everything it has asked for.

Great post here by Rappaport!

By: arcadia11 Tue, 26 Dec 2017 19:39:01 +0000 : – }

By: artemisix Tue, 26 Dec 2017 13:42:22 +0000 I agree with you completely….like the CIA they have squandered any credibility, any trust people has in them. Like the BOY who cried Wolf too many times, where will they turn now if the public cannot, or will not believe them? They will be eaten by the Wolves in their ranks…..

By: amnesiaclinic Tue, 26 Dec 2017 11:07:48 +0000 Reblogged this on amnesiaclinic and commented:
I hope the “patriots” study this carefully and take it to heart or…..

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 26 Dec 2017 03:43:30 +0000 Jon, thank you….

You have affirmed the point I made against an earlier article of yours – words to the effect”

“External government agencies work under laws answerable only to themselves”

Use of “FBI” and “patriots” in the same affirmative context can only be calculated as an oxymoron.

If you get a chance to glance at my latest release (scheduled before year’s end) provisionally titled “Draco-Anunaki Conflict Problematical for “Human Souls”” at my “UFO blog” (sic), I sense you will be intriguingly entertained. These two paragraph, for instance, you many find as enigmatic as potentially enlightening:

“How dramatic was the effect on the “human soul”? Did it reduce us to spiritually primitive status? If disconnection was something akin to the removal of a gravity field, then it is no wonder modern day talents are drawn to different currents, whether that is Anunaki, Draco or some other residue. Any overhang of spiritual conflict is sure to express itself in the souls of those who’ve dabbled. Thus, humans with a metaphysical affinity towards the Draco will mysteriously despise the Anunaki even if corresponding value bases are beyond reach. As, under these conditions, it is quite impossible to be cooperatively Draco and human or Anunaki and human, confusion over what is correct “existential provenance” or individual “reason for being” is the common side effect. Even so humans can only personify trace elements of a higher being, and no more than that.

For instance, though we commonly presume individual perceptions are sovereign, they are not. But when did presumption do any more than mock the truth? Perceptions certainly are cooperatives. Do eyes work alone to surmise colour? Where there once were eyes that no longer function, perceptions are acutely altered. Eyes are made of smaller components, which are, in turn, made of even smaller components, down and down until the very cracks in the universe are exposed. Battles being waged between entities beyond human comprehension are over the control of the quantum layer? If the way we relate to our perceptions is not governed by “individual me” (or the ego) but, rather, is a reflection of a regime (or regimes) of tyrannous influencers, how does that qualify or even corroborate the soul?”


By: fat elvis Tue, 26 Dec 2017 01:14:28 +0000 An excellent outline and set of suggestions, Jon. I hope this piece comes to the attention of the men and women who need to see it.

By: Jennifer Tue, 26 Dec 2017 00:08:37 +0000 Delamer Duverus said that the Mormon Hierarchy gained control of the FBI in 1953. We had never heard this “conspiracy” before, but looking for evidence we saw that J. Edgar Hoover liked to hire Mormons because he felt he could trust them. It was probably their blood oath thing. There was also a lawsuit in which non-Mormon agents sued the Bureau because they felt they were being over-looked for promotions which always went to Mormon agents. The FBI also hires heavily from Brigham Young University. Too, we met a Mormon woman who said the men were urged to get into law enforcement. We wonder if this is our “police state”.

We could make a lot of assumptions about this, but we still wouldn’t know who is who and who is telling the truth. We have seen where the FBI instigates crimes, like McVeigh, and even my own husband was being pursued to start a “group”. He never stuck around to find out the objectives of the group.

We also met an agent, maybe even CIA, who tried to get a group going in Pennsylvania. He was an “Identity” preacher. It was my mentor who said that the Identity religion was a CIA op called the Earl of Dysart. Anything promoting tribes was a lie, beginning with Joshua when he perverted the scrolls he stole from Moses and turned races into tribes.

By: From Quebec Mon, 25 Dec 2017 23:00:19 +0000 A new video today by Alex Jones that exposes what is going on. Must watch:

Exclusive: The Secrets of QAnon, The Storm, and The Deep State Counterstike

By: DarkEyes Mon, 25 Dec 2017 22:24:56 +0000 From this place I like to wish you a happy Chrismas and a healthy 2018.
Thank you for all the good information I read on your website during 2017.

We will meet on the website in 2018 again and in full spirit and with positive believe for the near future.

Thanks again, Jon.
