Comments on: The deeper reason for drug ads on television Thu, 12 Apr 2018 19:59:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: chariot Thu, 12 Apr 2018 19:59:52 +0000 I still have cable because excess microwaves, ie, wireless streaming has been shown to trigger seizures in susceptible people. My son has had intractable seizures all his life so as a parent I must protect him from any type of “trigger”. Unfortunately, the apartment building I live in will be having free wireless internet capability within a month. Will probably have to move in time.

By: sundancer55 Tue, 13 Mar 2018 23:07:20 +0000 Oh Lord – soap operas, good grief. My older sister used to make appointments around her favorite soaps. The rest of us had to time our phone calls around the times she WASN’T watching those crazy things. Utter trash. But that’s just me . . . 8->

By: Mark A Girard Tue, 13 Mar 2018 22:50:42 +0000 Thank you Jon Rappoport for this clear and succinct summary of the horribly broken situation in the US where drug companies are the biggest advertisers on television, something that is illegal and inconceivable in most modern countries. It is absolutely insane that this is allowed for a variety of reasons, as you describe here, with the two primary ones being that BIG PHARMA can blackmail the industry into ignoring all but the most serious problems, when massive numbers of people are harmed, and because a steady ongoing blitz of advertising for drugs of all sorts warps the mindset of Americans, leaving them believing that they need to be taking a bunch of different drugs at the same time in order to be healthy.

I found out the hard way just how broken and corrupted the system is when I had an adverse reaction to the fluoroquinolone antibiotic Levaquin. Even though I am pretty much the poster-boy for fluoroquinolone toxicity, a text-book case except that the tendons that spontaneously ruptured were not the Achilles, but the two next to it. I also had a cartilage transplant, hernia, torn muscle, collapsed lung, pulmonary edema, blood clots, broken blood vessels, bloated failing veins carved from 13 entry points so far, more coming, and a hundred other serious health problems, most of which are listed in the product literature. In the decade since this happened, throughout my visits with dozens and dozens of different doctors, I have yet to be able to get even one of them to acknowledge the fat loud stinking elephant in the room. The people who show up in the exploding support groups all tell a remarkably similar story, of horrific damage and of incompetent doctors who are absurdly and insanely over-confident in their wares and who waste precious time and money on imaging and lab-work in order to find “the real cause” of our condition. Even though the results are rarely what they were looking for they will insist that we try their medications anyway, just in case they help, and these drugs will routinely cause more problems for us. Worse yet, not only are we missing the treatment we do need and being poisoned by treatments we don’t, but we are padding the numbers of all the conditions they misdiagnose us with, like fibro and lupus and ALS and Parkinson’s and MS and so on, but we also skew the results of much needed research being done to help people with those conditions as we fail to respond to what may be effective treatments.

This also plays out in the media. We get occasional local newscasts and lots of articles in alternative health outlets and so on, but we are having no success at getting any national coverage even though they know there are most likely quite a few of us, as in millions. These are some of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics and yet they are from a class of drugs normally used for chemo. We want to get this message out there, but for now the mainstream media will not be biting the hand that feeds them. I urge everyone who reads this to google some of the key words from my post, including “floxed”, the slang term for our condition that comes from the generic names which all end in “…floxacin”.

Thanks again for a great article! Please, help us with an article about FQs!

Mark A Girard
Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Advocate

By: Dee Cee Tue, 13 Mar 2018 18:46:46 +0000 I met him. He’s brilliant! He confronted Alaska’s mental health system, our judicial system, and an Alaska Psychiatric Institute (API) doctor within 48 hours. Tore a huge hole in our entire mental heath system. Thank God for rebels.

By: miguelhud Tue, 13 Mar 2018 05:14:56 +0000 Thanks for that sharply stated comment AmaraGrace. I especially liked the juicy word “iatrogenicide”. I hadn’t heard that before, but it hits it over the fence!

