Comments on: The individual on trial Thu, 01 Mar 2018 22:35:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: johnbarleycorn12 Thu, 01 Mar 2018 22:35:21 +0000 We think alike on theses issues, and I suspect many more. Great and well articulated commentary on your part.

By: Michael Burns Thu, 01 Mar 2018 16:15:46 +0000 You don’t think we are their already JBC12..?

Everyone I see, has their heads down looking into a little fondle slab, pushing buttons and finger-swiping like rhesus monkeys on crack in a test lab–their opinions and tastes are being presented to them, on the little screens. What they will like to eat, the new colors of their clothes this year–all this at light speed past their wanting eyes. The style of clothing. Whither it is going to snow this weekend– snow shovels are on sale at Rona and Home Depot — “you need to get one its going to be deep. “Winter is a market, not season, don’t ya know. ‘We’ your controllers are not finished with it as yet.”

I was once given a ticket for jay-walking on a city street at 4 o’clock in the morning. Not a soul in sight–the foul smell of the previous day lingering in the air. And so…the light was red no-one was about and so I crossed quickly. A cop lurking in the shadows saw it and gave me a ticket–I was about fifty some odd years old. The cop was younger than my son. I took it ( the ticket) to court and argued with an obstinate judge, on whither I was capable of making the decision to cross the street at four in the morning by my self. He argued fake scenarios and ‘what if’s’, and, you are not special — the law is for everyone.

Oh we are definitely there already –Jon’s version is simple to this complex Matrix one fathoms on a normal day.

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Paine, brought to mind the Revolutionary War and 1776. And the fight for freedom and invidualism.
I would argue that in those days individuals that were strong and quite capable of making personal decisions about themselves and their families; the future; and understood the meaning of freedom and opposing the crown to the point of rising jointly as a army to fight of the that oppression.

One would hard spent to find many individuals amongst the young today–willing to give up their lives for freedom — they have no definition of that word. People who were not constantly thinking about their victim-hood, their physical and mental problems at such young ages. Their broken spirits that fashioned neuroticism that has created the modern human. That is so weak and lacking of the courage needed to stand up as an individual. I have my own thoughts.

Oh we are there already JBC12. We have been their for a while now.

By: chefjemichel Wed, 28 Feb 2018 14:22:14 +0000 I especially like: “He can develop his mind as a seeking instrument of penetration”!

According to “Human Design” one of the main right functions of the mind is research.[1] Another function is to communicate[2]. Decision-making most always works best with other Human Design centers (according to the unique design of the Individual) however once a decision has been made the mind can perform its functions in support of that decision.

[1] “Based in the anterior and posterior pituitary in the brain, the Ajna is an awareness center … Its function is to research and to conceptualize.”:
[2] “The greatest value of the Mind is its capacity to explore the world, to transmit knowledge as the foundation of human culture and society and to communicate in language.”:
“Human Design System – The Centres” –
By Peter Schoeber.

By: johnbarleycorn12 Wed, 28 Feb 2018 07:23:11 +0000 Our future if we are not careful

By: flyinggabriel Wed, 28 Feb 2018 06:39:13 +0000 Good morning, Worm your honor
The crown will plainly show
The prisoner who now stands before you
Was caught red-handed showing feelings
Showing feelings of an almost human nature
This will not do.
Call the schoolmaster.

By: Theodore Wed, 28 Feb 2018 05:52:58 +0000 Stravinsky, Dali, and the revolution of imagination
