Comments on: Mass shootings and psychiatric drugs: the connection Sat, 20 Jun 2020 12:26:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Crazz Files Sun, 21 Apr 2019 10:34:06 +0000 Mass shootings and psychiatric drugs: the connection

By: Laurinda Fri, 06 Jul 2018 14:07:15 +0000 Did you catch the latest Donald Trump meltdown? Just Google “Donald Trump Antekhrist” and see for yourself… How funny is it that the president himself is being probed his pants down about the band Antekhrist by the CIA

By: Marcha's Two-Cents Worth Wed, 13 Jun 2018 16:22:44 +0000 Reblogged this on Marcha's Two-Cents Worth and commented:
Interesting to say the least. Let’s see if we can guess why this isn’t mentioned in the news?

By: tormance Wed, 13 Jun 2018 13:42:42 +0000 Hmmm… most of these comments seem – or pretend to – a knowledge I definitely do not have… all the stuff about drugs I accept as having more than a grain of truth as I know something is going on there…

So this seems to be an issue with many facets. Drugs are one…

“…when government wants to do a mass shouting, they know where to find the people to do it. They look for people who are on psychiatric drugs. So the two goes together.”

Now this is an interesting comment but it implicates the government in ways – well most of the comments seem to assume our government is involved – of course that isn’t the prevailing opinion is it? And it is one of those opinions that seems… well a little insane on the face of it… not that I disagree…

“Psychopaths operate with a different logic. Hence “who is going to take this seriously” is something that in many ways lets them get away with almost anything with minimal risk to them being exposed.”

Also an interesting comment. And he is right… I remember reading a book now years ago – The Mask of Sanity – which addresses this issue in its own way.

The problem I have is that whatever is going on seems to be like the proverbial elephant in the room. It is a gigantic thing with many facets that has avoided intelligibility – well rather like the forest and trees. There are so many parts to it… each part looks independent and seems to have a different ‘root system’ … yet it is a forest.

This forest includes the shootings, drugs, control, psyops, secrecy… compartmentalization… the government… well I suspect many more things… but they are all part of this other thing that escapes detection because it is so big and so insidious.

That thing Ouspensky said seems to have much relevance here… I am too often reminded of it…

“On the other hand, unquestionable crimes escape the field of vision of criminology, either because they have not recognized the form of crime or because they surpass a certain scale. In existing criminology there are concepts: a criminal man, a criminal profession, a criminal society, a criminal sect, and a criminal tribe, but there is no concept of a criminal state, or a criminal government, or criminal legislation. Consequently what is often regarded as “political” activity is in fact a criminal activity.”

By: Tom_12 Wed, 13 Jun 2018 07:04:39 +0000 Psychopaths operate with a different logic. Hence “who is going to take this seriously” is something that in many ways lets them get away with almost anything with minimal risk to them being exposed.

By: Tom_12 Wed, 13 Jun 2018 06:59:40 +0000 21st Century Cures Act will bring an interesting harvest of dystopian scenes in families and the nation.

By: Tom_12 Wed, 13 Jun 2018 06:55:13 +0000 “One in three Americans take meds with depressive side effects: study”

Job insecurity, smartphone-nites, 24/7 connected to the Internet, process food+preservatives, overweight, ….. A nice mix for a healthy population.

By: From Quebec Wed, 13 Jun 2018 02:58:01 +0000 Jon knows that, But you have to know that when government wants to do a mass shouting, they know where to find the people to do it. They look for people who are on psychiatric drugs. So the two goes together.

By: flyingcuttlefish Wed, 13 Jun 2018 02:29:33 +0000 face eating chimp was given prozac on attack morning….

By: tormance Tue, 12 Jun 2018 23:21:56 +0000 I went back after reading this post of yours… and read some of your posts from several years ago re Sandy Hook. Then I read that post you did re the connection to The Dark Knight Rises.

Now this seems so far off the beaten track… until I realize I am not sure what the beaten track really is here. The Hunger Games? A connection to Aleister Crowley???

Now it does seem to be true the author of The Hunger Games lives in Newtown… Sandy Hook. This seems on the surface to be a completely meaningless synchronicity. Well even the Crowley connection… who is going to take this seriously… it seems so far off the wall I cant make sense of the meaning. And Mr. Getzinger died in an auto accident…? Really.

Of course by itself – and logic itself dictates it – none of this – by itself – means anything. Still the connections taken together sent a chill up my spine. A chill isn’t a logical connection.

What I do think is this… we are not being given, told, transmitted the whole of the truth. I buy that… that is a given. Plus I suspect there are some ‘underground’ connections that will never reach the light of day… to be honest what may really be going on – what is hard to get to by logic – without all the facts – is a pretty scary scenario. Very very scary… and very very troubling.

You already know that… don’t you? Its in your stuff… I know that too. I have read some things about you… your rep in some quarters is utterly ridiculous. But I read your stuff… I can see and hear with my own mind and heart you are articulate, and intelligent and not crazy at all… but also are willing to say things that will make you look crazy.

The stuff you suggest re Sandy Hook make you look nuts. I don’t think you are nuts. I think there is something going on I cant make heads or tails of right now without making other assumptions and drawing conclusions… That means something is going on that is … well let me not mince words… shacking up with evil itself! And I am myself a bit afraid to think what that really portends. Nothing good!!
