Comments on: Fluorides, the atomic bomb, and fake news Tue, 09 Jun 2020 01:38:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chef Jemichel Fri, 22 Jun 2018 10:08:20 +0000 Thanks for this update!

Re: “when sold to a processor” – are you a “processor”? ………
If not then is there any lawful reason why you can’t purchase non-pasteurized almonds? ………

In any case – I have sent in my own inquiry to OP asking for their verification of their legal requirement and as well as the source for that so that I can research this further. (Researching is one of my functions and so I am happy to look into this for you and all concerned.)

Since I was originally aware of this issue several years ago (when the almond industry was in the process of launching their legal coercion) I no longer have my final notes (at my fingertips) on this particular issue – and so I am truly grateful to revisit it now!

By: NaturalWoman Thu, 21 Jun 2018 15:14:06 +0000 Chef, I just heard back–very quickly–from Org Pastures and it is just as I said. Almonds produced in the Us must be pasteurized when sold to a processor. You can buy direct from a farm, but this is pretty much impossible due to regulations. If you know of such a farm, I’d love to connect to them. In the meantime, I rarely have almonds, which are health-producing until processed, like everything else. In fact, I suspect that almonds’ amazing properties are the true reason behind the damaging irradiation. If it were truly a good thing, the powers-that-be would be proud to have it on the label.

By: Chef Jemichel Thu, 21 Jun 2018 14:45:00 +0000 Good to hear of your outreach!

The governmental attacks against real milk have been well over 10 x more intense than anything against almond growers and Mark McAfee (Organic Pastures founder) has successfully withstood all of that! …

If there are any doubts about this the farm is open for visits! However it may be a lot easier to just soak some of the almonds and let them sprout! (Actually it is generally recommended to pre-soak all nuts and seeds! ; ~ )

By: NaturalWoman Thu, 21 Jun 2018 14:24:49 +0000 Thanks, Chef Jemichel, I’ve sent them an email through their contact form. However, I see that they are based in CA, where all almonds are supposed to be irradiated and they legally can hide this from consumers. Fingers crossed that I find a clean source.

By: Chef Jemichel Thu, 21 Jun 2018 09:34:32 +0000 See “Organic Pastures” for truly raw organic almonds:

By: Chef Jemichel Wed, 20 Jun 2018 15:31:02 +0000 Good suggestion, Elisa! –

Homogenization is worse than pasteurization for the following reason:

“Homogenization was developed to basically integrate butterfat into the milk so that you couldn’t tell the butterfat level. … the way that you get rid of that butterfat cell, a beautiful, floaty, soft-like marshmallow-looking wonderful sphere, is to send it through a high pressure collision with a stainless steel plate at about five to six-thousand pounds per square inch. Which obliterates it into little smithereens.

It’s no longer even recognized by your body. It becomes an allergenic, stick-in-every-crevice and it can’t be digested! It releases xanthine oxidase. It does all kinds of weird things, that your body doesn’t know what to do with it.

You get all kinds of disease processes out of that. … the placquing process, how the assimilation or digesting process is completely messed up. But it is not a normal process.” – Mark McAfee in “Raw Milk: The Whole Truth”:

By: NaturalWoman Wed, 20 Jun 2018 14:20:31 +0000 Elisa, do you have a source for fresh, organic almonds? Here in the US, they are irradiated and they do not have to tell consumers about it. I’d love to be able to get quality almonds.

By: Elisa Wed, 20 Jun 2018 12:43:54 +0000 arterial plaque:
try to live on exclusively animal fat and consume just as much oil as you can get from chewing almonds. Eat exclusively raw milk products (or no milk or just kefir). Drink a lot of kefir (full fat).
I smoke (a lot) but when i changed diet to what i wrote, cold feet disappeared within a few month, i have no problems with blood flow because of it i think my arteries are clear enough. Try. Fluoride can be blamed for many illnesses but I think arteries is due to pateruised / homogenized milk product, margarins and that terrible amount of oil people consume (even on salads) instead of eating real fats.

By: NaturalWoman Fri, 15 Jun 2018 14:49:38 +0000 Interesting link, thanks, Kenneth.

By: Kenneth T. Fri, 15 Jun 2018 01:14:16 +0000 I’d love to get an inline “Berkey system”, but so far my stand alone system will suffice.
