Comments on: Many ordinary meds cause depression; public trust in Pharma hits new low Wed, 20 Jun 2018 11:27:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Utopia Wed, 20 Jun 2018 11:27:36 +0000 That could never be further from the truth. When is humanity going to wake up to the brutal truth that the so called advanced society we have is a fraud, built on lies and deception. Big business put profit over morality, truth and justice. No wonder why man has to be saved from himself, the true gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord. He came to free the prisoners, that is you and i from the shackles of oppression and bondage forced on us through fear and ignorance. We the son of Man sets you free, you are free indeed. We just but have to look from within ourselves and gather the courage to face these fears and boldly claim our divine heritage of pure love for our brothers. Those enforcing the pain and suffering of their brethren are just ignorant and need our compassion. We should also thank them for playing a huge role in bringing about the knowledge that we now have. God bless you all.

By: LeeSoyer Mon, 18 Jun 2018 05:24:37 +0000 Finally, all the pharma devious-marketing strategies are uncovering!
This is something that everybody should be aware of.

By: Sherry Sun, 17 Jun 2018 23:14:36 +0000 Saturated fats (that make ketones) and sea vegetables are missing from our diet. Plus we eat too many carbs which contributes to yeast, fungus, overgrowth and insulin resistance. I had lifelong anxiety that got really bad after I started taking anti-inflammatories. I looked into natural health (with no hope for effective treatment) and discovered alot of books about candida yeast overgrowth and leaky gut syndrome. This causes low protein levels, and the leakage caused low thyroid hormone levels and arthritis from the leakage getting into the blood and impacting in the thyroid and hips. Anxiety and depression are low thyroid, plus bi-polar and schizophrenia. I can tell you that anxiety turns into schizo when it gets bad. I did the yeast cleanse and my proteins and enzymes came up. At 5 months my anxiety and arthritis went away after the leakage was healed by enzymes!!! I learned that the anti-inflammatories kill beneficial bacteria and cause yeast/leaky gut making my arthritis worse. Then I learned about iodine fulfillment therapy for low thyroid (and heavy metal detoxing), so I also did that. Some more anxiety went away and my memory improved alot. All symptoms can be traced to a mineral deficiency, so you can take a therapeutic dosage of sea kelp or concentrace or some other mineral product and treat everything at once. I also had to get on ketogenics diet to get rid of stubborn weight caused by insulin resistance which was another side affect of the anti-inflammatories – they spike the insulin.

By: Ozzie Thinker Sat, 16 Jun 2018 05:50:37 +0000 Excellent job, Jon

I often find better information in the “comments” than the articles themselves.


By: JAY Jugwanth Fri, 15 Jun 2018 23:11:52 +0000 Psychatric medications used indiscriminately in South Africa and is the catakyst for insombia abd depression

By: michaelzfreeman Fri, 15 Jun 2018 17:55:35 +0000 At least one doctor has woken up –

By: Noel Gillett Fowler (discarded capstone) Fri, 15 Jun 2018 07:55:49 +0000 The medical Juridical complex may be understood by way of the nomenclature, which by dint of being hatched by our Luciferian oligarchy with its obsession with word games, may be easily decoded. Gilman’s Law Review is the bible of all who study for the BAR–based on my family’s British common law, and Goodman and Gilman’s Pharmaceutical manual–regarded as the blue bible of the blue bloods who run modern medicine. Hence it is the gill/fish lineages of the so called Union 76 of my family that runs the whole show, I kid you not. As in “Gillett(e) the best a man can get”, the notion alludes to my family’s dominion over the so called “Triple Crown” which is more than a horse race but rather instead refers to the tri-city domain of global dominion founded in the non-sovereign, city-states of the City and Corporate of London, Washington DC and The Vatican that is run by the eye on the top of the pyramid known as “The Holly SEE”. And yet it’s even simpler than that, as the very word Medicine alludes to the fraudulent secular nature of the endeavor, as in Medici-Sin which refers to the Luciferian popes of that lineage from way back in the day of old Florence and Venice. Not that anyone gives a flying fuck. My name means Gill-Tee, as in Gillett’s closest of shaves as provided by the old Guillotine, now in stock at a local Walmart (martial-law-mart) in a now closed and reconfigured mall/maul near YOU. Capiche? Of course not. Everybody is so damn fucking stupid and vile these days that even when I as a member of the highest of the low come out and share my family’s dirty secret as the very hand of destiny guiding us down the gullet and throat of Hell itself–the apocalypse now unfolding–people just tune out so as to go back to their usual habit of masturbating with the Eye-phones. Typical shit. Everybody loves my dad, everybody loves death, everybody loves the smell of my Daddy Lucifer’s asshole. Everybody, that is, except me. Funny how that works. The irony rings like a Gillett and Johnston bell of death…Gillett being the blade wielded by ol’ Jack the Ripper himself, the trauma based mind control seems to have gotten the better of people’s ability to reason, as per the intent of the Master Architect of my own family that owns everybody’s soul and will soon be chowing us down in piles. Ha ha ha???? Whatever…. My commentary being by far the most learned you will ever read on this topic, you’re probably too corrupt of an ignoramous asshole to publish it at all. Cowan-class shit that you all are, and ever will be.

