Comments on: Shocker: Comparing deaths from medical treatment, vitamins, all US wars Mon, 23 Sep 2019 13:20:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: INGAORAMA Tue, 20 Mar 2018 03:04:04 +0000 Reblogged this on Ingaorama and commented:
Same story in Iceland.. No matter were the so called “western medicine” is practiced..

By: Theodore Mon, 19 Mar 2018 17:55:04 +0000 not sure i fully understand what that quote means. please explain it more fully with an example. thanks.

By: Peter Meissnitzer (Gladiatoro) Mon, 19 Mar 2018 16:05:43 +0000 You guys want to learn something read Dr Stefan Lanka’s work the man is a genius, his best quote “It has never been possible to create a disease with the relevant microbe” once you understand that simple FACT then you are getting somewhere, in reality we are living in the dark ages of medicine and that would be an understatement .

By: Phillip Schneider Fri, 16 Mar 2018 17:10:04 +0000 That’s a good point. Certain wars though, like the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and WWII, are exceptions. I know that Prescott Bush was involved with WWII, but U.S. soldiers still fought to end a terrible regime.

By: miguelhud Fri, 16 Mar 2018 12:30:39 +0000 Unfortunately the ones who died “fighting for something” in wars were usually not fighting for what they were told they were fighting for. Those wrongfull deaths are usually for a few elites to expand their power and influence at the cost of the lives of our sons and daughters.

By: abinico warez Thu, 15 Mar 2018 23:23:02 +0000 Because the USA has defined the medical industry worldwide.

By: Jodi Thomas Thu, 15 Mar 2018 03:37:31 +0000 I am in the exact same boat as Cheryl. Three to four days of Levaquin for a suspected sinus infection (and possible uti) has crippled me for the past 20 months. I am a previously active 48 yr old widow of eight years and the sole caregiver for a now-14-year-old. Being an attorney and retired judge, I should have no problem returning to work when my son is a few years older. However, I truly am concerned that I will never be able to work again. Within two weeks of taking the Levaquin, MRI’s showed tendinosis in both Achilles and both knees, as well as a PCL tear in my left knee and two meniscus tears in my right knee. Despite following all of the proper health protocols and being an optimistic person, I continue to be unable to heal these injuries, and I also now have tendinosis in my wrists, thumbs and elbows. I have extreme difficulty even going up and down stairs. The Levaquin poisoning also triggered the latent mono virus from when I was a teen, and I now have chronic Epstein-Barr episodes. I’m sure there is even more damage internally of which I am not yet aware. Lastly, numerous studies have shown that our DNA is permanently damaged by Levaquin and all of the fluoroquinolone antibiotics. Thank you so much for writing an article expressing things that I would love to scream out from the rooftop!

By: joel Wed, 14 Mar 2018 18:23:26 +0000 In 2015 i cured my late stage squamous cell skin cancer. I was a wreck, with painful oozing sores coming out of my face and chest area. I was slated for demolition. The conventional treatments were totally unacceptible.
I tried Cannabis, Turmeric, frankencense, cleansing and total lifestyle changes but it wasn’t working….
Finally i pulled the ace out of my sleeve. It was Black Salve to the rescue!
This simple formula of 3 herbs and Zinc Chloride was a total game changer. I purchased one small jar of this for about 20 $. —-enough to —- 100’s of “cancers”.
This is completely threatening to the skin cancer “industry”. They have nothing that works this well.
Blood root, chapparal, soursop, zinc chloride…
This combo allows us to carry on, to avoid toxic surgeries, chemo, and radiation. IT allows us to take charge of our health and our destiny, to NOT, place ourselves in the hands of the evil doctors.
Jon’s hammering away at soviergnty, freedom and the individual is very important. The alternative is suffering, confusion and death. I am alive to tell you this
Aloha, peace….

By: Sharon Figler Wed, 14 Mar 2018 15:45:33 +0000 Doctors use Fluoroquinolones during surgery as a prophylactic. That is what happened to me. No infection! After 11 years- 4 joint and spine surgeries still in pain 24/7!

By: walt Wed, 14 Mar 2018 13:58:25 +0000 There’s a reason they call it; Medical “Practice”.
And you’re the guinea pig.
