Comments on: Launching a personal revolution of vast proportions Tue, 03 Apr 2018 23:50:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Natural Woman Tue, 03 Apr 2018 23:50:07 +0000 Your story resonates with me because a very close, trusted friend told me something similar had happened to him. He yearned to be a couple hundred miles away at a family funeral, yet couldn’t travel due to terrible weather. But he found himself there anyway, and others saw him and even spoke to him, yet he hadn’t left home, at least in his physical body.

By: bdoyen Tue, 03 Apr 2018 19:06:42 +0000 Brilliant insight into personal power, thanks.

By: jandvig Tue, 03 Apr 2018 16:19:00 +0000 “Some people want to say that power is a neutral object that can be used for good or evil. That isn’t true. Your deepest power is alive. It’s personal. It’s stunningly energetic and dynamic.”
I wonder if the neutrality of power means that it doesn’t matter HOW power (life) is expressed.
Power (life force) being innate and indescribable because we know how it behaves but we don’t actually Know what it IS.
Jon, thanks for the inspiration to deepen our contemplations about truth.

By: Timeless Classics -- Poetry by Ana Daksina Tue, 03 Apr 2018 14:45:46 +0000 You rock boulders, brother. I’m in awe of all your courageous and meticulous work on behalf of the All. Reblogging to sister site Success Inspirers World ????

By: MrDuncmck Tue, 03 Apr 2018 14:27:39 +0000 Thanks !! another wonderful angel to describe the indefinable self from an outside observer.As a person who pays attention to your work and has downloaded revealed and exit .it is clear this is about trajectory of the (i am) for me.. and an infinite one at that .how could it ever be mastered? for me it is more about living it (inner life) than learning stuff.Funny little snowball effect from a long ago event ; One of many..I’m sitting on my couch in my living room ..i hear this dog freaking out .like it is on a rampage going after turns out he is going after my beloved kitty cat..i was buck naked reading something.casual..This was a 120 pound primed german shepard who wanted my kitty for lunch. i lost all sense of time and space;. it was if i projected myself between my kitty and the dog in a split fear and a benevolent rage that was more powerful than anything i had ever known…beyond my experience .i could have shredded the dog in pieces with bare hands.he knew it and split horrified..when i came to i was buck naked in the middle of my driveway all my neighbors are outside wondering what the hell is going on ..funny scene…for some reason the observer in me .the watcher watching the watcher proclaimed …….”So this is what love is”…… it was a peek into my own assumptions which were built upon a consensus i created by imitating the outer consensus. i had been lost in translation of my own definitions so i knew a new inner language was imperative for me to create so i could listen to my real inner i started to create a language out of nothing that made sense to the inner was the event that triggered trajectory .20/20 hindsight is the snowball effect.that event triggered another reality separate from any familiar one..i now know it is possible.

By: Theodore Tue, 03 Apr 2018 14:13:06 +0000 This is quintessential Jon Rappoport.

By: petergrafstrm Tue, 03 Apr 2018 12:56:48 +0000 The precisely established part of modern physics actually provides an opportunity to delve into something that may be a higher entity. One such path to follow is to employ space-time inversions to explain the particle concept rather than postulate the particles existence and properties. The wave-particle dualism may be reduced to an application of phaselocking leading to an apparent solidification of something which otherwise would only have wave properties. But this immediately leads to the hypothesis that we ourselves must be likewise conditioned by the same phaselocking. Thus particles like electrons would be synchronized phases. Synchronized with our existence, with our ‘now’.
The next logical step would then be to ask what is beyond that synchronization which manifests itself in the electron. Phase implies some kind of periodic phenomenon. The proton differs from the electron but is likewise stable. Thus to interpret it as another fixed phase similar to the electron is a natural starting point. So we have two different fixed phases. In what kind of periodic phenomenon are these two phases a part? Just guessing now: if the electron is one phase p, then maybe the proton is p+90 degrees or pi/2 radians. If so those two together ought to represent one fourth of a full period. It could be arranged in some other way, but lets speculate further. What kind of wave to which we are phaselocked is this? Are there a huge number of periods with very similar appearance, so if one could jump between two consecutive cycles there would hardly be any noticeable change? Apart from a quantum jump perhaps? Or is it more like a soliton, a one-of sort of phase.
Whatever way this works, it implies that our view of reality is somehow constrained by something to which we dont have full access.
In this technical meaning I believe we have a point of departure within proven physics which does lend credence to the existence of something beyond us to which we either belong and partly constitute or even are subservient to.
But back to the initial argument about space-time inversions. Historically Harry Bateman and Ebenezer Cunningham discovered the remaining part of the complete conformal invariance group for electromagnetism. Around 1908-10. Had other physicists known about it before it is still doubtful that they would have dared to try to apply it to explain particles. Einsteins postulates provided a workable extension of classical physics. And he said something like every time has it’s truth.
But the properties of these unused symmetries of electromagnetism are perhaps surprisingly more closely related to constant acceleration than to constant speed. This means that approximately logarithmic time and space enter the discussion. Such extreme relations amount to time frozen in for one side of the relations. Space-time logarithmically compressed.
Once you abstain from using the particle concept, even gravity might come out as a consequence of the above-mentioned constant acceleration. But lets not stray OT.
The classical electron radius obtained from the natural constants happens to be close to the radius of real atomic nuclei like those in the DNA.
If that gauge is used in the gaugeinvariance belonging to the conformal group, it isnt impossible that particles like the electron may be explained as horisons for such a logarithmic space and time.
We call it a particle because we are phaselocked and it looks microscopic because it doesnt inhabit a narrow time slit like we but actually extends to infinity while that infinity is not accessible so that infinity reduces to an horison.
So according to this hypothesis the particles of the universe are like pillars stretching out spanning the whole thing. Not being truly microscopic. But that picture would be limiting since according to the premises we are supposed to be phaselocked. The real universe could be some kind of chaotic fluctuating entity, much simpler than the world it gives rise to.
This argument about compressed time and space may be further elaborated and may be a candidate for explaining energy and mass in terms of such unfamiliar multiple time concepts but that would be OT.

By: johnbarleycorn12 Tue, 03 Apr 2018 12:39:13 +0000 I loved that movie. You notice something new each time you watch it.

By: johnbarleycorn12 Tue, 03 Apr 2018 12:37:57 +0000 Reblogged this on John Barleycorn and commented:
Good commentary
