Comments on: The psychiatric Matrix: what you need to know Mon, 17 Sep 2018 20:01:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sharon Figler Mon, 17 Sep 2018 20:01:25 +0000 Medical professionals need to learn about nutritional Deficiencies. Nutrition needs to be taught in Medical School. My family has Pyroluria. 10% of the population has this. Supplements help immensely!

By: Kata Tue, 05 Jun 2018 20:44:41 +0000 My young adult son took Haldol injections 5 times. (once every month) This month he stopped taking it. He felt fine and his mind is clear and alert. He will see a nerve specialist for Parkinson disease. His right hand reduced shaky involuntary now. Does 5 injections affect his mind and body ? Will it disappear from his body system?

By: Erika Thu, 24 May 2018 18:36:29 +0000 Psychiatry is FAITH BASED MEDICINE
(they used to jail faith healers who killed people but not when they have the IMPRIMATUR of corporate “science”)..
Now just add a faith based economy, faith based government
mix well
Zombie apocalypse.

By: Theodore Thu, 24 May 2018 13:33:27 +0000 Colleges Bend the Rules for More Students, Give Them Extra Help

With an influx of students classified as ‘disabled’, schools move to accommodate their needs

“As many as one in four students at some elite U.S. colleges are now classified as disabled, ‘largely because of mental-health issues’, entitling them to a widening array of special accommodations like longer time to take exams.”

mental-health issues means they’re taking toxic psych drugs


well, this is what you get by taking 49 doses of 14 different vaccines by age 6 years old. this is what you get by taking psych drugs as a teen. Strung-out young adults who can’t think straight! This is a crime! And, these are the young adults who survived the gauntlet! The crazy thing is,… for the ones who ‘survived’ a “full poisoning” regiment, they’ll be the ones weirdly good at programming the AI.

there will be two forms of humans — those that are Rx -vaxxed and Rx -drugged during their youth and those who are not.

They’re turning the lights off on what it means to be human, folks.

By: cretins Wed, 23 May 2018 11:11:24 +0000 (Natural News) Some of us recall our mothers encouraging us to eat fish growing up on the pretense that it’s “brain food,” and it turns out that this is one notion that actually has some very solid science to back it. In fact, new research shows just how far its protective benefits reach.

In the latest study to illustrate how this gift from the sea helps the human brain, researchers found a link between fish consumption and enhanced neurological health over the long term. Specifically, the Swedish researchers discovered that the parvalbumin protein can help prevent the protein structures associated with Parkinson’s disease from forming.

The researchers weren’t surprised to see fish associated with cognitive health, but this particular study provided some new insight into precisely why eating it is so good for your brain. It has long been believed that omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are behind this effect, but the team’s data suggests that it’s the parvalbumin’s ability to block the formation of the alpha-synuclein plaques involved in Parkinson’s disease from being formed in the first place.

Parvalbumin is a calcium-binding protein that is abundant in many fish, especially in their muscle tissue. It’s also what is responsible for causing reactions in those who are allergic to fish.

The study’s lead author, Professor Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede, explained: “Parvalbumin collects up the ‘Parkinson’s protein’ and actually prevents it from aggregating, simply by aggregating itself first.”

Essentially, when proteins fold in an improper manner, they stick together and form the amyloids present not only in Parkinson’s but also Huntington’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. The parvalbumin can clean up the abnormal amyloids before they can take hold, protecting people from neurodegenerative conditions.

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However, the researchers suggest that both parvalbumin and omega-3 fatty acids play a role in giving fish its positive effects on cognitive decline and dementia. The researchers would like to carry out additional studies to see what impact, if any, their finding could have on other neurodegenerative disorders beyond Parkinson’s. As people live longer than before, the scientists believe such diseases will be seen in even greater numbers in the future – a disturbing prospect when you consider the fact that no cures currently exist.

By: cretins Wed, 23 May 2018 11:05:06 +0000 Gun violence? How ’bout Prozac violence…Way too much credence is given to gun control as a solution. The bigger problem is the vast amount of children labeled with some type of disorder and then given powerful psychotropic drugs (SSRI’s) to combat those disorders. Guns have always been available and will continue to be available far into the future as there are so many even if banned outright. Finding a different solution to drugging our children for an attention disorder ought to be top on the list. Most, if not all, of the mass shooters have been on doctor prescribed meds of one type or another. The school system is way too quick to put unruly kids on drugs rather than try other methods like changes in diet or god forbid…discipline. The first question they should be asking (but never do) is what prescribed meds is he on.

By: Ozzie Thinker Wed, 23 May 2018 06:48:08 +0000 Jon

I know you are focused on the “smoke and mirrors” drum as it is a serious cause, but what about the other side of that coin?

What about genuine disorders that are poorly diagnosed or not diagnosed at all?

The ancients knew about psychiatry. They called the practice “blows to the soul”. They had no drugs, only disorders. Much lost reasoning would be presumed “superstitions” in the modern rationalist sense. Modern rationalists believe in toxic drugs over next best….

Getting the picture?


By: Kim Tue, 22 May 2018 15:08:07 +0000 I worked as a Case Manager at our county mental health facility for eight years. I actually witnessed care home providers (average people with no medical training who owned and operated residential care homes) advise doctors to change a client’s medication based on their behavior so they were “easier to manage” and the doctors did it. These care givers were actually telling doctors to decrease/increase dosages or discontinue specific medications, prescribe specific meds, etc. and the doctors complied! It was astounding. Also, case managers were required to encourage their clients to register to vote and the agency facilitated that process and provided transportation to voting polls. These clients were so ill that they were unable to manage their own affairs and required constant monitoring, but were able to make an informed decision on who to voe for? I don’t think so. I, and several of my co-workers, refused to participate in that project.

By: Jane Karlsson Tue, 22 May 2018 14:01:48 +0000 “25% of college students in America have received a diagnosis of a mental disorder, or are on psychiatric drugs”

If this is true, and I don’t doubt it for a moment, it reflects their awful diet.

The brain cannot function properly unless it’s being cleaned out all the time, by a process called autophagy. Recent research has established a key role in neurodegenerative disease for an enzyme called PP2A, which controls autophagy. If autophagy were doing its job, it would be degrading the protein aggregates found in Alzheimer brains.

This is huge. Scientists will tell you we don’t know what causes Alzheimer’s. In fact we do know, it’s caused by autophagy failure. It is possible that all brain disease and all mental illness have the same cause: cell components are being damaged (by iron overload, which has been found in many common diseases*) and the damaged material is not being cleared out and replaced.

PP2A is a manganese enzyme. Modern diets are very low in manganese. Not only is it removed during refining of carbohydrate foods, animal foods have hardly any. A diet based on meat and refined carbohydrate will have vanishingly small amounts of it.

Manganese protects mitochondria and much else from iron overload.

The manganese enzyme MnSOD controls the aging process.

*Diabetes, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s, obesity (now known to be a brain disease) and many others.

By: The Crazz Files Tue, 22 May 2018 12:40:58 +0000 The psychiatric Matrix: what you need to know