By: NaturalWoman Fri, 15 Jun 2018 02:59:13 +0000 Thanks, Jon, for the study that trust in pharma is down to 38%. Good news, indeed.

By: Erika Thu, 14 Jun 2018 18:47:38 +0000 I know OTC Antihistamines can cause depression.

Probably neeed to give up my nightly decongestant, those allergy shots i got for 8 years as a kid did ZERO to help m,y allergies, giving up dairy and processed food DID healp alot.

I was given Paxil years ago to cope with an assault where i was beaten unconscious and badly hurt, and it on ly made me NUMB, i was also on klonopin for anxiety. Had no problems (thankfully) giving up either.

Before i EVER heard about meditation i found a way of dealing with panic attacks while driving..breath in for a count of four, hold for a count of four, breath out for a count of four, hold for a count of four, repeat…this also helped me when i was no longer using diazepam or klonopin.
(it was bumpy because that kind of real trauma can BRING UP trauma from childhood so you get to re-expperience it…such fun…(not asking for sympathy just telling you some of the things that work…
Also Valerian is pretty helpful.

Herbal supplements- and vitamins out there have CORN DERIVATIVES (or SOY)
Close to 95% of the processed foods out there have these derivatives as well.



Never mind that these are GM and rife with glyphosate (round up) for a moment…
IF you have an allergy to these, or an intolerance to these..they will make you feel like crap.
You will be depressed, lethargic..and if it is bad enough get rashes, and have blood pressure drops (dizziness) etc.
Additionally if you have GRASS allergies, whatch your wheat and corn intake..

I am just passing on what i have found the hard way.

One problem is that most OTC medications contain these derivatives, as well as the supplements and herbs. (be aware that Vitamin C is mostly processed from bacteria on a corn substrate)
I have noticed the Vitamin Shoppe brand herbs used to be made with rice flour and they have switched to Magnesium monostearate or other derivatives that are most likely corn or soy .

By: Nicole Thu, 14 Jun 2018 16:31:22 +0000 Years ago I took an antibiotic for a bladder infection (too much information, but, I suspect the severe bladder irritation might have been caused by spermicidal gels and things I used during that time period), and as soon as I took that antibiotic, I started crying and weeping all day long, openly and publicly, at my job, then spontaneously quit my job without any plans for what other job I might work at. Antibiotics causing a major mood change and crying? I had no idea at the time. It turns out our digestive bacteria produce a lot of neurotransmitters, and maybe I destroyed all my gut flora with the antibiotic. Somewhere around that time, I had severe digestive problems that went on for months, but back then didn’t know what possible causes to look for, and in hindsight, the antibiotic is one.

I never use over-the-counter stomach upset treatments, but one day my coworker gave me a Tums tablet or something because I told her I felt sick that day. I tried it, out of curiosity. Within a very short time, my sickness got much, much worse, and then I suddenly started having severe heartburn and acid reflux, out of nowhere – and those things never happen to me. Take a Tums, get an even sicker stomach – uh-oh, time to go back to the store and buy some Pepto-Bismol too! I don’t recall ever using Pepto-Bismol, maybe once as a child – what on earth would it do? Drinking lots of Bismuth might not be a good idea – that sounds like a way to get chronic metal poisoning or interference with metal metabolism. Isn’t Bismuth what’s in there? It’s a really pretty rectangular mineral crystal but I don’t want to be eating it. Anyway, so I imagine when the Pepto makes you sicker, you give up on over-the-counter drugs and escalate it to prescriptions.
