Comments on: Two humans on the Earth Wed, 04 Jul 2018 01:45:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Colton Comer Wed, 04 Jul 2018 01:45:02 +0000 Thanks Jon for fighting. I read your poem yesterday and was inspired to write this one: The world is a whirl when you see ‘both’ sides, a constant spinning some are ‘winning’ but most will have a ‘different’ ride. The ones who always ‘win’ will say “here’s nothing but the truth” but there’s bones behind those hides within the closet of their youth. Seek not the summit of the mountains you can see, just find the sacred hills and seek that which you wish to be. A castle built is a castle won and those who steal shall be revealed, their evil be undone. The loves and love-you-nots have all been plucked within their towers, their dungeon holds an everlasting love that never flowers. I speak ye not of middle man nor that of which I know, for evil is a hidden thing I never wish to grow.

By: sneezy67 Tue, 03 Jul 2018 16:55:49 +0000 Play us a song….You are the PIANO Man
play us a song tonight…….

By: NaturalWoman Tue, 03 Jul 2018 15:42:58 +0000 Vaccine Woman is powerful, Jon. Wish every mainstream doc would read this and see themselves.
