Comments on: Gene therapy and the trans-human agenda Thu, 24 Jun 2021 19:03:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Peter Meissnitzer (Gladiatoro) Fri, 20 Apr 2018 15:18:08 +0000 Sounds about right.

By: Natural Woman Thu, 19 Apr 2018 15:34:29 +0000 “Their Luciferian goal is to turn us into slaves for a short time, then liquidate our fortune with expensive treatments for the illnesses they induced, that kill us off soon after our work life is expired. . .”

Have you noticed that this model is a more sophisticated version of the way people were exploited in earlier times? They were serfs who were not allowed to own their own land, who were not allowed to read or write, who lived in hovels but went to services in beautiful churches full of stained glass windows reinforcing the concept that you work hard without reward now for a heavenly reward.

We have the illusion of property ownership, but our rights have been eroded to the point that we only have the illusion of ownership so long as we pay taxes, until someone legally takes it for their own purpose.

We can read and write but are not allowed to know many things that are hidden from us, and censorship to reinforce that is happening more and more.

The current religion is the mainstream enforced version of “science,” which is a perversion but we aren’t supposed to know that. Instead of stained glass windows we have all manner of news programs, including fancy commercials, that reinforce the narrative. Because most people cannot afford the high costs of this version of medical care, we are given the illusion that the government in all their compassion for us, provides that care for free while all the time stealing from us via taxes and inflated money.

Someone once said that the best slave was one who didn’t know that they were slaves.

By: FP Thu, 19 Apr 2018 13:12:16 +0000 “For who says that genes are stable?”


😀 Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

As for the post, thanks for the warning. Just another reason to not let the “vampires” take your blood so they can enter it into the “Sorcerers of Science” database. It may come back to bite you when they want someone on which to “experiment.”

By: Terry Edmond Thu, 19 Apr 2018 05:58:08 +0000 Purina established minimums for pets and other animals, but no such research is established for humans that the FDA recognizes or our food would be a whole lot healthier and we would be suffering a whole lot less. Disease is induced by tweaking which to deletes from the diet to induce specific illnesses. Nestles is now doing that to our pet food so they, too, suffer likewise. Their Luciferian goal is to turn us into slaves for a short time, then liquidate our fortune with expensive treatments for the illnesses they induced, that kill us off soon after our work life is expired. Old age is to be eliminated. If you follow the obituaries, you can see that.

By: trudi Jousson Wed, 18 Apr 2018 19:22:07 +0000 The way I see it, the purpose of genetic engineering has less to do with improving people’s lives and more to do with accommodating the human body to the planet’s ongoing present and future environmental toxins which are mostly man made by purpose or neglect.

There is little to no evidence that the planet’s water, earth, or air is being improved for human tolerance but rather is being manipulated as is the human body and the plants it feeds on. The human body is only being improved upon through genetic research in order to make it tolerant for its future descendants in the same way the plants it feeds upon are being made resistant to man made toxins while eliminating the need for natural pollination altogether.

We’re working merely to bring the ever more toxic environment into alignment with the resulting toxic human body so that the old way of life (blue sky, real nutrition, and clean water) is replaced with a pale imitation. We’ve reached the point where the body has been allowed to become the problem by no longer being able to resist its environment’s increasing toxicity.

So rather than trying to eliminate the planet’s toxicity the aim is to manipulate the body to accommodate its new and toxic climate/environment. The goal of optimizing present day human health and longevity (lying somewhere between deficiency and toxicity) has been replaced by the cultivation of a whole new species or transhuman. Animals and plants are being allowed to go extinct as mad scientists devoid of conscience and ruled and manipulated by a small group of powerful elites are the order of the day.

By: coyne and orr Wed, 18 Apr 2018 11:50:14 +0000 Why would you want to “cure” sickle cell when being heterozygous confers an advantage if you live in a region with malaria? so many unintended consequences for gene edting.

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 18 Apr 2018 07:06:00 +0000 Jon

You know my thoughts about the whole genetics scam (i.e. until you can see and influence the quantum layer, you do not “control” genes and only when you “control genes” do you realise, ultimately, “God” – if you will, controls genes), but you make some excellent points here.

What is dis-ease?

Why are any placebos effective “cures”?

It’s all about causes, triggers and mind.


By: Rixta Francis Wed, 18 Apr 2018 04:33:24 +0000 It’s highly unlikely that genes have anything to do with disease. Nothing at all. Even if genetic findings would be consistent, then it’s more likely that the disease causes the gene mutation than the other way around. For who says that genes are stable? Maybe your genome changes all the time. But once you have been “tested positive” for a certain disease nobody ever checks again if maybe at once you might be negative.

Genetics is chockful fantasies, assumptions and wishful thinking. I’m still waiting for the first piece of science in there.

By: Natural Woman Wed, 18 Apr 2018 03:21:47 +0000 Yes, pointing at genetic problems is misdirection, particularly with the new revelations from epigenetics.

By: Sunshine2 Tue, 17 Apr 2018 23:24:01 +0000 And, Jon, like you illustrated in your story about the poisoned rain, disease can be manufactured. So now we have manufactured diseases with genes identified for those diseases (because there are so many genes yet to be identified, they can take their pick.).

I can see the researchers hard at work:

“Hey Bob, 60 percent of the study participants with xyz have this gene. Do you think that’s what this gene does?”

“Yeah, Charley, nice catch. Let’s call it the xyz gene and include that in our next research paper.”
