Comments on: The State weaponizes education to create ignorance Mon, 01 Apr 2019 10:00:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: astraeaisabella Mon, 01 Apr 2019 10:00:11 +0000 Read CHRIST in EGYPT by D.M. Murdock.
I did and thank God! You mention the great Library of Alexandria – so you will like this wonderful book. Great scholarship.
It is beyond my means of expressing my astonishment at the way we have been duped for two thousand years – or so.
I also suggest The BIBLE UNEARTHED by Israel Finkelstein, senior archaeologist at Tel Aviv University,- and – /watch?v=7wNyDP5N1HU&t=16s this is a video – or several – about an expedition made by John McCarthy to the “holy land” a while after he was released from five years of solitary confinement in Beirut. It is in two parts. It is fascinating.

By: truth1 Mon, 12 Nov 2018 22:43:51 +0000 Perhaps you might be missing the purpose of logic. Logic is not flawless results. Logic is the method, the trail of steps that shows why you believe or conclude as you do. Its almost more like a legal presentation where you show your citations of law, statutes, case law and other reasons for arguing in a court, as to why you believe judgement should be rendered in your favor or that of who you represent.

If a trail of logic makes sense, it likely is good logic. If it does not, which often the case with those who have ill intentions, then the logic will not appeal to most.

the other purpose of logic is to make sure our own logic is well thought out and sound so that we may build on it from that point. Being able to analyze our own thinking is critical, essential, for our future decisions to be good ones that benefit us rather than betraying us and our future.

Logic seeks to verify or deny what our instinct advises. And the instinct can advise our logic and together, they might arrive at a good place that will be a benefit and not doom.

Plato did not fail his Republic. His republic rejected good sound logic in exchange for money, power, and influence, which usually come from repressed needs of the early past of each person.

Me thinks you could use some more pondering on logic.

By: SomeoneInAsia Mon, 12 Nov 2018 06:42:18 +0000 Logic has its uses, but with all due respect I’m deeply skeptical regarding the claim that the mere marginalisation of logic in education lies at the root of the whole host of ills enumerated. Logic is merely a tool that shows you what conclusions you can draw from such and such premises; it has nothing to say about what premises we should start with. If you want to say you won’t accept such and such premises unless their validity is established through the application of logic, well, you’re only going to be able to establish their validity by falling back on yet another set of premises, and so on in an infinite regress, unless at some point you simply stop and take certain premises for granted. Which isn’t logic anymore.

As Wittgenstein said, “Proof in logic is merely a mechanical expedient for facilitating the recognition of tautologies in complicated cases.” (Tractatus 6.1262)

Logic can be used to lead us to very problematic outcomes. Plato used plenty of logic in his Republic. And what kind of ideal society did he dream of? One in which children are to be separated from their parents at birth, weak children are to be disposed of, the ideal ruler should have no emotional ties with his parents or siblings (or even know them), etc. Perhaps not surprisingly, Plato’s attempt to bring his Republic into reality turned out to be a flop.

By: Anon Sun, 11 Nov 2018 05:00:57 +0000 I went to school in Soviet Union. We weren’t taught math logic as a class, but the scientific thinking was taught at very early age. We were taught Geometry with proofs and everything from grade 5 onward.

I have kids in the US school system. I put them in private school after a year in a well funded public school. Same issues remain. They are habitually taught in a way their reason doesn’t make any sense. They lack some very basic reasoning skills that I took for granted when I was going to school. Teaching them geometry is very hard, because they can’t string together a simple logical argument.

At this point I’m seriously considering moving to Russia and sending them to school there. I do talk to my relatives’ and friend’s kids in ex SU, and they don’t lack the basic reasoning ability that most kids in the US lack. The only thing I can think of is general school curriculum that causes it. They really can’t understand cause and effect and when they say the word because and follow it with some nonsense it scares me. I’m pretty sure my kids still can be salvaged with proper school education. I’m not an education specialist, but there is something very basic that’s lacking from the US school system that makes people lack any reason. What that basic thing is I can’t tell.

By: Amitai Rosengart Sat, 17 Mar 2018 16:24:45 +0000 Wonderful post! You’re writings are accurate and coherent. I share your opinion and believe awareness need to be promoted in the subject. I would love to here your opinion on the following post. I find it relevant.

By: truth1 Sat, 24 Feb 2018 05:08:09 +0000 If it were true that our military were pursuing a just action, then it would deserve support. But if all they doing is conquering or weakening nations so that they will be easier plunder for global corporations and Banker’s then sincere people resist that and denounce it.

By: Warren W. Fri, 23 Feb 2018 20:27:56 +0000 Supporting your Troops is supporting the Protection of the Country and it’s Citizens if it comes to War so be it..!! Without that Protection you will be Plundered and lose your Freedom.

By: truth1 Mon, 19 Feb 2018 00:20:29 +0000 I don’t recall saying to support troops. Did Jon say it? My contention was and is, that many minds are being destroyed in brutal ways. We were designed to be sensitive gentle creatures except when attacked. but I am against war. I have never seen a good excuse for war. Hope that helps.

By: yellowsub Sun, 18 Feb 2018 15:19:11 +0000 Isn’t “Support your Troops” your support for the horrific activities? I find that to be a brilliant slogan as people will throw support behind their “own” even if they oppose war. However, it doesn’t work that way. Your support for them is a support for war. Millions of brown people died in Iraq and Afghanistan and other ME countries from our invasions but because it’s done during “war” their deaths have been inconsequential… The US doesn’t even track civilian deaths. It’s great they want to force “US puppet democracy” for everyone but they don’t even care enough to fix the VA… That should be an eye opener that the gov’t doesn’t care.

It seems the logic is twisted where supporting of killing others is ok as long as it’s for security. It’s never been for Americans’ loss of freedom because they gladly give them to the gov’t that has been stripping them away since 9/11…

With that said, a small number of people dying shouldn’t really be shocking. One of our bombs drop kill more than that. Obama dropped 100k bombs, Trump already dropped about 2+ k bombs…

With these school shootings, they are conditioning children to be accustomed to seeing armed guards where ever they go and the worst is how people are demanding them to be put there.

By: mangledman Fri, 16 Feb 2018 15:33:57 +0000 Amen!!! Very well said.
