Comments on: Bill Gates vs. freedom Thu, 11 Jun 2020 12:37:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Doreen Agostino Sat, 24 Mar 2018 14:49:07 +0000 Satan rules planet Earth and is masterful at engineering circumstances and events that trigger negative human emotions [dense, low vibratory frequency energy] upon which he and his army thrive. Sadly, unaware humans who prefer to pull apart rather than together keep them well nourished.

Mar 19 to May 01 is an especially busy time for Satan referred to as the dark occult season of sacrifice. Coincidently on March 22, 2018, Satan’s soulless clone baby EVE was born.

It is likely that EVE et al will be equipped with built in sensor devices.

By: bettyhill Sat, 17 Mar 2018 21:52:19 +0000 !00% right Esther. They are really the enemy within against all that humanity stands for, but their God is personal wealth gathering and the control over others that this brings. That’s their ‘buzz’ and sadly what makes them ‘tick’.

By: Esther Carter Sat, 17 Mar 2018 17:41:36 +0000 Betty hill..Jon your on spot has clarity. Gates and most capitalist are no concerned for humanity. Self serving their impressed ego as to how much further they can be intrude into thee American home and control. This is in the name of safety, protect, and watch.
America wake up, he and those liken to him are dangerous to our Constitution.

By: Peter Meissnitzer (Gladiatoro) Sun, 11 Mar 2018 00:52:23 +0000 ALL EVIL COMES FROM BILLY AND CO , is it any wonder he is ROMAN CATHOLIC , same people .

By: Peter Meissnitzer (Gladiatoro) Sun, 11 Mar 2018 00:50:20 +0000 Few people can understand PURE EVIL .

By: Peter Meissnitzer (Gladiatoro) Sun, 11 Mar 2018 00:44:08 +0000 Billy is the DEVIL himself the direct OPPOSITE of SAINT. Any man that CRIPPLES / KILLS children is pure EVIL , he fits the bill perfectly .

By: bettyhill Fri, 09 Mar 2018 17:31:27 +0000 Hi Alexis, I think the following article of today’s date says a great deal of how in just the case of Syria that MSM are the source of indirectly killing millions around the world – “We Note Your Concerns” – ABC News Responds to Accusations of Misreporting Syrian Conflict –

By: bettyhill Thu, 08 Mar 2018 13:04:25 +0000 Unfortunately Alexis, far too late for those poor unsuspecting children that they experimented on. MSM is also complicit here in cover ups for their masters…big money. When will people learn what the ‘real’ world really is like, but where of course MSM keep them totally in the dark? In this respect they do as much harm to the world-at-large as Gates et al, by wreaking deception on the world that kills just as many people through their lies and untruths as bullets. For they are complicit in the whole sordid affair of protecting the 1% and every war to boot.

By: dharmahealing Thu, 08 Mar 2018 05:47:48 +0000 Deeply compelling view of the future and portrait of Bill Gates manipulative practices. The efforts of the anti-vaxers to create alternative, community centered, home schooling centers is a hope for the future. We need bold, freedom loving and educated adults to make this happen for our children and the future of humanity. . . Thank you for your post.

By: Mike Shine Wed, 07 Mar 2018 23:34:58 +0000 Quebec wrote: “Can you imagine a world where the individual is outlawed? What a boring life it would be. Did the elites ever think about that for one single moment? .I don’t think so.”

Jon wrote (in an earlier post): “because who in power wants millions of independent, literate, logical minds out there questioning and analyzing what elite power is really doing?”.

As Jon also wrote long ago, these elites who think they’re running things are often psychopaths: they see the world as made up of 2 groups – those who dominate & those who are dominated. Guess which group they want to be in? There is no in-between for these people. I’m sure some elites have thought long and hard about “the individual”. They see him/her as a loose cannon, a potential dominator, even tho truly free individuals have little desire to dominate others. Of course, Ayn Rand illustrated this very well in The Fountainhead, in the relationship between Toohey & Roark. Toohey is out to destroy Roark & expends considerable time & energy to that end. At one point he meets Roark and, gloatingly asks what Roark thinks of him. Roark’s response totally blindsides Toohey: “ But I don’t think of you.”
