Comments on: London: elderly man charged on suspicion of murder for defending his home against thieves Fri, 20 Apr 2018 10:53:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fran Fri, 20 Apr 2018 10:53:11 +0000 By the very act of breaking and entering, the person doing this act, has evil in mind. To believe that it is ok to break and enter and steal or kill or rape or destroy, is what these people that do these acts have in their mind. Self Defense ( resulting in killing the perpetrators) is the correct and just act. It meets all criteria of Justice and Fair Play. If you cannot see this, then you have a mental disorder.

By: Anne Pistorius Thu, 12 Apr 2018 15:21:42 +0000 To Michael Burns: I haven’t seen the 78-year-old man’s picture, but you say he had several pints of Guinness in his hands. Just going on the assumption that he wasn’t offered this at the police station, I’ve got a question. Was the photograph date-stamped? If it wasn’t and no date was provided, there’s no way WE have of knowing whether it was taken last month or twenty years ago.

By: Anne Pistorius Thu, 12 Apr 2018 15:03:15 +0000 The thief has already committed the crime of trespassing. If the homeowner had picked up a phone and had begun to dial ANY number, no thief is going to think perhaps the man is calling his niece Audrey to ask her over for tea—he’s going to assume the man who house he has broken into is calling the police, and he will stop the call before it can happen by whatever means necessary. If you are face to fave with an intruder in your house, it is too late to call the police. I don’t know by what illogic or naivete you came up with this one—just sayin’.

By: jimmy crack corn Wed, 11 Apr 2018 13:11:44 +0000 The Daily Fail is a well known deep state/intel disinformation site. Pictures are photo-shopped, stories are fabrications.
The Crown (courts) are a private business out of the City of London. If you do not surrender your WILL ( and play their game, then you do not CON-tract = no case to answer. All is deception = Contract makes the law = Free Will also.
Charges = (+/-) = electrical energy potential = one goes into polarity = out of heart centre (heart = neutral = no energy loss). Hence Energy words used by banks/police/courts etc = All is Energy.
Heart Centre is your power point = master
The Divide & Conquer strategy is deeply rooted in the crooks psyche.
Going by how Beings (not “people” = persona = a fake being) are taking the bait and replying here, there is much work to do on one’s own psyche.
Avoid them like the plague and work on raising self = “get thee wisdom and in all thy getting get understanding”.

By: MrTea Mon, 09 Apr 2018 20:53:56 +0000 Did they leave the house of the arrested person open after they arrested him? This part of these stories is usually omitted. The authorities left the condo of the San Bernardino terrorists open to anyone who wanted to wander in after the cops left, they did the same thing to the house owned by the Vegas shooter. Kind of strange considering these sites were crime scenes from potential terrorist incidents–where was the DHS?

By: Ozzie Thinker Mon, 09 Apr 2018 07:30:50 +0000 Jon

This is a difficult one.

Too many symptoms facilitating prejudgement cloud the potential for justice. The harshest order for killing someone “in defence of life” is manslaughter. That still stands in UK law – believe it not.

It seem to me there is more to this “story” than the Daily Mail is prepared to reveal if the police are “considering” (what does that mean?) murder charges? Was the aged man a crook and his “burglaring” visitors were there to reclaim old spoils? I don’t know. The Mail failed to cover that – the MOTIVES, relationships parties may or may not have had. Many questions and a far more detailed profile need to be appended before apt final judgement is made on this and any mainstream “news” item is my view.


By: Claus Jensen Sun, 08 Apr 2018 08:26:51 +0000 David Crowe, I agree with you and Peter Griffin (I think) that there is a procedure that has to be followed in a case like this. It needs to be investigated, since nobody can know exactly what happened. The old man could be lying, the media could have gotten it wrong (very likely), there could have been much less danger than we think. And the police might just have wanted to share donuts and pizza with the guy and sent him home the next day. In fact, this was reported soon after: “Mr Osborn-Brooks has now been released from a police station near his home in Hither Green, south-east London pending an investigation by murder detectives. Police have ordered him to return on a date in early May.”

But note, the guy had to put up bail, and as far as the law is concerned is getting the suspect treatment. As many here have pointed out, if the story is correctly reported it is hard to see how a single stab could have been unreasonable force in this case. It is hard to see how a “reasonable” requirement even applies here. You’re supposed to be scared and highly unreasonable in a situation like that. Just because the guy Ezra Pound punched didn’t hit his head and cracked it open when he fell doesn’t mean that we should all be capable of controlling the amount of damage in a fight at all times.

Let me again compare with the street cop vs suspect dynamic here, because it is really the crux of the matter. The trained, paid cop is allowed to be scared of everything and go off at the drop of a pin. He is allowed to escalate situations way beyond what they were when he arrived at the scene. There is in effect no reasonable or proportional requirement, because we look at the stress of the situation and allow or excuse almost any behaviour by the officer. The citizen on the other hand is required to be 100 % submissive, follow all instructions without fail, and always remain calm and rational, no matter circumstances and stress factor – an impossible requirement and a blatant double standard.

But there is a very simple explanation for this dynamic. The police officer represents state power, and the citizen is taught complete submissiveness in the face of state power, no matter how unjust or humiliating the treatment, because state power is total. It’s hard to pick between all the examples, but I think most people have seen this recent one where a police officer executes an unarmed pest exterminator with five bullets crawling on all fours, begging for his life.

Yes, he guy was reaching for his pants (to pull them up as he was crawling), but that’s not the point. The point is that the officer after seeing that the guy is not armed with a rifle as had been reported, does not just tell him to lie down and not move and cuff him, but starts an unnecessary game of Simon Says or First Day With The Drill Sergeant, stressing the guy with threats and rapid fire conflicting instructions, until he citizen makes the inevitable mistake.

I wrote “unnecessary game”, but not really because the core function of police is to discipline the population, teach them obedience and submission in the face of state power.

So, tell me, what do you think will happen if a tape turns up showing the 78 year old homeowner, citizen not backed by the state monopoly on violence, and a group of his friends, acting in the way the police do here? Note that the threats and conflicting instructions (like “hands straight in the air”, and also “on the floor in front of you”) go on for a deal longer than the video shows. /watch?v=7Ooa7wOKHhg

A few more details from Joe Rogan, who isn’t exactly the typical bleeding heart liberal (2:35-5:50). /watch?v=iLhH5v-OaLI

By: Frank Smith Sun, 08 Apr 2018 00:57:24 +0000 Adolf Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, all were fascists.

By: Frank Smith Sun, 08 Apr 2018 00:55:47 +0000 Once they’re inside the house its too late to call the police.

By: Konrad Sat, 07 Apr 2018 16:28:27 +0000 In other words, if a news story is outrageous, you might want to do some extra digging. There is often more to the story than what the news outlets reveal.
