Comments on: How Exit From The Matrix could change your life Sat, 10 Mar 2018 13:37:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: stephen andrew persaud Sat, 10 Mar 2018 13:37:08 +0000 Toxic nerve agent plot !!!!…… The Russians did it !!!!!…..

Now just hang on there a God damn second…..

There are basically two areas of work that I would recommend that anyone who values their life and the safety of their family friends and loved ones to stay well away from….the first is major narco-trafficking (drug trade) ……somewhere down the line you’re looking at getting “whacked”

The second “profession” is the world of counter espionage and double/triple agents…… in this instance your are passing information back and forth….back and forth that has a value on it that’s worth as much if not more than gold/diamonds/oil etc (we’re talking billions if not trillions) and just like the drug world…. organisations (government mafias) will kill to protect what’s theirs… is a “seedy” underhanded profession where the art of the “conman” flourishes……(convince people that they can trust you and then betray them)

I am sickened by all the political and news media hypocrisy…….

Back in the early 90’s Russia was Mad Max land ….with lawyers/judges/politicians being whacked…..bankers being whacked…..businessmen being whacked……it was a free for all ….and the ones (oligarchs) who came out on top had to be ruthless……and what did the City Of London Corporation do with the help of “experts” from Harvard and Goldman Sachs……

They said to the billionaire/oligarchs….. “Come to London….bring all your converted roubles to the London Stock Exchange …..come and enjoy a lovely decadent life style as if you were a czar……and what’s more …..we don’t care how you got your money just as long as you come and spend/invest lots of it here”

