Comments on: Logic and the Declaration of Independence Mon, 12 Nov 2018 00:11:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: NaturalWoman Mon, 12 Nov 2018 00:11:03 +0000 Might there be a book you’d recommend, to learn more about true Euclidian geometry?

By: Jeffrey Liakos Wed, 28 Mar 2018 16:04:50 +0000 Why have we as a society disregarded our Founding Documents?

By: ontologicalrealist Sat, 24 Feb 2018 01:34:35 +0000 Good post Jon! Thanks.

It is submission to the hive mother at the cost of your honesty to yourself. When you do this you are on the path of self- betrayal and spiritual downfall.

By: chefjemichel Thu, 01 Feb 2018 06:56:54 +0000 Thank you Jon!

The subject matter is certainly important as individual freedom & ability to think completely through a logical sequence can be critical! However there is a limit to logic. I offer the following from the Gene Keys:


To read about the Siddhi and this key more in-depth please read 63rd gene key in Rudd, Richard’s Gene Keys
Excerpts from: Rudd, Richard (2013-05-01). Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA (Kindle Locations 3937-3939). Watkins Publishing LTD. Kindle Edition.

By: thanks Jon R. Wed, 31 Jan 2018 12:58:35 +0000 Allow me to simplify.

‘Group’ is hive mind. Psychopaths operate on hive mind and want to inflict their diseases on the would-be normals and use them as a cloaking device so they can surface as ‘normal’.

Psychopaths are parasites and hive feeding is EZ. Independent individuals do not submit to ‘feeding’ and are therefore wasters/culls ( the Orwellian reverse of normal )

It’s global psychopathy Jon. They have to cloak and feed – that’s what it’s all about. Submission to the hive mother. Easily fed apon/manipulated.

By: Ri-chard Tue, 30 Jan 2018 15:08:11 +0000 But what Constitution are you speaking of? The one that says OF or FOR the people of the UNITED STATES or the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? Seek the meaning of the words FOR and OF in the context they are used. Also, what is the United State vs United States of America.

Many of us believe that the constitution we are to have is actually a dormant doc until all take a new oath to the organic title of the Constitution. Until then it is SOS different day – we remain subject citizens.

Words mean everything, even word magic.
The words repeated by every President, Military personnel, Police & Peace officers, Civil Servants, Attorney/Lawyer when taking the oath do not exist In Law or At Law.

By: Ri-chard Tue, 30 Jan 2018 14:35:14 +0000 Yes, and I maintain all the public school books are lies and/or partial truths at best, plus there are outright omissions by design as the Bible is.
We are not to know nothing is new as all has happened before. Anunnaki at min were responsible for the knowledge of the sciences including math, geometry, physics, astronomy, first written language, and the structure of government. Then came the people of Sumeria. Gilgamesh told us of the Great Flood and the Ark thousands of years before the Hebrew Noah flood story.

If we wanted to truly educate our children have them read of Gilgamesh, Enoch, and Jasher as a starting point to encourage them explore the possibilities for who they are, where they came from and how to identify real evil on their own, not what they are told to know.

There are multiple Genesis accounts about the culling of evil for a new reset and restart. However, the fallen ones, the seed of them and the followers of them that covet this knowledge for their self-serving needs. I believe there has been a war on our DNA/Genetics by the abuses of the Tree of Knowledge. We are not to know of the Tree of Life choice that should have been taught first to limit the abuse of the knowledge for doing no harm so it may benefit all mankind.

Knowledge is powerful, only when it is shared with the masses so they may act on it to reduce the burdens on mankind by being our brothers keeper..

By: Ri-chard Tue, 30 Jan 2018 12:53:59 +0000 All the Squires (impersonators) that signed the Constitution or Independence docs lied. They all knew what was done by the Crown and Vatican prior to these documents being signed. The Papal Bulls and Treaty of Peace were well known to the Squires.

By: marlene Tue, 30 Jan 2018 08:31:41 +0000 America’s problems are not to be blamed on our Founders or our documents. They are to be blamed on we-the-people for failing to “keep” our Republic by taking an active role in preventing and objecting to federal, state and local tyranny as it occurred stealthily over these many decades. And by not knowing or defending our Constitution when it was being violated. And by electing and re-electing smooth talkers we know nothing about instead of researching their politics, position, and behavior.

By: Eileen Kuch Tue, 30 Jan 2018 08:09:54 +0000 You’re exactly right, Doctor; in time, Jefferson’s words in the Declaration eventually would fade as time passed; mainly, because the majority of teachers in the school systems within the expanding nation didn’t pass this fact on to their student bodies.
By the end of the the 18th Century .. especially in the northern states .. the Industrial Revolution was beginning to negatively affect farmers in those states, and young boys were put to work in the mills and other factories, thus. cutting into their education. This was rather tragic in many ways .. The wealthy were the only ones that went on to higher education, such as colleges and universities; the poor students never got beyond primary school level, because they had to work somewhat long hours in the factories. By that time, they weren’t learning much about the American Revolution and the reasons for it.
Even in the southern states, those who weren’t wealthy and didn’t own slaves to do the work on the farms, had their sons out working with them when they were old enough. Also, a good number of them started heading westward, out in the frontier wilderness, to start new lives.
You’re quite right in stating that Jefferson should’ve anticipated the future of the people would be dumber, not smarter as he had presumed .. However, none of America’s founders anticipated that trend; Within 30 years, the British would be back to try gaining back their former colonies in what would be the War of 1812.
