Comments on: How the CIA hid their MKULTRA mind control program Tue, 03 Apr 2018 15:05:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: mcclainra Tue, 03 Apr 2018 15:05:23 +0000 And don’t forget Joseph Kennedy’s daughter, Rosemary, who he had lobotomized. Lots of links if you search, and not sure which one may be correct one, but do know he had it done, and wife, Rose, JFK’s mother, was against it.

By: truth1 Mon, 02 Apr 2018 16:53:49 +0000 It is in my book, Ozzie!

By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 02 Apr 2018 04:14:10 +0000 He appeared on “Oprah”. Isn’t that the same thing?

By: truth1 Sun, 01 Apr 2018 22:05:43 +0000 Oh, I do not doubt it. They’ remember him as a saint someday. But we know better.

By: amnesiaclinic Sun, 01 Apr 2018 10:09:23 +0000 Reblogged this on amnesiaclinic and commented:

By: Tom_12 Sun, 01 Apr 2018 07:15:46 +0000 I must admit, this stuff reads like an Alien/UFO story. Here is something from an obituary of one of the “actors”

“ALBANY, Dec. 15 (AP)—Dr. Paul H. Hoch, State Com­missioner of Mental Hygiene, collapsed and died at his home here tonight. He was 62 years old.

Dr. Hoch was appointed com­missioner on July 7, 1955, by Gov. Averell Harriman and was reappointed by Governor Rock­efeller.

Courteous and Cool

To cope with the problems of the state’s mentally ill—over­crowding, skimpy facilities and finances, personnel shortages and the traditional indifference of the public—Paul Henry Hoch brought a continental courtesy and coolness and the thorough­ness of a laboratory researcher.

Dr. Hoch was a modest but forthright man of whom an as­sociate once said: “He has a faculty for making you feel understood.”

Governor Rockefeller last night described Dr. Hoch as a “wonderfully warm, understand­ing human being,” deeply dedi­cated to the cause of public psychiatry.”

Mode of operation by Hoch,
“In 1953, Henry Blauer, a 42-year old professional tennis player, sought treatment at NYS Psychiatric Institute for depression following a divorce. Without his knowledge or consent, he was used as a guinea human pig in a horrific mescaline drug experiment that killed him. Drs. Paul Hoch and James Cattell subjected Mr. Blauer to multiple injections of massive doses of a mescaline derivative whose ingredients they did not even know. Cattell reportedly told Army investigators, “We didn’t know whether it was dog piss or what it was we were giving him.” (Manchurian Candidate, 1979 Chapter 4, footnote )”

By: truth1 Sun, 01 Apr 2018 05:49:46 +0000 I have no doubt a lot of minds were wrecked by the CIA. Part of the dumbing down effort and suppression of ideas.

By: Abe Sun, 01 Apr 2018 05:06:04 +0000 I never heard the term super soldiers til X-Files. I went into the Marines as a contentious objector. I know that sounds like an Oxy, but so did Alvin York. After that X-Files super soldier episodes, I see that they’ve been working on that for years.

Both my dad and his twin were WWII Vets. One Omaha Beach to Berlin, and the other the Canal to Tokyo. They both were guinea pigs. One with Asbestos, and the other with radiation.

I’ve only told a couple close friends this, but one day my DI (Damn Idiot) and had a heart to heart. He seemed to think I’d be better serving the Corps as a sniper, or Recon instead of a slimy air winger. Although I knew I’d excel at either one, I wanted the fast paced life on an air field. This really pissed him off. I guess usually people that go into this is by recommendation of the DI’s. You just can’t walk into the recruiters and say I want to be a sniper, or I want to be a Recon Ranger and get it. Of coarse I went from the meritorious list, to the shit list. But what I see in hind sight is he was setting me up for the “corporation”. I still wonder what if”, but don’t have any regrets. If he would of asked to be on the Marine Corps shooting team,,,, I wouldn’t thought twice about it.

When I got out of boot, my buddy and I hooked up immediately. After a few minutes Irv looks at me and say’s, “Oh God Abe, I was so afraid they’d brain wash you like they did to Dan and Paul”. I said Irv. “they SI’d the livin shit out of me, and all I’d do is laugh”. All they did was make me defiant.

I don’t doubt they had implants in those days. There was a lot of things they did on the quiet. No surprise there.

I might be a bit of a drunk today. But what my drinking does is fuels the fire for Justice. Not to be confused with Just-Us. At least during my stint, I saved one life individually, two lives with my crew, and several lives with the crash unit as a whole. Didn’t have to kill any one, but came close.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sun, 01 Apr 2018 04:06:53 +0000 According to Dietrich, Aquino was the Pentagon’s “chaplain”…..!!!!

By: David Sun, 01 Apr 2018 03:28:21 +0000 I’ve known an old classmate from my schooldays for 47 years. He would tell me tales of how in grade school,he was invited into taking free classes for gifted young . Few parents will say no, for free education for their child. Parents can’t sign the papers fast enough for free education. He then had something inserted deep up his noise that hurt him greatly, and gave him a nose bleed. Later he felt a bump on his ankle, and cut out a small glass device. He believes he was being programed to be a super soldier or assassin. He had great promise as a writer of science fiction, as an artist. Today he is a wreck,who lives just to get drunk, and bemoan what they did to him. ” I am just a victim” and, “they did things to me! ” is all he can say. 55 years later.these memories have tortured him.I’ve heard that if one has at least one parent foreign born, one can sue over such treatment. Not so if both parents are born American citizens. I wonder how many thousands of the baby boom generation, with so much promise were likewise destroyed being unknowing child human guinea pigs. This has to rank up there with the hundreds of thousands exposed to agent orange from the Vietnam war.
