Comments on: Contaminated chemo drugs, the FDA, and chemical warfare against the public Wed, 10 Jan 2018 01:55:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: honestliberty Wed, 10 Jan 2018 01:55:06 +0000 Jean, I certainly appreciate your disagreement. However, I think we need to look objectively at the factual evidence that lay before us. I’ll make this as brief as possible.

It is referred to as a police state for one reason, and one reason only. It is the police who uphold “the law”. It is the police (and military) who initiate violence to “uphold the law”, and when confronted with this obvious immorality, hide behind the law “I don’t make the laws, I just uphold them”.
That despicable level of unthinking is pure satanism. Literally, at its core.

This is first hand evidence of cop-think. Dominator think. I appreciate they sign up thinking they are doing good, but no man or woman can ever be moral when they don a fake badge of “authority” and then go inflict violence against others because of well, “the law”. Man’s law. Arbitrary, ever changing with time and place, garbage, “law”. Its. Not. Real. Natural law = don’t steal, that’s it. These people abuse the rights of every human being everyday, no matter how much good they do, because they exercise a false authority to control other people.

I could go on but I don’t have the energy tonight. For now, I’m fine with agreeing to disagree. I do not have respect for any of them. not a single one. ever. I’ll be polite, but I have no respect for them.

By: sundancer55 Fri, 05 Jan 2018 14:52:17 +0000 Our day of reckoning isn’t too far away, I believe. I just read an article about how China, Russia and the UN are joining forces to train a militarized police force. Their claim is that this force can be dispatched anywhere, anytime. From as few as 1,000 to 10,000 troops can be placed anywhere in the world within minutes/hours. Their other claim is that these “troops” will only be used for good (like protection). I am not that convinced. The Chinese regime does a superb job of training their fighters to kill – PERIOD. These forces, I’m afraid, will be used against the American people and anyone else who gets in the way of the elitist group who set them up.

By: Jean Thu, 04 Jan 2018 23:22:04 +0000 Good idea. Since the “products” are good enough for the public, then they should have no problem testing them on their selves. Let them be the guinea pigs for a change, INSTEAD of the public.

By: Jean Thu, 04 Jan 2018 23:12:48 +0000 Hang em’ high for crimes against humanity! They call themselves elites, satanists, and globalists. There isn’t anything elite about them; they are nothing but a pack of subhumans. Evil and worthless is what they are. Someday they’ll be made to pay for their crimes and treachery. It’s called: Judgment Day! Yep. The Day of Reckoning is coming…and probably sooner than most may think.

By: Jean Thu, 04 Jan 2018 22:53:54 +0000 Agree with all you say, except for the comment about the police and military. I’m sure these two groups are being used as pawns in the grand scheme of things and most of them don’t realize they are being used. The roots of corruption in this country run deep! I sometimes wonder; how much longer this corruption will be allowed to go on. There has to be a reckoning some day…also known as Judgment Day!

By: N6J Sun, 31 Dec 2017 22:29:41 +0000 Perhaps legislation should be enacted whereby the President, CEO and Board of Directors for pharmaceutical companies are required to partake of their products before any said products are marketed, distributed and sold to patients.

Add to this any sitting FDA administrator plus all bureaucrats, appointed as well as career designates, having any responsibility for approval of same medications before these medications are put upon the public.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sun, 31 Dec 2017 06:54:40 +0000 Jon, excellent article.

Falls down only at one point. If you wish to pierce the heart of corruption, you lampoon Congress. You don’t congratulate them – even surreptitiously.


By: trishwriter Sat, 30 Dec 2017 21:25:29 +0000 Absolutely! Now add the hormones that many therapists are encouraging for children who have the fantasy that they should be the opposite sex. All those extra hormones are ending up in the water system.

By: Sunshine2 Sat, 30 Dec 2017 02:22:52 +0000 Or offer free chemo and flu shots…

By: Not So Free Fri, 29 Dec 2017 23:14:39 +0000 You have to remember that the FDA is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Big Pharma. (And Big Agra)
