Comments on: A new reality is here Tue, 06 Feb 2018 06:02:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: martin burger Tue, 06 Feb 2018 06:02:33 +0000 Jon,

“I’ve been writing for people who are adventurous about their own futures. At the core, individuals are MAKING realities. They’re inventing them. This process is simultaneously grounded and soaring.”

Solution minded people need to stick together…. and we recognize your solution commitment. We want to airdrop some free crytpo coins and you will enjoy some prosperity. Please connect.

By: ErnieM Tue, 06 Feb 2018 03:53:49 +0000 “But the innate psyche of the individual is more powerful than collective fantasies, in the long, long run.” This is mere speculative pontificating on the basis of “individualism good, collectivism bad.” Neither extreme–all collectivism or all individualism–is viable; it must always be a balance between the two. The question is of the right balance.

By: From Quebec Tue, 06 Feb 2018 03:31:12 +0000 I do believe in individual power. But I also believe in the power of a group.

Example: I believe a soldier has power, but I believe that a group of soldiers have more power to win a war, than a lonesome soldier.

By: eroache Tue, 06 Feb 2018 02:29:44 +0000 There is only one reality–God’s Reality. Participate or not. Everyone’s choice.

By: henry Mon, 05 Feb 2018 19:50:16 +0000 Fiction that the powers that be think will further their goals is called literature.

A thinker that organizes his thoughts is either labeled a philosopher or a nut depending on if his ideas further the interests of the establishment.

By: Marilyn G. Mon, 05 Feb 2018 18:14:29 +0000 I think I must be on a multitude of hate lists. I’m a feminist (not radical, and not a lez); I’m a conservative; I’m a New Ager. “What?! Back that up! You’re a New Ager?!!! Why, everybody knows they believe a lot of gobbeldy-gook!” Um, not exactly. New Age TEACHINGS coincide in great part with Buddhism. We know that you don’t need “saving”. We know that the bible is riddled with lies. We know that the Supreme Creator loves one and all unconditionally and that It doesn’t judge, except to determine whether one is ready to graduate, or not. So tell me Jon, what part of that which I’ve just revealed is “nonsense” ? Take your time. I’m patient.

By: Betsy Reed Mon, 05 Feb 2018 17:03:34 +0000 Hoping to hear more about that technology that makes every individual self-sufficient. Daily I am being “drawn” into my own reality and it just doesn’t match up with those with whom I am in daily contact. How can we as individuals exist as “islands” apart from those we live with? This post filled me with hope …. and at the same time, fear of being left “outside of the herd.”

By: chefjemichel Mon, 05 Feb 2018 14:54:17 +0000 Thank you Jon!

The “multiple realities” are most certainly here and it’s a joy to hear it acknowledged! Many examples can be presented to illustrate this (even though it seems so obvious to me that this is the very nature of the universe we all live in).

Dr. Tom Cowan has given a number of presentations on the fallacy of centralization in regards to the heart saying the “pumping” of the blood is actually occurring on a cellular level.[1] Tom was inspired by Rudolf Steiner. The Rudolf Steiner Research Center has an article on this.[2]

Physically the heart is not designed or positioned to function as a “pump”. It’s functions are more of “listening” and communicating with the brain.

We are truly Individuals; each one is unique in their own design. The Human Design System offers a tremendous body of knowledge on the extensiveness of our uniqueness and that as we follow our own authority we free ourselves from the homogenization of society.

The “Gene Keys” (inspired by the Human Design System) extends this by showing each of the 64 kinds of genius programmed into our DNA that is subject to our own activations via our attitudes. There is a lot to be grateful for in all of this!


By: merahza Mon, 05 Feb 2018 14:45:01 +0000 Reblogged this on Satu Insan – Malaysia and commented:
Decentralisation. The technology exists to help make every individuals self-sufficient.
