Comments on: UK conspiracy of silence – rape gangs exposed – truth teller’s Twitter account shut down Sat, 14 Apr 2018 05:28:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Natural Woman Sat, 14 Apr 2018 05:28:23 +0000 Did you know the real Crock dundee was killed, murdered when they came to seize his guns and he refused?

By: truth1 Thu, 15 Mar 2018 14:01:33 +0000 Thank you, H L. I thought it would be along those lines. I just wasn’t sure. I appreciate the clarification.

By: honestliberty Thu, 15 Mar 2018 04:54:16 +0000 I was not remarking in reference to the article but to the comment, and I meant to say “ought we execute the lying offender (likely female that tries to ruin a mans life by claiming rape?)
It is a grey area. Pardon the lapse in response. I haven’t logged on in a bit

By: Theodore Tue, 13 Mar 2018 23:30:08 +0000 Outrageous chemical-dosing experiment to force friendship toward migrants: not science fiction

By: Theodore Tue, 13 Mar 2018 21:52:02 +0000

By: Ozzie Thinker Fri, 09 Mar 2018 04:53:44 +0000 Good comments, truth1

I think modern [treatment of the] “definition” of rape sums up our “governance” and “science”.

Another word meaning that has become ambiguous in the modern summarised “meaning” is “empathy”. There are no human empaths (look, it’s not even a “word” now). In fact, at best, humans can sympathise with another’s circumstances. But that sympathy is administered like an overcoat with all those “beliefs” trappings. So people “pretend” to understand when they never actually do.

It shouldn’t surprise if we were taught Atlantis inherited knowledge. The human genome is part Pleiadian (A Sirian gene trait). Peiadians are mer-people and they are capable of true empathy which means they can desire what they despise.

By: truth1 Thu, 08 Mar 2018 18:30:45 +0000 I forgot to add that the cops, when asking about the houses and building and secret rooms, theses all got reworked and renovated to look totally different. the school had a convenient nee to be updated and renovated. So of course, none of the stuff the kids described was allowed to remain. Pure dirt and deceit.

By: truth1 Thu, 08 Mar 2018 18:25:29 +0000 Torture, indeed. Dad taught the kids go beat each other senseless. Other kids in the cult were told to be mean to the boy in particular. They knew that due to the kids being with their mom after school, that they would not get the full measure of torment to make them good and mean as all little satanists should be. And when the school staff has sex with the 2 kids. they would make sure it hurt. Often the kids would scream and need to be put to sleep while the staff finished business. Trauma is still registered even when out on drugs. the instinct never sleeps. Dad would also beat them in the head with a huge restaurant spaghetti spoon. they would have bumps bruises on their foreheads.

In the police interviews, the Cop would not let Aiisa (the girl) ever talk about her abuse. she had got some of it out in the 1st interview and he said they come back to it in the 2nd interview But they did not. They never investigated the teachers or ask to see their pubic regions which the kids said had tattoos with most of them having devils on them, tool. No one anywhere was investigated. The cop asked all about the buildings in the school where babies were anesthetized, the hung upside down on a hook and the kids’ dad would hold their hands with a knife in it and make them feel like they killed the baby. The other special 20 families kids did the same. They would cheer each other on. “kill the baby!” “kill the baby!” “kill the baby!”

lots of really sick evil. And the kids had so much info at 9 and 8 that no one could have made that all up remembered that all. The cult would also make shoes for the 20 special families out of baby skin. they cooked spaghetti and other things with the baby meat mixed in. It was only for the special 20 and the special refrigerator for the baby meat was kept under lock. These cults all all over the UK. Scotland in particular is notorious for unexplained murders with no apparent motive. Babies come in from the 2 airports in London, Heathrow and the other one.

but though I have no specifiics other than the many things Brice Taylor writes of, about Hollywood and Cali, Cali is loaded with Satanic activities. Can you say McMartin trial with underground tunnels?

And many think to Bob Klinck for support. I can not believe I reacted so hard and fast. I only red the 1st sentence and went wild. I am gonna blame the devil as the scape goat so I can avoid personal responsibility. but really, it was all instinct jumping to conclusions. OH, while I am at it, I’ll accuse my mom of having dropped me on my head multiple times.

I could only hope that more would look into this. This is the real world that you really live in and its not pretty or nice. Most government functions in all nations, are controlled by those siding with the devil. Its the tie that binds.

By: Brian Thu, 08 Mar 2018 05:55:37 +0000 Yes, yes and yes. Well at least some penal reprecussions

By: bob klinck Thu, 08 Mar 2018 04:19:32 +0000 Thanks for the apology. I was taken aback by your initial response to my basically supportive comment. I can’t believe that children could be coached to interact with each other with the natural spontaneity they exhibited in the video of them posted to the Internet–which, by the way, is now hard to find. But locate it if you can, people, and make up your own mind. The British Establishment certainly landed quickly and hard on these children and their mother. I would characterize how they were dealt with as torture.
