Comments on: Sex criminals revealed on a large scale Thu, 11 Jan 2018 19:25:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: elantoh Thu, 11 Jan 2018 19:25:53 +0000 Apparently we are limited on replies. I am replying to this:

>>Not all people who believe in God support killing, Sir! Shame on you! and as for coverups, the poor have no means to coverup. that take a rich man’s network. Did you even think before you wrote?>>

Rather then insulting me you might try and reply to the content of the comment ya think??

You start off using a “red herring” fallacy (diverting the subject) as I never said ALL believers are supporters but would offer that rather most ALL religions have built in validation to murder “non believers.”

Don’t be assuming some right to “shame” me. You are just a digital stranger on a blog.

As to the poor I made it quite evident that the rich can cover up their behavior so I would ask you “Did you even READ before you wrote?

If you were as intelligent as you think you are then you would be able to address the reality that unprovable religious myth is that, just myth to satisfy the inability to understand the complexity of creation of life and the universe.

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 11 Jan 2018 03:41:15 +0000 It seems obvious to me the “powers” are making purges of the two Geiger counters of law making (“morality” – sic). Those outspoken members of the Babylonian Catholic Church and Rabbinical Judaism that tar the “status quo” are easily expelled. Has anyone considered consequences behind accusations? Egged on by “powers” directed Medias, banshees scream the verdict before any court house gets a look in.

Why do you think Michael Jackson prepared 2000 “witnesses” (sic) to perjure themselves innocently? We now see blackmail without basis on an unprecedented scale – in my opinion.

By: truth1 Wed, 10 Jan 2018 22:32:31 +0000 Not all people who believe in God support killing, Sir! Shame on you! and as for coverups, the poor have no means to coverup. that take a rich man’s network. Did you even think before you wrote?

By: elantoh Wed, 10 Jan 2018 19:46:56 +0000 “For me, it is impossible that something can come spontaneously from nothing.”

Not quite sure what you mean there. That us, the world etc.??

Just because one does not possess the ability to figure out the great mysteries of life, does not justify putting again “un-provable” myth out there as the truth. And then killing others because they don’t adhere to your particular myth.

As to the sex abuse, poor people do it as well. It is not about, IMO, wealth and power which only gives one greater access, but rather about a breakdown in the morality of humans, loosing their connection to the tribe.

Elders always set the moral tone of groups but the takeover of humanity’s natural evolution by some really nasty folks has intentionally brought us to this place.

By: truth1 Wed, 10 Jan 2018 02:03:34 +0000 They knew. “Jimmy will fix it!” Bob Hope was the Jimmy Savile here in the USA. He threw lots of parties in Hollywood and had anything you wanted, including kids. And he had photographers burst in and take incriminating photos so that they could control whoever was being naughty. Many famous or powerful people know all about it. But no one talks.

Brice Taylor dished the dirt on Bob and many others. Presidents, celebrities. Her book is “Thanks for the Memories, which was a sarcastic title, Her and Kathleen Sullivan are the two best books/accounts out there as far as I am concerned. I read Brice’s PDF and then bought the book. she lets you read it first to evaluate its worth. It was worth far more then the $60 I paid.
Kathleen was programmed mind control assassin. That was an amazing account, too, and only $30 I think, maybe $40. her book was on scribed, too. A bargain either way.

By: truth1 Wed, 10 Jan 2018 01:52:10 +0000 elantoh, Unprovable is an interesting word. For me, it is impossible that something can come spontaneously from nothing. There has to be a cause. Should some think I am irrational in that belief, I am fine with that. As for solutions to sex abuse, as long as there is wealth and power, There is little we can do, other than to try to make it as well known that it is going on. as we can. Many still think it is a hoax or an urban legend. so the war of info remains to carry on!

By: Robert Klinck Tue, 09 Jan 2018 21:08:40 +0000 In the UK Sir Jimmy Savile (knighted by both the Queen and the Pope) abused pretty much every kid he got near for fifty years while hobnobbing with Royals and Prime Ministers, top cops, stars like the Beatles and Elvis Presley, etc., but “Nobody knew.” Until he died, after which all sorts of people said, “Of course everybody knew”—or at least was creeped out and suspected.

By: Ton Nuiten Tue, 09 Jan 2018 17:00:28 +0000 Reblogged this on Tinthor's Blog and commented:
Sex criminals revealed by the press & media: “Cover the issue BUT don’t follow up, don’t reveal the stunning implications”…

By: truth1 Tue, 09 Jan 2018 16:14:19 +0000 Aye, Scotty, I 2nd that. Some define evidence in such a way that its nearly impossible to prove anything. But its not honest. further, since we do not decide the fates of men with prison terms or execution or even fines, then we do not exceed reasonable boundaries in hunting down the truth.
Jon raised questions that beg answers. Jon uses patterns and likes to point out when patterns are violated. This is what makes him effective. Breaks in patterns are where most answers lie. There are things that are typical and things that are not possible. These are both legitimate directions of pursuit that are used routinely by law enforcement detectives. That is to say, the techniques work. I noticed Jon’s age as he began writing in 58 or 59. He’s been around for a while.and is likely to have learned a lot in that time.

Aristotle (and Mortimer Adler) would take a line of reasoning and take it to its limit. the benefit of that is that if there is an error in it, it will take you off in some ridiculous direction. but often you can back up to a point that is still sound and try another direction from that point.

Good to have you

By: elantoh Tue, 09 Jan 2018 15:39:49 +0000 The danger here of course is people have been misled to believe in unprovable religious myth that always comes down to “my god is better than yours and I will kill you to prove it.” The long term goal of the controllers, whomever they are, is to take away human’s sovernignty and create the need in them for answers outside of themselves.

Education, health, spirituality, etc. is all in their greedy paws.
