Comments on: Is this the century of secession? Mon, 25 Jun 2018 15:26:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: JB Mon, 25 Jun 2018 15:26:33 +0000 The Constitution of the “Federal Republic” was nothing more than a “bait and switch” affair. It was sold to the populace under the name of Liberty and Safety, two mutually exclusive conditions. The reality is the Constitution was written with money control in mind, for its golden thread is woven throughout the fabric. This thought was uppermost in the minds of the Founders when Franklin wrote:

“We began planning the Revolutionary War in order to issue our own money again.”


“The Colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters, had it not been the poverty caused by the bad influence of the English bankers on the Parliament: which has caused in the Colonies hatred of England, and the Revolutionary War.”

That bad influence of the English bankers came about directly from Franklin shooting his mouth off about how the economy of the Colonies was getting along fine through the issuance of land-backed paper money. It was Franklin who sold the fledgling states on the idea of paper money when he was 23, and Franklin who let the cat out of the bag while in England that precipitated the financial depression precipitating the war (45). And again it was Franklin (81) who told the Convention delegates:

“If we do not hang together, we shall assuredly hang separately.”

That hanging had far less to do with insurrection or rebellion against the crown than it had to do with their own insolvency and attempt to solve the problem by creating a National Congress with the power over money. Liberty was incidental to the Federalizing of the Confederacy. Regaining control over the money supply and resolving the huge debt problem was paramount and all of the Federalists feared losing their property including their shirts. What was it they said they pledged?

Under the circumstances of such fraud behind the Constitution, secession is the only rational step to rectifying the mess that Franklin instigated (the Federal gov’t never paid off the French war debt, just like they never remunerated the working class who volunteered to defend their property and common welfare). In fact, there was an insurrection among the enlisted volunteers over the monetary and provisional inequities between the hired officers and volunteers which Washington put down by executing the leaders of the enlistees. This was how Washington handled all the insurrections under his leadership.

Who wants to be a citizen of a form of government that perpetrates fraud, embezzlement, extortion, bribery, every form of plunder and murder conceivable?

By: Ozzie Thinker Thu, 21 Jun 2018 05:21:02 +0000 I thought this article was going to be about something interesting, Jon.

If so, the secession had already happened, beginning under Bush and perhaps earlier, “steroids full-on” under “Mr change” (sic) Obama the United Nations is pretty close to “inheriting” the world now.

Of course, “big bully” USA will always put her oar in “under guidance” of Israel, but wasn’t that the point of the October “revolution” (sic) 1917?


By: middleway Wed, 20 Jun 2018 21:34:01 +0000 You must first identify the parasite before you can accurately diagnose and cure our devolution disease:

By: From Quebec Wed, 20 Jun 2018 17:34:09 +0000 I am all for DECENTRALIZATION

And here is a good new:

Trump administration pulls US out of UN human rights council

By: Markku Nieminen Wed, 20 Jun 2018 17:08:07 +0000 Secession is just a new name for small kingdoms fighting with each other. Their size is in constant fluctuation.

The time is new, the technics is new but the humans are the same.

By: kenshohomestead Wed, 20 Jun 2018 16:08:40 +0000 Reblogged this on Kensho Homestead and commented:
Loving this! And caring very much, in meditation and action each day, for better land stewarding and far greater self/community reliance for all the world’s populations. We must be the change we want to see as individuals no matter how hard that is sometimes. And sometimes it is really hard. But leading by example is the key to release our ego-drive toward tyranny, which resides latently in us all. No masters above, no slaves below—can you even imagine it?! Do you ever try?

Or, do you trust the establishment to make all your choices for you—from your body, to your mind, to your home, to your family, to your business?

More on that soon, it’s been a hellish summer for me, but thanks once again to Jon Rappoport for his inspiring posts that keep me motivated when the going gets tough.

“It all comes back to the individual mind. Is that mind free and wide-ranging or is it programmed? When free minds cooperate, the choices are extensive, and success is possible in many directions.

DECENTRALIZATION IS ALL ABOUT IMAGINATION. That is the key. When individuals conceive the futures they want, by imagining and projecting them, doors and windows into the future open. Not one future for all—but many futures side by side.”

Read on!

By: NaturalWoman Wed, 20 Jun 2018 15:42:45 +0000 Jon, you’ve given me optimism with this article. I hadn’t heard the news about the many lawsuits against sanctuary cities. Thanks!

The liberals in favor of unlimited “immigration” are hypocrites. They’d never allow anyone to invade their own homes expecting to be housed, fed, and supported at their own expense. Our nation is the collective home of our legal citizens.

I know many people who were refugees from previous wars. They are acutely aware that being allowed in our country was a privilege and that they should in turn do everything they could to be a productive citizen and not a drain on the rest of us. In fact, in previous times, they could not come unless they had a means of support, often strangers who volunteered to find them housing and a job, sometimes through local churches.

This makes charity personal. Much better than the theft used by government taxes to make the beneficiary beholder to corrupt politicians and bureaucrats.

By: Greg Weldon Wed, 20 Jun 2018 15:19:03 +0000 Jon my friend once you VOLUNTEERED to join the Social Security System you are bound by its provisions it being a hazardous contract. Signing up for Social Security changed everyone’s status with respect to the common law. Title XI-General Provisions Section 1101 (3) The term “person” means an individual, a trust or estate, a partnership, or a CORPORATION (The Social Security Act of 1935 (49 stat. 620) The corporation now has the rights of an individual. Some earth shattering events have to take place in order for this country to right the ship of state. Repeal the Fourteenth Amendment which made certain people wards of the federal government and destroyed state sovereignty. Scrub the Social Security Act. Repeal the Seventeenth Amendment and give the state governments back their voice in the Congress. Disavow the Federal Reserve System.

By: Chef Jemichel Wed, 20 Jun 2018 15:17:52 +0000 Note: “The United States of America” Is a Confederacy. “The United States” Is a Federal Republic. –

The United States of America is not a republic it is a Confederacy of States which have delegated some, but not all their sovereignty to the United States in Congress assembled under the Articles of Confederation of November 15, 1777. The name “United States” is used to describe territory ceded to and subject the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States of America. The name “United States” is derived from the name, “United States of America” for the proprietor of that territory. –
By: Ed Rivera –

By: Malfunction Junction Wed, 20 Jun 2018 13:38:09 +0000 Awesome article, you are a spot on as usual sir. Seriously enjoy all your writings John, “Fight The Good Fight” my friend, ~M.J
