Comments on: Say hello to the FBI mole inside the Trump campaign Tue, 29 May 2018 06:56:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gordon Harlow Tue, 29 May 2018 06:56:09 +0000 Trump is an outsider and clearly was naive to the ways of evil Washington. Luckily he learns quickly and so far their efforts to derail democracy have ALL failed.

By: Gordon Harlow Tue, 29 May 2018 06:54:25 +0000 Clearly DT was NOT supposed to have happened. A black swan event like Brexit.

By: transrp Thu, 24 May 2018 20:11:08 +0000 So… Knowing who Stefan Halper was, the trump campaign hired him anyway? At best this indicates that they had a collective IQ of a plant. Or maybe they thought that they could use him.

a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
synonyms: secret agent, intelligence agent, double agent, undercover agent, counterspy, mole, sleeper, plant, scout; More

So, he was in no way a “secret agent”. Given who he was, and how well he was known,, there is no way that he could have “secretly collected” even cream and sugar.

a person who gives information to another. And Mr. Rappoport, you really require a microscope to see the difference? Given the definitions, this makes the entire Trump ensemble a collection of informants, and you a person with a severe reading comprehension proble,

By: amnesiaclinic Wed, 23 May 2018 19:20:54 +0000 Reblogged this on amnesiaclinic and commented:
Scratch the surface and find the British in there….

By: kahoon Wed, 23 May 2018 15:43:17 +0000 It’s in the mail! Pleasure doing business with you.

By: Michael Burns Wed, 23 May 2018 15:29:25 +0000 Okie dokie then. And a big DISCOUNT for you.
BTW did you send the cheque? 🙂

By: norcalguy101 Wed, 23 May 2018 00:33:54 +0000 Jesus. Seriously? You believe Reagan needed a mole inside the Carter campaign? Carter self-destructed on his own merits.

By: kahoon Tue, 22 May 2018 23:58:07 +0000 Actually, Scottish. Kahoon is a short slang of Colquhoun- the English call us Cowan. But I won’t hold it against you for being Irish. I am a reasonable fellow and have a strict policy of non discrimation. You have my email address so please do contact me directly. I am eager to settle this deal and look foward to the big move.

By: Michael Burns Tue, 22 May 2018 18:44:20 +0000 Hello — hope I’m pronouncing it right. Is it “Mr Ka hoon” — hope that’s right. Your not Irish are ya Mr Ka Hoon?…sounds Irish. Are you realated to the O’Hoons from Cork. But then again every name sounds Irish with me. Smiley face!

Mr Kahoon being the representative and care-taker for Mr Jon Rappoport’s real estate entrepreneurials. Inc. We at “Moon-Condos R’Us” (that’s a trademarked name) are extremely excited about this…this little venture — and it is an adventure to be sure Mr Kahoony.

Now — you don’t mind the smell of cheese do ya? Cause on the Moon, we have a delicate bouquet of different cheeses, every day of the week. Don’t like here — go over there, its smells like Roquefort. Ten miles down the road its, it smells like oven-fresh pizza.

We need a few details Mr KaHoon — we have some excellent beach front properties, and I think on last looking they were getting gobbled up fairly quickly. So, Kahoony me ole son, I wouldn’t snooze. “Snooze ya lose” is what I always say the missus.

Being on the dark side of the moon — to some — not all — only minor few — would seem, a bad thing. A detriment. But think of it this way, no sun damage, ever on your precious new property — endless, clear starlit Moonlight walks with the missus. Well actually you wouldn’t see the moon, your standing on it. But, I’m assuming — don’t get me wrong that there is a Missus Ka Hooney to have those walks with — and I’ll bet my condo, she just lovely, a precious flower blooming in the moonlight. I’m sorry, I’m a hopeless romantic.

Now Hooney, ya don’t mind me callin ya hooney do ya. Well, I like ya. You get right to point Hooney, with your message, I can see you’re an all around guy — For god sake your Irish. Your one of me own. Your blood.

Now Hooney I need you to send to Moon Condos R’Us – Box #77777, Debden, Saskatchewan, Canada. A certified cashier’s cheque, a bank cheque will do — if ya must you can send cash, but put it in a box and tape it up really, really well. The non refundable sum of $15,000. Now this will be used — when you purchase your future Moon Condo — to gain a ‘DISCOUNT’, that’s right, discount on your new beautiful beach front Moon Condo purchase of “$20,000”. That’s a $20,000 DISCOUNT just for you Kahoony me ole son. So don’t despair. Your safe. Your Irish and I’m gonna watch out for ya.

I would send it today, if you wish me to hold the last beach front property for you Mr KaHooney. I will, because your family, hold it for twenty-four on my account. I have a waiting list of people wishing to buy into this venture Mr KaHoon. I could triple the price and still have a line up. Don’t think, just send the cheque, hurry or you will lose this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Some of the benefits of a Moon Condos, Mr Kahoonies — You can have your first drive of the first hole Tee-box travel fifteen miles Mr Kahooney. Wowser! I am excited about this. How about you? Do ya play golf? I bet ya do now.

— Your wife will lose thirty-five pounds instantly. Everything is lighter here. Isn’t that wonderful. That little beer belly of your — the weight seems to just vaporous.

— All condos have a built-in vacuum system utilizing the atmosphere of the Moon. Isn’t that great? Everything gets sucked outside.

— The kids basketball games at the local school is to die for, talk about white men not being able to jump. Not here Hooney…those kids are slammin like Michael.

These are just a few of the exciting things that are happening with “MOON CONDOS R’US” I am not going spoil it by tellin you everything.

Are you writing the cheque Mr Ka Horny (sp)? Hurry. Don’t think.

I going to leave off for now Mr Kahoon. Remember Moon Condos R’Us – Box # 77777, Debden, Saskatchewan. That’s in Canada.

Do that SOON Mr Ka Hoony. Send now for that BIG BIG $20,000 DISCOUNT. Available to you only for the next twenty-four hours — hurry go to the bank NOW>

By: rlitzen Tue, 22 May 2018 12:27:47 +0000 Can you imagine if the Republicans controlled the media during Watergate? Our country would have felt Nixon was justified and demanded prosecution of the Democrats who dared say the wire tapping of the DNC headquarters was wrong. Wait, I’m sorry, the AP would have simply suppressed the whole thing.
