Comments on: Bombshell accusation: Hillary never had a State Department email address; all emails were sent to her at her private unsecured email Wed, 27 Jun 2018 22:47:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: FRED PHELPS Wed, 27 Jun 2018 22:47:56 +0000 AMEN, AMEN, A THOUSAND TIMES OVER, AMEN!!!!!!!!

By: FRED PHELPS Wed, 27 Jun 2018 22:46:34 +0000 THAT CERTAINLY DOES NOT SURPRISE ME!!!!!

By: Frank Boyle Wed, 27 Jun 2018 01:45:50 +0000 The Clintons have survived in politics and continued committing crimes and being successful in their “efforts” in my opinion because they have relied on 2 tactics they have used forever. 1.) Obtaining blackmail and willing to use it. 2.) Access to rogue darkside CIA operatives that go all the way back to the days of Bills governership and Mena Arkansas. Which means if you become a real threat to their power or exposing them you become a target for assassination.
The state department has to be so contaminated and the individuals in it only concerned about being on “the winning team” that hey just roll over for these people. One of the reasons why Trump has had so much difficulty with the disloyal and leaking backstabbing state department is because it is contaminated by this completely self serving really criminal influence left over by Hillary and Obama.
The evil get into positions of power and go far because 1.) they are willing to do anything to advance, which the good are not. 2.) The paralyzing fear, cowardice and inability to confront the evil and 3.) An unwillingness to use just as ruthless and uncompromising tactics as the evil to combat them.
A president say of general Pattons bent would identify all those connected with this and immediately arrest them. It would be unpopular and some would scream facism but these slime our domestic enemies of the constitution and should receive no- quarter.

By: Bud Hughes Tue, 26 Jun 2018 05:41:18 +0000 So this would mean that Obamas claim that he only learned Hillary was using a private email address when everyone else did – when it was published in the news – was categorically false. He could not communicate with her on a secure State Dept. system if she never had a secure email address set up in the first place.

Which means Obama communicated classified info over some other non-authorized system. It is not possible at least some of a Presidents emails to a Secretary of State did not involve classified info. I would guess that is a crime.

It also means she deleted all her Obama emails that she stored on her private server when she deleted the 30,000 “personal” emails.

By: Barbara Kelly Tue, 26 Jun 2018 04:36:25 +0000 Well, Well, What do you expect out of this corrupt women. She doesn’t know how to play by the rules. And what ab liar she is. That smug look she gives us. Saw it in the court room when Goudy was questioning her.

By: Ozzie Thinker Tue, 26 Jun 2018 02:37:21 +0000 Jon, it is invariably what you “don’t say” that is all important. You give just enough information for the sane to reason.

I’ll attempt to spell it out. It has long been theorised that “top level” government runs like an “old boys’ club”. Why would Hilary (the last bastion of the “old guard”) need anything more than her personal e-mail for “club” affairs?

Any “unauthorised” daring to access that mechanism would have received the assassins lash, I feel sure.


By: ddrake Tue, 26 Jun 2018 02:24:27 +0000 No other reason can exist, other than they were FOR SALE. America for SALE. This is outright TREASON and SEDITION of the highest order. Time for Hillary to SWING from the highest GALLOWS. With ALL her cohorts and Obama. EXECUTE this COMMIE TRASH

By: truthfarmer Tue, 26 Jun 2018 02:17:22 +0000 Reblogged this on Truth Farmer and commented:
This really clarifies things…A few that I was completely unaware of. This is INDEED a Bombshell.

By: Comrade Obama Tue, 26 Jun 2018 01:50:39 +0000 There was in fact an acting IG, a crook who could be relied upon to do the bidding of those who rewarded him. He was a the principal office at the consulate at Durban, though his name now escapes me.

Further the Sec State would get code word messages in addition to the normal classified traffic. Rest assured this traffic was compromised-probably because the Hildabeast was carrying on illegal activities and wished no offical record which brings us to the question of the day.

State Security, IT, the President, and the National security advisor had to be aware of this and the dangers it represented yet all allowed it. This violates every security rule in the books. There is no excuse for this. One and all need to go to prison.

But based on past staff who have stolen secrets and stuffed it in their underwear, stolen trunks fills of secret documents in their car trunks and had them spilled on highways, allowed non cleared staff members to handle classified documents-without any real penalities-what odds do you give me that one all skate without so much as an hour of community service?

We live in a corrupt and perverse time. Let’s just burn the whole thing down and start anew.

By: Testing123 Mon, 25 Jun 2018 23:52:03 +0000 Yes they are certainly allowed and for any TS attachment the entire email must be TS and most likely NOFORN – there is a classifier tool on most of these networks. There are all kinds of policies in place for this kind of thing- but at the very beginning are the paper briefing documents one must initially sign to get access in the first place.
You promise protection of this information and non disclosure /discretion for life. She MUST have signed hers too.
