Comments on: Would you want to be a pig with a human brain? Tue, 22 Jun 2021 23:10:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gunny G Sun, 27 May 2018 14:25:58 +0000 More……………

By: Sue Fri, 27 Apr 2018 00:21:05 +0000 And, just one thing runs through my mind when I see this humorous scenario, too:

“Yes, Sid was dying until they made a heart in a gorilla and stuck it in his chest. He’s so proud to show people the scar from the surgery.”

“Who, the gorilla?”

“No, Sid!”

I wonder if most people know that vivisectors don’t always take care to give anesthesia to their victims, and in some circumstances they take special care to NOT use any. Such was the case with the baboon to baby heart transplant in 1984. It was bad enough that the baby was denied traditional surgery so that the “doctor” (vivisector) could grandstand, and try for the brass ring of fame, but he also carved out the heart of the “donor” without any anesthesia, to ensure a drug free heart for the baby.

People considering donating their organs “after death” should read the following article. Unfortunately for the other animals, they are subjected to this every day, by the thousands, in laboratories everywhere.

Why I am no longer an organ donor: organs can only be …

By: Laura Thu, 26 Apr 2018 20:41:01 +0000 Yes, Tom, it would have been a tv news story at least locally in Pennsylvania back in 1998, and see the link in my above comment for a Penn. followup story from 4 years later.

By: Sue Thu, 26 Apr 2018 20:12:29 +0000 Yes. Here is one:

Lulu The Pot-Bellied Pig Saves Life of Owner |

And here is another case of a pig coming to the rescue:

Hero Pig Saves Baby Goat from Drowning – UA Magazine

By: Tom_12 Thu, 26 Apr 2018 08:39:59 +0000 Amazing story. Did it make it on the News ?

By: Laura Wed, 25 Apr 2018 23:57:02 +0000 Yeah, Sue, some people here had a good ol’ time yucking it up about their “bacon” on the hoof being so stupid and lowly, despicable even! Here’s the story in full about Lulu for anyone who thinks it’s merely a handy myth for “pet” lovers to indulge themselves in:
Not that animals have to be brilliant and heroic lifesavers to be loved or respected, but this just shows the great character, intelligence, love and courage all animals are capable of if they’re allowed to develop fully in the right environment, same as people. Humanists fail to see that…they mustn’t since it would prove to them something they do not want to acknowledge.
I respect so much of what Jon has to say; so it was quite the letdown to see how this issue was handled here. Hope he can do something to counteract this disappointment.

By: Sue Wed, 25 Apr 2018 04:18:41 +0000 Thank you, Laura. I have been pondering how to respond to this, having been under the impression, from previous articles on the subject of vivisection, that Jon would demonstrate more respect, and empathy, for the “other-than-us” beings who are treated with so much brutality by people. However, in this piece, those were very noticeably not only missing, but trampled over.

I remember a pig, named Lulu, raised with love and kindness, as part of the family. When the woman had a heart attack, she and Lulu, and their dog, were home alone. Lulu got out of the house through a dog door (for the dog, who just stood there, barking) which was too small for her, causing injury to herself, and went to the nearest street, where she tried to stop cars. Of course, the cars kept driving by (all those people with wonderful human brains), and Lulu was no doubt very lucky that one of those ‘superior’ individuals didn’t just run her down, because in the world of “I, Me, Mine,” there’s no stigma attached to running over an animal who doesn’t happen to be a naked ape, especially when most people are killing and eating them.

In between trying to stop cars, Lulu went back to the house, twice, re-injuring herself to go in and check on the welfare of her guardian, then out again, to the street.

Finally, by some miracle, an extraordinary young man, possessed of higher consciousness, realized that when Lulu kept stepping out in front of cars, that she was trying to tell people something. He stopped his car, got out, and approached her. She led him back to the house, where he discovered the stricken woman on the floor, and called for an ambulance. The woman survived.

And yet, when the white-coated maniacs, who have been torturing other animals in laboratories (with nary a peep of protest from most of us) for centuries, reveal that they’re involving us as the next victims their nasty business, it’s very revealing to see more disrespect shown for the other animals than for the demon vivisectors, including in many comments posted here.

Sing it, George! “All through the day, I, me mine, I, me, mine, I, me mine, No-one’s frightened of playing it, everyone’s saying it, flowing more freely than wine – All through your life, I me mine”

By: NaturalWoman Wed, 25 Apr 2018 02:18:06 +0000 I’ve seen Gates and his wife live and am convinced that he believes that what he’s doing is for the good. But, as you said, he is blind to individual liberty and personal privacy violations because he believes it is for the greater good. Remember how he got to where he is by taking others’ inventions and forcing them on us, creating a monopoly for Microsoft. Perhaps some readers can remember the class action lawsuit where people were given back some money, much less than the expensive software cost, while the lawyers took the major share. During this time, my favorite software, WordPerfect, much better than Word, became all but obsolete due to Microsoft’s unfair actions blocking competitors.

Rather than taking an animal part or creating a needed part within an animal, I think it will soon be possible to grow it in large petrie dishes from cells from the person needing . These parts would not be rejected and would be ethical, eliminating the cruelty to animals.

By: Laura Tue, 24 Apr 2018 20:48:42 +0000 I find this article and the comments off-putting, aside from the valid points on the core issue. I don’t agree with people’s ridiculing animals or using them as insults. Please watch: /watch?v=RBLZM3IENT4

By: Franklin Beenz (@F_Beenz) Tue, 24 Apr 2018 17:37:41 +0000 From Friday, February 3, 1995, 12:01 a.m.

“And another war on Earth will ensue, for terrestrials will have failed in their attempt to become more peaceloving and intelligent. The future will hold nothing positive pertaining to scientists because they will have begun to perform their first genetic manipulations on humans and animals by this time, and will be creating entities, so-called ‘semi-humans’, whom they will produce by crossing humans with pigs and then train them as fighting machines. These entities will be sent into war and also perform a variety of tasks in space. However, this situation will not go well very long. The entities will oppose their creators, like it is also the case with robotic humans who will have arms and legs amputated so that their nervous system can be attached to minute electronic-biologic devices, whereby these semi-humans become living navigational devices for spaceships and every type of weaponry, machinery and terrestrial vehicles, to name but a few.”
