Comments on: The Matrix Revealed: The collective experiment on planet Earth Mon, 16 Jul 2018 18:00:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: truth1 Mon, 16 Jul 2018 18:00:17 +0000 We will see . . . in 5 years if not less.As they say, its not over till the fat lady sings! and you can label me whatever you want.

By: redneckdavinci Sun, 15 Jul 2018 22:24:42 +0000 You say that I don’t know you, but I do. You are a defeatist. But you don’t know me at all, for I am not a defeatist. Good luck with your submission before you even get started. Let me know how that works out for you. Meanwhile, I’m doing fine just ruling myself.

By: truth1 Sun, 15 Jul 2018 21:17:19 +0000 “Only one person rules your life!” If you’ll forgive my blunt response, No matter what we do with our perception and how we choose to see and act, We are not immune or separated from the world we liven and breath in. Its a bit like osmosis. It will permeate you, rather you give into it or not. You no choice. its what you are. have been throughout our history as a species. Nor have I ever come near to conforming to anything. You don’t seem to know me well. You can try this as evidence for what I say. I disagree with almost every thing on this site of mine.
It is unlike any other hated by most. So I know about being an individual more than anyone else on earth. No man is an island, yet that is what I am. So I can all but me . . . maybe.

There is a status quo out there, and whether you have a lot of room and options, or few, depends on who submissive you are to that prevailing wind of the status quo. To put it plainly, you have few options, if . . . you do not conform to the status quo. I don’t give a damn how independent you are, you will need to conform to the current and ride the rapids and find a niche in the current to ride in and get buy with the simple life. All the positive thinking the world will not change a thing, otherwise. FACT!

And the reward for being your own man? You can sleep well and night and feel good about yourself and that is worth a lot in my book!

By: redneckdavinci Sat, 14 Jul 2018 09:17:12 +0000 I’d say there are fewer people ruling you than you think. Only one person truly rules you in life, and that is yourself. It is your own belief that causes you to stay on that narrow little line in order to conform. That is the beauty of the entire system; the slaves inside it enslave themselves.

By: Peter Sun, 27 May 2018 23:07:17 +0000 You can decide what is negative, but that doesn’t mean your decision would necessarily be in harmony with the rest of the universe, making it universal truth. You can certainly choose to be negative to suit your purposes too, which would be along the lines of proving what doesn’t work. Therefore, it’s good that you look forward to time being the judge, because reality eventually will show us the way, by proving exactly what does work by elimination of what definitely doesn’t work.

By: truth1 Sat, 26 May 2018 19:05:36 +0000 Some call reality negative. who decides what is negative or not? I , the individual, do! but the possibility remains that if it is negative, that it might be justified. but only time is going to answer that, and I am fine with time being the judge. I look forward to it.

By: Peter Fri, 25 May 2018 06:07:21 +0000 That’s a very negative attitude you’re displaying there truth1, which isn’t necessarily a judgement, or a criticism, just an observation. I can’t be judgemental, because I was the same, in fact we all were, or are at some stage of development, but we forget.

To counter that thinking, I’d suggest adapting an old aviation equation that describes how to fly. It simply states, Power + Attitude = Performance. What it means is that the goal is to set power and attitude, and wait. Eventually, when the instruments settle down, and any transitory accelerations are balanced, the instruments will indicate the desired performance if we set the right power and attitude of the aircraft relative to the horizon.

Similarly, Will Power + Mental Attitude = Human Performance. How well or badly we perform will depend on two things – the strength of our will, and our mental attitude. Therefore, we can have a strong will, and a very negative attitude, and achieve a high level of negative performance, or a weak will, and a very positive attitude, and we’ll continually stall because we’re incapable of sustaining our extreme positivity. There are a variety of permutations and combinations that you can derive from those two examples, which will be more clear if you have a pilot license.

If not, it doesn’t matter, just realize how the two variables interrelate to produce our performance over time, and that we can vary both infinitely. Often, because we subconsciously recognize our negativity, we limit our will power so we don’t do too much harm to others or ourselves. This is a very good sign that our heart’s in the right place, which is what you’re displaying. For example, we wouldn’t want to follow the example of a Hitler, or Stalin, since we’d imagine they caused untold harm due to a negative attitude allied with a strong will.

Of course, if we could know the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about what caused them to act as they did, we might be less inclined to judge them too. Truth is stranger than fiction after all.

So, what I’m trying to say is that Mark Twain was right when he said, “It ain’t what we don’t know that gets us into trouble. It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so.” That implies that our perception of the world has been coloured by so many things we’ve forgotten, but are still exerting an influence decades later, and are continually being reinforced with new programming. The only way to correct that flawed programming is to go through things methodically, and “Prove all things. Hold fast that which is good.”

Consider it spring cleaning for the mind, and prepare to be shocked at how much you throw out. It is tough going but the benefit is that, “… shall know the truth. And the truth shall set you free.”

By: truth1 Thu, 24 May 2018 15:14:04 +0000 Peter, my parents and brother all hated the Bible. so we can’t blame that. but as well, I offered logic, which just happens to also sound alot like . . . the bible. how bout that! I id offer the 6000 years of human history, which as been very consistent, sadly. It shows we are idiots. better than any other angle does. All I can say is, that Aliens will be completely useless trying to fix us. And given they ARE us, that makes the odds even worse. but not to worry. Like all good cancer cells, we will consume our host until the host is dead and then we will die, too. At least “Evolution” has some brains 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛

By: truth1 Wed, 23 May 2018 20:36:48 +0000 You suggestion makes perfect sense until you realize the lowest common denominator wins out and that common denominator is below an IQ of 60. I might have exaggerated that only a little. Its pretty bad. and I don’t think that those ruling over us have anything good in mind for us.

By: truth1 Wed, 23 May 2018 19:25:09 +0000 Peter, I agree with you that they are likely playing the villain. I am only guessing at this point, but we might see 2 opposing “alien” forces, with the victors looking like heros and saviors. It might also as you say, that we become our own heros. but given that all aliens are really us, anyway, it hardly matters. But we have been helpless for at least 6000 years and many argue far more than that. and in all that time, we have never altered in our pathways. Same old, Same old. Any victory will be a short lived one.
