Comments on: Guide to paying a small fine and making billions Wed, 06 Jun 2018 13:56:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roger Fuller Wed, 06 Jun 2018 13:56:33 +0000 06-06-2018
@ Sean Thomas:
You’re right, the $ 280 million should go to the victims of the drug: but as the article shows, the government is too corrupt. But Beverly Brown, the former sales manager of the company, turned against her own company and testified against them in court and won the lawsuit. If every drug company employee were silent about drug company crimes; the drug companies would not even lose one penny of profits and the Public would know nothing about their crimes. Calling Beverly Brown a snitch makes you sound like a drug company troll.

@Jon Rappoport :
In this article you lay out an excellent case about why these crimes are too big to be tried in ordinary USA courts. These drug company cases should be tried in the World Court in the Hague for major Crimes Against Humanity and the prepetrators subjected to Internationally televised Public Executions on a mass scale.

By: NaturalWoman Thu, 31 May 2018 17:29:57 +0000 Sorry, all that “free” stuff destroys the individual. We can do so much better without government involvement.

By: Rick Thu, 31 May 2018 14:28:49 +0000 It’s likely working the way it was designed to work. Drug companies can’t put a drug out on the market and openly tell everyone that it can be tried for any health problem, approved or not. But a medical doctor can. Why is that? Why give doctors the right to prescribe a drug for any “off label” condition when doctors are the most ignorant about the pharmacology of a drug? What doctors are out there in their ignorance of how drugs work, thinking of trying a blood thinner drug for Parkinsons?

I doubt seriously that doctors are experimenting with drugs especially when they don’t have a clue about the pharmacology of a drug. So, why do they have the right to do just that?

Because Big Pharma put up the money and lobbying to get the law on the books to give them that right. And why did Big Pharma do that? So, they can do exactly what they are doing now….under the “guidance” and influence of the drug companies, doctors can now legally ignore a law that the drug companies could not…..and add millions/billions to the sale of any drug.

By: From Quebec Thu, 31 May 2018 06:01:11 +0000 How about corrupted politicians making Millions and getting away with that?
They come in broke and they get out very rich and they never go to jail.
How about that?

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 31 May 2018 03:12:05 +0000 Jon

Good article. I wholly agree with the very important point you’ve made – vis-à-vis corruption of standards in the interests of profits.

My point is this. Look at all the focus on the generality “vaccines” right now, when the issue certainly (there may be others too) is Thimerosal. Who knows the details about the dreadful history of this 1932 patented Eli-Lilly product? Few “armchair” critics, I’ll bet.

The other critical issue, which I am trying to highlight in my regular comments regards fossil-fuel caused cancers, is science is great at measuring/labelling “symptoms”. But in the case of many illnesses clearing up symptoms does nothing to prohibit causes. Taking cancer as the example, I remember John Wayne “beating cancer” only for it to “spring up again”. So actually he hadn’t beaten cancer at all because doctors didn’t know where/when/what the “genus” began.

How can medical science change to move from addressing symptoms (masquerading) to coming to terms with root issues? In my opinion, this is the biggest issue the world faces vis-à-vis “health” in general.


By: Larry Thu, 31 May 2018 00:52:48 +0000 In stark contrast to our corporate-owned judiciary, here’s a story about the late Justice Miles Lord, a maverick who more than once took the heads of powerful companies to task in his court room.

How DARE he?!?!?

By: NaturalWoman Wed, 30 May 2018 17:15:14 +0000 This lets politicians and beaurocrats pretend they’re doing the right thing by us. To ordinary folks the size of the fines seem enormous, but are just a small price to pay for doing business.

By: paschnn1 Wed, 30 May 2018 17:14:09 +0000 With the “right” political connections, one can LITERALLY get away with murder in this sty.
Yet all the while we destroy nations who actually give a damn about their citizens enough to provide DECENT/FREE healthcare, DECENT/FREE education and provide government assistance toward the purchase of your first home upon marrying.
Those “evil”, non central bank “terrorist” nations!
Isn’t this the ONLY “exceptional” country where drugs are legally promoted to the general public?

A few more years of “common core” and most won’t be able to SPELL “exceptional”.

By: Sean Thomas Wed, 30 May 2018 16:58:40 +0000 That’s wonderful! The former sales manager turned snitch walks away with $280 million. Shouldn’t the money go to the people who took the drug?

By: Margaret Collins Wed, 30 May 2018 13:44:03 +0000 Thanks Jon, this is exactly it; how do they sleep at night!!! m.c.
