Comments on: Open letter to EU boss, Jean-Claude Juncker: yes, break up the US Sat, 26 May 2018 22:42:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: From Quebec Sat, 26 May 2018 22:42:43 +0000 You want to know who EU boss, Jean-Claude Juncker realy is.

Just watch this video:
The Secret Of GDPR! China Is Exempt

By: Linda Buffington Sat, 26 May 2018 22:32:50 +0000 Awards? Failed attempt to sell a Socialist.

By: truth1 Sat, 26 May 2018 19:18:13 +0000 I think once we have been programmed by our parents, most stick to that programming. It is very rare for children to stray from parental indoctrination. Its very rare for people to question parents or schools or TV that never lies, of course. And the conclusion? Marriage is just possibly the worst thing anyone could contemplate, especially if they are Marxists because Marxies hate everyone, including other Marxies. Lets just say that Stalin was married more than once. but we don’t have the options that he did 😛

By: rightwingconservativenewsblog Sat, 26 May 2018 14:12:02 +0000 I was married to a French socialiste, like this other basterd, and, believe me, once they are born they are socialists for Life—period. There is absolutely NO reasoning with them, Obamanites all the way, for Life.

By: Tom_12 Sat, 26 May 2018 13:39:43 +0000 “‘Yunkey’ I will have you know spoke at the 200th birthday celebration of Karl Marx. ”

Thanks for pointing that out which leads me to think that you would not have this guy on your list of Friends. But heck I could be wrong 🙂

By: From Quebec Sat, 26 May 2018 05:05:16 +0000 Oh boy Michael, you are losing it.

So, I guess that you must also believe that Obama deserved the Nobel peace prize even though he started 8 wars and completely. destabilized the Middle East..

LOL… what are you smoking?

By: Bono Fri, 25 May 2018 20:36:09 +0000 You are as bad as Yunkers!! Are you he?- spare me. Awards given out by those who are as bad a human and organization as he is. Spare me the hype.

By: Greg Mills Fri, 25 May 2018 04:01:11 +0000 Jon,

I am very impressed with your veracity and cunning here, but sadly, it is a foreboding for the fools you address.


By: Michael Burns Thu, 24 May 2018 20:19:01 +0000 Okay lets back a bit — Jesus Christ on a unicorn, your pronouncing it wrong. It’s not “Junker” — he’s Luxembourgian, and in Luxembourgish it’s pronounced “Eyunker”, as in “yuk”. The “e’s” is silent, so forget about that.

Now, were was I…oh yeah.

Do YOU know how many times Mister Juncker (like yonkers with a “U”) has been decorated. He has order of merits in the umpf degree mister smarty pants. He has the Order of Fred, the Order of Aliwishes. He has the Orders of Isabella, of the three stars, thw order of the stairs; Order of Christ. The Order of Unicorns annnda the Norwegian Order.

He has Grand Crosses up the ying yang, Mister Rappoport. He has the Grand crosses of every European country. And even the illustrious Grand Cross of Transylvania. DO YOU? no I didn’t think so..what have you got. He’s Luxembourgian, what are you, Kalifornian. *Raspberry*

Do you realize he has the European State Prize of North Rhine-Westphalia, the 2008, Sharpest Blade Prize (City of Solingen), the Small State Award of the Herbert Batliner-Europa Institute in Salzburg, the European Banker of the Year, the European Prize for Service Economies;  European Union Gold Medal (with Star);  FASEL Foundation Award; Social Market Economy — UNBELIEVABLE…sigh — the Walter Hallstein Prize, Heinrich Braun Award, Honorary Doctor of the University of Münster, Cicero-Speakers Prize “ANnnnnDa” the illustrious and rarely gained and spoken of, Weiner Blindert Prize.

I love those people who talk big talk, but do they have awards. Mister Juncker (as in yukker with an “N” instead of one K) was the man who said “[…] borders are the worst invention ever made by politicians”.

“Yunkey” –thats what his close friends call him — is a nice guy, misunderstood. And just because his name is the same as those Nazi warplanes that bombed the shit out of everything in Europe during the second world war is no reason to dislike him Mr Nomorefakenews.
Have ya heard of spaces between your words.

“Yunkey” I will have you know spoke at the 200th birthday celebration of Karl Marx. 

Did you Mister Rappoport?????????

I didn’t think so — I’ll have you know Junkey is a Catholic.

By: johnbarleycorn12 Thu, 24 May 2018 19:45:41 +0000 Reblogged this on John Barleycorn and commented:
What an unelected pompous turd ???? this globalist scumbag is.