By: AmaraGrace Tue, 13 Mar 2018 03:42:36 +0000 ‘Chef!’ (Lenny Henry) and ‘Coupling’ … Britcom at it’s best, imo 😉
CBC’s ‘Heartland’ has entertained me sufficiently with zero offensive elements, as has Hallmark’s ‘Signed Sealed & Delivered’ (I love the postal theme, and it’s written & directed by the Touched by an angel creator). I’m seriously considering joining Spiritual Cinema Circle & Gaia TV online…

I shut off TV about 10 years ago, when the government wanted to help me buy some kind of box to attach so I could continue to receive programming – yeah, NO THANKS for another bio-incompatible-frequency-emitter in my environment! I remember some of those were found to have cameras & microphones in them. From then on I decided to look at positive 85-90% (online & my own library) and keep abreast of what the psychopaths are doing here & from a few other select sources of alternative news media/citizen journalists in the limited minority; SPRword for documentaries I feel the need to know about – ‘Yes Men Fix the World’ is a fantastic production, btw. It’s a much more palatable diet of influence from the picture box.

By: bettyhill Mon, 12 Mar 2018 18:51:23 +0000 The pharma mafia are great friends around the world with people like Gates and government. The reason is that they all interact together. People think that the FDA is there to protect them, but in reality they are just one of the parties in the global medicine scam that is fleecing billions of people every day. Indeed, the FDA impose fines up to $3 billion on the criminal activities of the el big boys, but people don’t know that these fines are factored into the cost of drugs that we pay for. In this respect as the pharma industry is the largest profit making industrial sector in the world, they can do this quite easily. For when you still make $14 billion on sales of $28 billion after a fine, as in the case of the Glaxo and its settlement of $3 billion, crime does pay and big pharma know that very well.

They settle these so-called fines out of court of course and therefore are never convicted as criminals, (which they really are), because that would mean that they cannot sell their hardware in the USA as an example. In many other countries they don’t even get fined because of their financial and economic muscle and where to do so, would mean ironically, penalties So they know whatever happens, they are always sitting prettily in the garden smelling of roses and extremely rich roses at that. Several years ago I undertook an analysis of the corruption of the top pharma corps. and where fines appeared not to affect them one bit and where they made even greater profits the year after… and the year after that…and the., even pay more multi billion fines in the process. Things have not changed one iota I can tell you and their friend behind closed doors the FDA also know this extremely well also. For between them they keep the people happy in making them think that they are doing their jobs right at opposite ends of the pole for the people, but where in reality it has to be said that, collusion rots the character as one of my old school teacher once said to me.

Global Pharmaceutical Giants have made Criminal Activity and the Fines a part of their Drug Costs –


By: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 16:37:18 +0000 Jon has written many brilliant articles regarding the mental health fraud.

By: sundancer55 Mon, 12 Mar 2018 16:12:10 +0000 @ Erika: I posted a LONG answer to you earlier but it did not post. Arrrrrgh.

To shorten up that post considerably, go to youtube and watch Marketing of Madness and also Death By Medicine. They’re both long vid’s but I watched about 20-30 minutes whenever I had time and pretty soon I had them both watched. In fact, over the years they’ve both been updated, so I’ve actually watched them both at least two or three times all together. It’s really *must-see* viewing for those interesting in knowing the truth about our lying, deceitful medical system.

If you can’t find them let me know and I’ll try to post links here.

By: sundancer55 Mon, 12 Mar 2018 15:53:43 +0000 It’s now being discovered how dangerous Advair inhalers were/are, and I’d be willing to bet the rest of them are just as bad. As bad as the old Kenalog shots given in the 80’s and 90’s. But none of that stuff is being pulled off the market (as of this writing, that I know of) but raw milk is being vilified like crazy. That’s because raw milk helps asthmatics and the drug companies sure as the world don’t want anyone to figure that out so they’re making raw milk seem as if it’s terrifically dangerous. What a load of hooey. I’ve been drinking raw milk almost my entire life, eating raw milk products (raw milk cheeses, etc) and the stats from our very own CDC (liars that they can be) show that there have been no deaths from raw milk and it’s products vs lots of incidents and several deaths from pasteurized milks, cheeses, etc. Could someone please tell me how they continue to get away with making raw milk the bad guy??
