Comments on: Rappoport on Coast to Coast AM: the Hawaii volcano Mon, 25 Jun 2018 16:07:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: JB Mon, 25 Jun 2018 16:07:56 +0000 To me this is a perfect example of irresponsible and shoddy journalism.

“Earthquakes induced by this water-injection could obviously trigger a volcano.” And just as obviously to the better informed, could not.

Notice throughout the diatribe the use of “can” and “could”. The fact is, it is NOT known what does cause an earthquake. I read a scientific report just a week ago on this very topic and the frustration scientists are having in nailing down the forces that produce them, as well as the early indicators that are thought useful for alerting the populace.

Notice that Iceland’s geothermal activities are not mentioned anywhere. Only when the sensational destruction of real estate and homelessness do journalists pay any attention.

Notice how fracking, a process engaged in since WWII, has not been an issue until the Fukushima disaster.

What has been known for quite some time now is the high correlation between earthquakes, volcanoes, and the solar activity level:

There is a lot of ancillary research (geological, astronomical, hydrological) being done which has brought forth considerable clarity about the physical forces involved. But there is yet a great deal more investigation needed to produce definitive causation.

Solar activity is modulated by the conjunctions of the major planets, and the corresponding shift in the sun’s barycenter. The ripple effect of this is the El Niño/Niña cycles and related cycles that modulate warm and cool weather (Medieval Warm and Little Ice Age periods).

Would it be wise to shut down PGV under volcanic activity? Surely. Would it be wise to diminish or cut off power to the populace under these conditions? No. Like any other natural calamity, people are trying to deal with it as best they can under conflicting constraints.

Modern muckraking, yellow journalism in my mind.

By: johnbarleycorn12 Fri, 22 Jun 2018 18:16:08 +0000 Reblogged this on John Barleycorn and commented:
One perspective

By: Spiritof42 Fri, 22 Jun 2018 01:07:49 +0000 Recommend Jon and readers visit Dutchsinse on YouTube. Fracking certainly weakens and stresses the crust making it susceptible to waves of energy below the surface. But is not the initial cause. Another site, suspicious observers attributes the initial cause to the sun. Volcanoes and earthquakes are on the increase all over the planet. Then there is earth’s shifting magnetic poles and global cooling. It’s all connected to a decrease of energy coming from the sun. Fracking is the least of our problems.

By: middleway Thu, 21 Jun 2018 19:58:53 +0000 Are we witnessing Mother Earth’s response to being forcibly vaccinated by the 4th Reich corporate globalists?

By: swo8 Thu, 21 Jun 2018 18:55:56 +0000 I heard you on Coast to Coast last night. Good work Jon.

By: Abe Thu, 21 Jun 2018 12:37:28 +0000 That rat bastard Harry Reid will have all sorts of things bite his ass soon!!
