Comments on: The big vaccine-autism lie Tue, 06 Jul 2021 01:52:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sue Sat, 11 Aug 2018 00:36:56 +0000 I strongly suspect that the industry P.R. machine has fed you this mindset. I hear it from far too many young autistic people for it to be an original thought.

The fact is, you have to learn the history (the REAL history, not the one that was concocted by the pharmaceutical empire) of epidemics and vaccinations.

I started researching this subject 36 years ago, after reading a banned book. Who banned it? The coalition of mega-corporations (pharmaceutical/petrochemical/agribusiness, and their many offshoot industries, like biomedical “research,” which steals multi-millions of our tax dollars every year) put out the order. Why? Because it contains documented information from medical journals, and statements from doctors and scientists which blows the lid off all the LIES being put out by these corporations.

The bottom line is that that doctors who tell the truth have nothing to gain, but a lot to lose, because they are refusing to participate in covering up the truth.

I’ll try to give you a head start with some places to look:

The Polio Vaccine Myth: “The Vaccine Stopped Polio …

Dissolving Illusions – Jeffrey Dach MD…/12/Suzanne_humphries_dissolving_illusions…

Vaccine Fraud: The Polio Elimination by Vaccine Hoax …

CDC whistleblower: “We were ordered to cover up vaccine …

By: marandarussell Fri, 10 Aug 2018 22:21:18 +0000 Even if the vaccine and autism link were true, I would much rather be autistic (which I already am) than be in an iron lung.

By: ItisMe Sun, 01 Jul 2018 23:37:49 +0000 No the listed website above IS NOT a research paper, it is a paper of OPINION. built upon misinformation concerning microbeings and Evolution.

By: ItisMe Sun, 01 Jul 2018 23:22:14 +0000 The Only Parasites here on Earth are The Greedy Industry Spewing Such Hogwash into our Systems. Research “Research Papers” and you will see for yourself the Real information about our Microbeings, do not rely upon opinions of those who are caught up in the money making scheme. Stop Being Their Guinea Pig and giving them your monies and time !!!! Upgrade your Knowledge Yourself, By looking at the RESEARCH PAPERS online.

By: Aron Mon, 04 Jun 2018 23:08:58 +0000

By: Sue Fri, 01 Jun 2018 04:19:09 +0000 OK then, you’re talking semantics. I am sure there are vaccinated “high achievers” in the autism “spectrum,” just as you acknowledge there are “hopelessly handicapped” in the unvaccinated. It is sets of symptoms (or pattern of behaviors) which determine if the brain damage is called autism, not by what means it is brought about.

The most prevalent cause of this onset of symptoms has been vaccination, although there are others.

There are also cancers which are and aren’t caused by vaccines, and seizures, and so on. Based on their presentation, they still fall under the category of cancer, seizures, etc.

So, the medical industry generally can recognize the indicia of autism, they just also generally deny that vaccines are ever the cause.

By: Gerald Brennan Thu, 31 May 2018 19:44:59 +0000 If you read me carefully you would see that we are not in conflict.
The vaccine-related cases are diagnosed as Autism because they don’t know what else to call it.
I do not minimize the horror of vaccine-related catastrophes, and am horrified by the bad science, the greed and deceit of big pharma, insurance companies, Congress and the medical industry.
But we are talking about different things being lumped together because of the current ignorance that the medical community is steeped in on the subject. It will be many years before all this is sorted and we are only at the start.
There is the “other” Autism that is genetic, can produce savants and high achievers (as well as anti-social hopelessly handicapped people), and this is NOT caused by chemical brain-damage or vaccines. They are obviously different sets — BUT THEY ARE ALL CALLED THE SAME THING.

By: Sue Wed, 30 May 2018 11:13:40 +0000 WHAT?! Completely off the wall, Gerald.

What’s been labeled “autism” has escalated incrementally, and in tandem, with increased vaccinations, over several decades. There are also other causes, but try telling your theory to thousands upon thousands of parents who took their healthy interactive babies or children into the vaccinator’s office, and then witnessed immediate screaming and then collapse, which ended up in what has been diagnosed, time after time, as “Autism.”

“Vaccinosis” is a rather vague term, which doesn’t even adequately convey the fact that vaccines DO cause cancer and leukemia, auto-immune diseases of all kinds, asthma, life-threatening allergies, many forms of brain damage (INCLUDING AUTISM), seizures, paralysis, and an overabundance of additional varied reactions which result from having cocktails of toxic chemicals and pus, blood, cells, containing foreign RNA, DNA and animal viruses, injected directly into one’s body, reaching the bloodstream, bypassing all the body’s natural filters.

By: Gerald Brennan Wed, 30 May 2018 00:15:33 +0000 Good article.
No one knows much about what we are calling Autism. When it first was recognized (mid last century) as an emerging constellation of symptoms it was called “Infantile schizophrenia.” I think what will end up being called Autism will not include Vaccinosis, as that has no genetic component. Vaccinosis is a real and devastating problem and the public has been conditioned to believe that it is a conspiracy theory of the tinfoil-hat crowd. Anyone who seeks deeper will find a different and tragic trail of deceit and misinformation.
I think Autism will actually become more understood as an actual thing, with a genetic component. The savant characteristics of many Asperger Syndrome cases and high-performing Autistics (those able to exploit their gifts, attract mates, and reproduce) will pass on their condition, and Autism may, in the long run, prove to be a mechanism of evolution in a positive sense.
But sure as hell not Vaccinosis. The media bubble most are trapped in is designed to not let them see how they are being manipulated.

By: Tom Finn Mon, 28 May 2018 01:33:24 +0000 It’s not that they want to lie. It’s just that they can’t tell the truth given their previous statements.
