Comments on: How the press creates medical fantasies for the gullible Sun, 04 Feb 2018 15:34:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Peter Meissnitzer (Gladiatoro) Sun, 04 Feb 2018 15:34:26 +0000 Sadly there is no money in cures , only in symptom management , that’s where the money is , pathetic system

By: Peter Meissnitzer (Gladiatoro) Sun, 04 Feb 2018 15:33:33 +0000 That is reality , third leading cause of death alright , they have a drug for EVERYTHING , never talk about side effects only benefits , sure , I swear we are living in the dark ages of medicine , we really are .

By: Peter Meissnitzer (Gladiatoro) Sun, 04 Feb 2018 15:30:35 +0000 Correct.

By: Gods Creation Sun, 04 Feb 2018 15:23:44 +0000 And you forgot the “is believed to” do whatever. But if a “doctor” mentions colloidal silver, which DOES fight and win over viruses and bacteria, they will have their license taken away.

By: OceanusPrime Fri, 02 Feb 2018 13:01:44 +0000 And if they really did come up with any cures for anything, you can be sure that the pharmaceutical industry would spike it, promptamundo, and ensure the cures never saw the light of day.

By: maidinamerica Fri, 02 Feb 2018 00:35:36 +0000 I love your articles and share and speak of them all that I can. The other words I would be concerned about are “recommended, ask your doctor about this, and ‘robust'”. If you hear “robust” referring to a study, run, dont walk the opposite direction.

By: abinico warez Fri, 02 Feb 2018 00:05:17 +0000 Google: “doctors third leading cause of death” – this is no fantasy, but does show why the medical industry has to rely on fantasies in order to survive.

By: arcadia11 Thu, 01 Feb 2018 23:32:24 +0000 *like*

By: thanks Jon R. Thu, 01 Feb 2018 11:26:10 +0000 I figured out this scam in the 70’s – in my early teens. WTF is with the rest of the humanoids?

I think the moron class should watch more TV, take more pharmadope and step up the cull as fast as possible – they are unreachable and Jon write to us something we don’t know already. It is time to let go of the masochists. Just learn to let go – then write about that revelation. I’d love to read that.

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 01 Feb 2018 02:52:04 +0000 Good article, Jon.

In a round about way, you are spot on. Here’s another perspective, a paragraph from my next but yet tie released article “Prophesy, prediction and consensus view – preconditioning for spirited souls?” on

“The real scandal, therefore, is found in the wide reliance on best-of-breeds “obtuse reasoning”. By example, Imagine you see before you a picture of some sort of idyllic scene beneath an airy bright blue sky. Location is unimportant. Out of view by several kilometres and completely omitted from the picture is a topology that would be described very differently. This “slant” image per my example comprises of several giant industrial chimney stacks that continuously and voluminously belch hideous gaseous plumes into the heavens. The effect promotes the unruly build-up of a flailing, filthy black smog whose pungent foulness seems to permanently stain the clouds. All this is out-of-view on our imaginary canvass, but, given a wider picture, conspiracies might focus on the negative in isolation “for impact”. The political arena (which absolutely underscores the establishment heart) champions identical rose tinted duplicity as there are no or next to no dissenting voices prepared to vocalise beyond standardised obtuse reasoning mandates (i.e. such as choosing to ignore industrial waste, in my example) and that is where the major issue lies for governments (and those that call governments to account) of the world in general. ”

