Comments on: Trilateral conspirators out in the open—and Donald Trump Mon, 26 Feb 2018 21:10:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Freespirit Mon, 26 Feb 2018 21:10:40 +0000 I never stated they are not Jews- Converted from Khazars, and NOT Semitic, but “Jews” just the same. I could convert but that would not make me a Semitic Jew, as per – “Descended from SHEM”

Otherwise I agree with this latest comment to me.

Take care now

By: truth1 Mon, 26 Feb 2018 20:10:48 +0000 WEll now, a right to Palestine is another issue. I don’t believe they have any other rights there, either. Typical statutes of limitation are from 20 to 80 years at best in most law. Jews were dispossessed by Rome in 132 AD. Then in the late 19th and early 20th century, the Jews say they want it back. but this is 1700 years later. Too late. what is done it done. Home land at one time, but not anymore. But since Satan has delivered the world to them, I guess there is not much we or Palestine can do. And Bibi says Trump is their good friend, too! But they are Jews, whether Hebrew, Khazar or any other race adopting the religion. DNA does not matter to me. What counts is in the mind.

By: Freespirit Mon, 26 Feb 2018 13:23:13 +0000 We disagree and I stand by my comment and I blame that type of thinking (“So whether Kazars or any other race, They do have the right to join the Jews or after John, join the Messiah Jesus in his fold.”) to a great degree, for the main reason we are in serious trouble, * .
*They do NOT have a RIGHT in Palestine, on stolen land and with destruction and Genocide-PERIOD.

The Semitic Jews were already there. living in Peace and Harmony with SEMITIC Christians and Muslims, before the arrival of those Criminal Zionist INVADERS from Europe, and those Semites DO have the right to be there

Those KHAZARS ( proper spelling) do NOT,

I suspect you, may be Ashkenazi yourself ….or, Evangelical “Christian” and thus religiously biased by your self-fulfilling personal interpretation of Biblical MYTHOLOGY!

I am Atheist and thus have “No-dog in the race” and can consider myself much more objective than yourself.

Nice try though , however I have heard many times, the same arguments from others, so-biased, as I have been at this “game” for 78 years now

Thanks for your feedback

By: truth1 Sun, 25 Feb 2018 01:50:26 +0000 Freespirit, I loved your post. Some solid stuff there. I am going to disagree with a small point. Jesus noted how the Pharisees would travel all over to make proselytes of some in other nations, making them twice as liable to Gehenna. So whether Kazars or any other race, They do have the right to join the Jews or after John, join the Messiah Jesus in his fold. Because they are con-verts does not invalidate their now newly and permanently acquired (unless they renounce later) status as Jew or Christians. In fact, Most Jews did not become Christians and most Christians to day are not descendants (that they know) of Jews. But they are definitely Christians IF they obey Jesus, the Christ, But Jews have reject their Father Jehovah and Abraham and Moses, too.

But any who take up the mantle of Jews and their rejection of their first God, that of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel will be just as liable to God’s judgment as Genetic Jews who conspire against God and His son.

I don’t think that you subscribe the religious stuff anyway, and I am fine with that. But God never required anyone, since the sacrifice of Jesus, to be of any particular genetic descent, which when you think about it, would be silly for a god to do. His concern is for behavior and choices actions, not genetics. Not to mention, Jews tend to use genetics to pressure they own to conform to Jewish world leadership as well as local Rabbis

In this respect, they are exactly all all religious denominations of Christianity, who attempt to own and control their followers and get them to obey their governments in time of war, thereby becoming servants of the devil rather than God.

Now as for the disingenuine “From Quebec,” you nailed in on the head. But he has some new very close allies like “Michael B,” the recent “John,” and “22sojouner,” who all made the stupid mistake of pig-piling on me, which technically, given their left leaning, is complement and I take it as such. I might have missed one or to others. But there is no where I can go without attracting flies and other vermin. It goes with the territory, Many thanks for your post, other wise. “From Quebec” might not able to answer right off as I hear there is a gathering of the Communist clan in “Kanata” at this time. I am am sure that old F,G. would not think of missing that. But when its over, he’ll be back here to answer.

The problem that the 4 seem to be stuck on is that my view seems to offer nothing but pessimism, doom and gloom. That may be the case, but the case may be that we as a species have let ourselves get too stupid to any longer avoid the inevitable. Unless one considers the Bible to a genuine predictor of the future, now close to being the present. For that its worth!
Truth1 out!

