Comments on: A poem for the 21st century: VISIONS OF THE EMPIRE Tue, 16 Jul 2019 12:57:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ozzie Thinker Sat, 16 Jun 2018 05:48:22 +0000 Jon

My father (a published poet) wouldn’t call that poetry. Nevertheless, it has the hallmarks of a masterpiece; a symphony of words.

It reminds me of one of those genre “road movies”. They give them a special name which escapes me. All are very surreal in character, perhaps some styled on “The Matrix”.

You also present some enigmatic lines which hint you know more than I thought you knew. These few, I’ve selected.

“We tamed the wolf and the copperhead
we broke a pond of ice and sent Promethean serpents to force a tunnel all the way down to the volcanic hats of ancient Chinese poets”

Good job.


By: Tom_12 Thu, 14 Jun 2018 13:53:48 +0000 You are a word-smith of rhyme 🙂

By: itascasmall Thu, 14 Jun 2018 02:58:32 +0000 Hello, Theo, Couldn’t let this one pass without commenting! Thanks!Itasca BRAVO!!! My idling mind just received another clarion wake-up call!  I jumped-out, kicked the tires, climbed back into the driver’s seat, revved the engine to hear her roar, backed-off to shift into gear and punched-it! smoking black rubber laid-down with an ear-piercing screech! I held the wheel straight & true, as my awakened Mind’s Eye tracked the free associations of a genius Individual Mind integrating past, present & future, with the Gift of Creative Imagination; painting a sobering tapestry of America & not-America, both of which we haven’t all seen, but know they happened, are & will be . . . And, freedom cries: “I’m sinking in the quicksand of democracy!” Thanks, once again, Jon! For Liberty!Itasca Small Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

By: Gene Maynard Thu, 14 Jun 2018 00:39:11 +0000 I have written many poems. I have observed most are fully appreciated only by the author.

Constitution, disillusioned, sow confusion, in collusion, we need an answer to all the pollution
We need a spiritual revolution, that’s the solution
Wall Street, Main Street, defeat, sound the retreat
Sell out, bail out, fall out, hold ya hat this game’s a rout
What’cha gonna do when they come for you
We need a Savior to see us through
Rows and rows of clapboard houses
People living by the thousands
Working hard and doing their time
While the politicians play and drink fine wine

Something’s wrong in the land of the free
It ain’t working for you and me; they’re giving our money to A.I.G.
But what we need money can’t be and we need to see
That God sent His Son to set us free, He sent Jesus for you and me
Hi-jack, pay back, here’s the fact, some have and others lack
Capitalism, socialism, communism, fascism, all sound a lot like hedonism
Listen to me I have a suggestion
We have answers to all the wrong questions

Sell out, buy out, sold out,it’s all the same, your 401 just came up lame
Democrat, Autocrat, they all play in this game of blame
They justify and signify, they blame the people for what they’re doing
They offer lies and alibi’s, but who’re they foolin, God is rulin
Institutions too big to fail, redistribution a coming attraction
Health Care lying and Polar Bear dying, it’s all a big distraction
We serve the world and it’s all an illusion
Our biggest enemy is our own confusion

Bear Stearns, economy burns, Freddie and Fannie up the ante
Are you ready? Better hold steady
Food and gas, there’s nothing left
If they used a gun it would be called theft
Progressive, possessive, obsessive, here’s the lesson
We work for the state so we make more bricks
We don’t complain, just take our licks

Who would dare poison the air; vaccines laced with sterilizers
Only truth deniers, a pack of liars, Satan sympathizers;
Mercury vaccines, these people are obscene, too extreme
Public schools and hip hop music brainwash our sons and daughters
Aluminum filled air, nobody cares, and fluoridated water
Brain cells dying, D.C. lying; cancer and respiratory distress
Itching skin, disease within; what about all the rest?
Dementia, autism, sores that just won’t heal
Genocide, Infanticide, Democide; all are very real.

They smile their smile and walk their walk, give you a great big hug
You say please even on your knees but they squash you like a bug;
Seven billion people live on the earth, but they say that’s too many
But with poison vaccines, disease and war, 500 million will be plenty.
For the U.S.A. here’s what they say; “By the year 2025
Of 280 million only 65 million will be left alive”;
Ya think I’m wrong, just a song? Friend you’re wrong, better be strong
Jesus said “with me all things are possible; better repent and believe the gospel”

The devil’s wearing his human face, he thinks he rules but he’s out of place
When the food’s all gone what’cha gonna do, who’s looking out for me and you
God’s Son died and arose again too, no need to worry, He’ll see us through
Christ is the One with whom ya gotta do; Satan is soon history and his servants too!
Something’s wrong in the land of the free
Liberty’s getting harder and harder to see, it’s being taken from you and me
We have a Savior to get us through; we have somebody to love us too
God sent a man like me and you,
He sent Jesus to see us through
It may look like disaster and a total loss
But we can still trust the Master; we can still trust the cross!

Gene Maynard
Verses added 11/14/14

By: From Quebec Wed, 13 Jun 2018 21:35:32 +0000 I know, that this has nothing to do with your poem, Jon. But this video that just came out must be seen by everyone.

EMERGENCY: Tommy Robinson Transferred To Muslim Prison, Facing Certain Death /watch?time_continue=1053&v=kQcEdBXFxYc

By: Karmic Spiel Wed, 13 Jun 2018 15:54:30 +0000 Being able to “get into” a movie or play requires suspension of disbelief in order to accept what is being shown to us as reality. This comes easily for most of us, because we have been conditioned to do this since birth.

“Getting into” poetry requires something quite different, something that is discouraged in our modern scientific age, which is to suspend the literal, linear, analytically judging mind.

You have to let yourself feel it.

Poetry transforms words into music, expanding their meanings into new octaves and chords. And like all music, it is intended to bypass the analytical mind and speak directly to the soul.

If you are able to allow yourself to do that, poetry will thunder through your being, shredding preconceived notions and birthing new universes of ideas, emotion and understanding.

Poetry is one of the last vestiges of magic in this increasingly cold and calculating world. Looking around at where things are at, I’d say it’s time for a revival.

By: Mike Ullman Wed, 13 Jun 2018 14:34:20 +0000 Jon, I really, really appreciate everything you do and I have learned a lot from you. I couldn’t however take too much of the poem. It seemed like a cathartic effort- good for the writer but maybe not so much for the reader. Sorry for this analogy but it reminded me of:
“Meditations on Turning Eight”, by Lisa Simpson:
I had a Cat named Snowball, she died, she died.
Mom said she was sleeping, she lied, she lied.
Why, oh, why is my cat dead? Couldn’t that Chrysler hit me instead?
I had a Hamster named Snuffy, he died…”
Anyway, thanks for sharing your soul with us and do keep fighting the good fight. You shine light on the darkness and we desperately need that.

By: davidgaskill Wed, 13 Jun 2018 13:15:56 +0000 You write long poems, I write short ones. Example: “I wish it would rain forever / because the blackened hearts of the City / are too busy straining to see where it’s coming from / to speak. / Yes, I wish it would rain forever.”
