Comments on: What is the immune system of the mind? Tue, 27 Mar 2018 03:57:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: trudi Jousson Tue, 27 Mar 2018 03:57:50 +0000 As the mind and body are so intertwined, the one influencing the other, the immune system of the gut can influence that of the brain and vice-versa. Without the individual’s objective opinion and consequent response towards all that happens to it, the mind/body organism is merely passively existing without meaning or reason for being. Thanks Jon for bringing up this issue.

By: Earl J. Sharp Thu, 22 Mar 2018 15:32:26 +0000 It would be interesting to identify the characteristics of the mind’s immune system. What is the immune system composed of?

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 22 Mar 2018 04:09:08 +0000 Gibber, materialist.

Atoms ARE NOT solid. Everything is made of atoms (light) or “doesn’t exist” (beyond the vacuum, which is a “theory”, has anyone ever discovered “nothing”?).

It is you that “puff” symptoms/effects as presumed “evidence” for your worldly causes and yet you have no comprehension of the fundamentals of existence, i.e. “what?”, “how?”, “WHY?”

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 22 Mar 2018 04:03:14 +0000 Good article and agreed, Jon,

Except there is another “layer” above immune system. Dis-ease in a primary attack on the mind. When (in 100% of human cases) the mind is flawed in some way(s), the body can be compromised and defences are sometimes required….and, then over to your article.


By: SanityClaus Thu, 22 Mar 2018 00:30:09 +0000 There is no “immune system of the mind”.
Your analogy is lacking any specific references. You spout generalities to reach a foregone conclusion. We are enslaved by traitors called the Pentagon and National Guard who print fake money. Honest commerce requires honest money. Silver is honest American money. If you don’t want interdependent relationships then you are not fit to live in any kind of society. Free society cannot survive where honest money has been abolished by traitors who pledge themselves to permanent war in the service of the BritishEmpire/N.A.T.O. HEROIN MAFIA. Federal Reserve Notes are fake money pentagon military scrip.

By: truth1 Wed, 21 Mar 2018 19:46:03 +0000 Well, anytime there is a conflict of interests, like independence, free thought, making you own decisions and examinations . . . and peer pressure from any number of sources and places, and you bow to the pressure to put aside the former good stuff to keep the peers happy, you have let in a mental virus and destroyed your immune system with the allowed competition between you liking what you do and other no liking it at all. I would say a lot of it goes back to parenting, where ample love, reinforcement, and instruction bolster our confidence and self-sufficiency so that rejection has a minimal effect. Our parents can inoculate us but most seldom do. How sad!

By: Michael Burns Wed, 21 Mar 2018 17:59:59 +0000 Well said…so many sit in an ocean of fake. And claim ‘How can I be original’ it’s all been done.
The individual can see, quite well, we are living in a desert.

By: Tim Wed, 21 Mar 2018 16:58:49 +0000 Immune system of the mind includes critical thinking – critical examination of data, facts, allegations, suppositions, etc. What else does it include? Well that is useful to discuss, and an open discussion to air facts, opinions, experience is also part of this ‘immune system of the mind’.

Bypassing the critical factor by appeals to emotion, authority, custom, tradition, social proof (what people conventionally believe/think/accept etc) impairs, suppresses, or short circuits the critical thinking ‘immune system of the mind’ making a person susceptible to toxic propaganda, ideas, concepts, advertising, etc. Occult systems are toxic to the immune system of the mind.

By: Kevin Ryan Wed, 21 Mar 2018 16:18:09 +0000 The immune system identifies intruders. To identify intruders, we need to know what is “me” and what is “not me.” Not always an easy question to answer. In the L-tryptophan cases years ago, one Japanese manufacturer altered the production process and the bacteria began making molecules that looked almost exactly like L-tryptophan molecules but they were slightly different “analogs.” People ingested the bad L-tryptophan and the analog molecules were incorporated into their cells and tissues before their immune systems recognized these analogs as intruders/“not me” and began attacking those molecules. The result was organ failure and death. Marketing, advertising, culture feed us analogs all the time – values, needs, memes, ideas, goals – to live by. The diet we are force fed. Some of these may have infiltrated our perception of freedom, independence, etc. The hijack effort is insidious and pervasive. Not just in our face like the Bush hijack of “patriotism” to rally support for Operation Iraqi Freedom.

By: kkessler833 Wed, 21 Mar 2018 14:48:22 +0000 I hate to agree with you but I think you may be right although there still are a lot of hard working people in this country.
