Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: logic and hypnosis Mon, 05 Feb 2018 23:41:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: truth1 Mon, 05 Feb 2018 23:41:18 +0000 I think this article reveals a lot on this subject.
This Is How Much The News Triggers People

The woman forecaster was using what we might call non-verbal language, in which she says the right words but does not express them in their normal fashion as Melissa noted. She was very dramatic, if not overblown and out of proportion. My guess is that the government is experimenting with how much or who easy it is to manipulate people the contradictory emotions. It is quite evident that people are no longer engaging any analytical thought and just cue in to who those react. We could call it mass hysteria. Its very catchy and influential. The population is perfectly primed now, for a fake UFO/Alien invasion or Salvation. I just saw this few nights ago: The Twilight Zone — To Serve Man, 1962 An alien race comes to Earth, promising peace and sharing technology. A linguist and his team set out to translate the aliens’ language, using a book whose title they deduce is “To Serve Man”. Some of the promises: Everything is going to be wonderful. ME :”I feel like it was a warning. No one questioned it. So it will be in our day, too.” No more war, no more suffering, no more . . . Embassies all over the world. The most historic event of mankind. It ends up a trap where humans will be eaten. The actor comes up close to the camera and says: “How about you!? “Addressing the TV audience. “Sooner or later we’ll all be on the menu.” I don’t think they were kidding around with this episode. Someone was either bragging or warning. Take pick. I say warning.

By: Keanu Mon, 05 Feb 2018 03:42:42 +0000 I for once believe that the school systems we currently have are now influencing the kids to accept what they are taught without question. Just the past few nights I played chess with a kid and I asked him which color he wants. He told me he wants to choose ‘White’ but then he uttered “I’m not racist, though.” and so I asked why he would say something that has nothing to do with this, and all I got was “I don’t know.”

I asked who taught him that, and he told me he was learning in school that ‘white’ people are racists. Just when I thought the “Education” system for (liberal) college students was bad enough ????
