There is no such thing as mind control. Only people who surrender their destiny to an ideology, a collective, and thus to external control because they do not believe in themselves.
As for the founding documents of the American Republic being about individual power–that is completely absurd. People come together, forming groups, movements, associations, institutions, religions, and so forth because the individual is power-less to accomplish their desire unless aided by the aggregate. The result is the construction of hierarchies to focus the aggregate power. This combining of individuals into a monolithic block is the foundation of majority rule, and the beginning of tyranny.
Several authors (Hoffer, Arendt, de Jouvenal, Canetti, Rand) have written at length on the fact that Revolutions are engaged in because of the weakness of the existing ruling system, under the guise of increasing individual liberty and autonomy. But the result is always worse than before. This is as true for the American Republic as it is for the French Republic, the Russian Republics, and every other government formed under such pretenses. The D of I is a farce because people are NOT born equal. The intent of English governing documents (America’s supposed heritage) was the establishment of equality under the law, not to equalize the differences inherent in Man. I can imagine that when King George read it, he ROFL’d because the document is internally inconsistent and conceptually meaningless.
]]>Come soon Lord. Please come soon.