By: Freespirit Sat, 24 Feb 2018 21:15:51 +0000 You are absolutely correct Robert and ONLY when people wake up to that fact will they be able to do something positive

ALL the knowledge in the world is USELESS if it is NOT put into ACTION in order to solve the PROBLEM

Less TALK and MORE ACTION is what we need to provide SOLUTIONS

Americans, especially, are talking themselves into Zionist SLAVERY and Trump is leading them there. Don’t get me wrong. there is nobody, better, other than Ron Paul, who no longer participates in Government.

If anybody doubted where TRUMP’S sentiments lie, his stating that Jerusalem is Israel’s Capital, tells the truth and Americans who support that man, will get what they truly deserve. Israel is an APARTHEID Criminal SLAVERY entity which has NO RIGHT to be in Palestine. The Ashkenazi Jews ( Converted) who created and live in “Israel” are NOT the Jews of the Bible ( not descended from SHEM) and Trump has now proven he agrees with their brand of SLAVERY ,THEFT and MURDER.

The Man or Country which can ENSLAVE others for you CAN and WILL Enslave you.and that country is America, proxy for “Israel” a FAKE “Jewisjh State( as they like to claim)

RON PAUL was TRULY their LAST HOPE for the Republic and Americans “blew” it.

Just watch the COMMENT SECTIONS of ALT Media sites, to see the fools like “From Quebec”.

Did you know that the TRUE Orthodox Jews don’t support “Israel”

Keep up the TRUTH,Robert

By: truth1 Thu, 22 Feb 2018 22:29:03 +0000 This is to 22sojourner below this. 22S, thank you. I am pleased with your complement and I am putting this on my resume. Its sure to impress a special few.

By: 22sojourner Thu, 22 Feb 2018 18:48:55 +0000 Quebec, I’m sorry you & others have to deal with truth 1.
He’s a hurtful, negative, judgemental, know it all … that won’t shut up.

I decided to write to you, because I’ve read many of your posts (you’re a good person)
& it’s not wrong to be hopeful, but it’s dead wrong to be rotten to others you don’t agree with.

By: trishwriter Sat, 17 Feb 2018 02:39:25 +0000 I have certainly seen the devastation that NAFTA hath wrought in the small town close to where I grew up. Mexicans now farm the tobacco fields that provided, until the late 80s, jobs for teenagers out in the country. Many laud the tobacco settlements of the late 90s and early 2000s, but the real winner was one tobacco farmer, who now has a monopoly on tobacco in the entire county. Teenagers no longer farm the land where their ancestors planted and raised crops. Mexicans brought in, with no ties to the land, work for the tobacco monopolist. The town’s textile mill, once employing 3,000, is now being torn down, replaced by something but no one seems to know what. Somehow, the bridge that easily took the textiles out to the interstate has been taken down, a historic marker in its place; therefore, whatever takes the factory’s place will not be something that needs to be transported. The only bridge left across the river is one that mandates travel through town, an arduous process if one is trying to move things quickly. People who are still in the area are forced to work for a couple of smaller facilities, or for the massive health care system. I now see that this was all part of the plan, but no one had any inkling of it in 1973, when these plans were being made.

Needless to say, alcoholism and drug addiction are big business, as many men have lost their jobs and their sense of self-worth. Many have become addicted to internet gambling. The fire department begs for another full-time worker, while the police-state department boasts of a budget of over one million dollars.

My hometown is not alone; this kind of thing has happened throughout my state and throughout the South; Jimmy Carter, whom my parents and grandparents were thrilled to vote for, started the ignition of the tractor that has plowed up the town were they are buried.

The powers that should not be are quite cunning indeed, inspiring us all to our demise.

By: trishwriter Sat, 17 Feb 2018 02:19:18 +0000 Correct–Ron Paul has integrity and morals. Those two qualities have been missing from the presidency for many decades. What it does take to be president of the USSA these days is a strong desire to bend to the powers that should not be, and the willingness to do whatever their handlers ask.

By: rlm4765 Sat, 17 Feb 2018 00:06:27 +0000 Amen! Keep training your son to come further out:

2 Corinthians 6:17-18 Wherefore Come ye out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, And touch no unclean thing; And I will receive you, (18) And will be to you a Father, And ye shall be to me sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
