Comments on: Exit From The Matrix: Exit From The Dark Trap Tue, 06 Feb 2018 17:33:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Erika Tue, 06 Feb 2018 17:33:05 +0000 Thanks Nancy, i appreciate it. I also have some deep traumas and tried to do “emotional work”.. Had a therapist who would deliberately try to manipulate me emotionally into crying and then berate me when i didn’t.

Having searched for relief from the PTSD type problems, i continued my search by reading.I have found most of the “spiritual” material is unhelpful to downright dangerous, and the psychological material to be very unhelpful in the it keeps you judging your every emotion and action.

I have Jon’s material which is voluminous and in many cases i have to listen to it or reread it a number of times..I am convinced he is correct in this too. (although i tend to like to make my own imagination exercises).His material is amazing.

By: nancy hampel Tue, 06 Feb 2018 05:01:53 +0000 Boom! This is just what I have been experimenting with and pondering results. After many years of watching/sitting with and even excavating old traumas (to some degree of good results), I started doing imagination exercises, then coaching with Jon and now full on creating my big project in my life. I have noticed more energy and stopped doing the emotional “work” and have found that naturally in a couple instances big waves of grief and emotion have moved through me..triggered by a movie or some such..and resulted in more awareness and feeling of wholeness. The more I do the creativity exercises and create in my life, the more it seems I have energy and power and less overtaken by difficult/negative thoughts and emotions. I think this aspect of tapping into our creative power is huge and not well known at all. Thanks for sharing.

By: Erika Mon, 05 Feb 2018 18:41:04 +0000 Yes: east and west “spiritual” fortuitous.

Was perusing a book i have this morning by a psychiatrist (much of the ego denying material in the new “spirituality” is written by MD/PhD- psychiatrists). It is called “inside -Out Healing by Richard Moss, He is very genuine,and i am not impugning him, he believes what he says.

This book is about the much lauded state of “being present in the now”, and his previous book “Mandala of Being” was written before Oprah made NOW popular with Tolle.

Interestingly to get to “Wholeness” you have to make the unconscious shadow conscious..(Jungian concept_. You do this by staying present, SHUTTING OFF THE EGO CHATTER, and allowing dark feelings to surface and ride them out. (i call navigating difficult intense emotional states riding the dragon).
All of these emotional states according to him, are due to the “the ego structure and it’s defences” that were built into you by your environment as an infant then as a child.
To embody your true self you must get rid of said ego and defences and embody your authentic self.

Most of you have heard this stuff before.

The interesting thing is the last chapter in the book: “New Wineskins”
Here he claims that the new energy brought in by “spiritual work” must be channeled TO KEEP THE FLOW OF “LIFE FORCE” MOVING and if you do not find a way to channel the energy creatively you will fall back into a worse “ego state”. Id you manage to channel the creativity THAT THIS ENERGY IS WHAT FREES AND LIBERATES YOU and it does so at ever increasing rate.

Here is an observation..instead of going thorough all of this spiritual crappola and fighting with your ego, why not just get into the creative flow?
It liberates enormous amounts of energy, and that is actually what frees.

Thought that was interesting and a confirmation of what Jon has been saying from another source pushing a “spiritual” solution.

By: When Will It End Mon, 05 Feb 2018 00:13:07 +0000 I so wish people would open up their minds. Folks are laughing off the Nunes memo as just some partisan thing done by “evil Republicans”, particularly on Celebitchy (an echo chamber that selectively bans posts). I had similar trouble trying to get people to see how 9-11 was an inside job; I just got labeled a “liberal” or was told it was Democrats doing this and that.

By: nancy hampel Sun, 04 Feb 2018 21:07:54 +0000 Hahaha! “The night is long and the search is weird.” Yes, Indeed.
