Comments on: Bang: another China vaccine scandal Thu, 12 Sep 2019 13:54:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Theodore Sun, 29 Jul 2018 17:54:35 +0000 Hi JJ, thank you for your comments.

Off hand, would you know how much money per year the follow governmental agencies spend on acquiring [toxic] vaccines (the final manufactured products) for their own managed and administered stockpiles?




In addition,… all vaccines on the market today (the final manufactured products), technically need to be stored under refrigeration, correct?

By: JJ Sun, 29 Jul 2018 00:39:59 +0000 The Clinton Foundation had played a role in helping the Chinese companies go through the pre-qualification process. The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that vaccines will be pre-qualified, meaning they are so “confident in the quality, safety and effectiveness of vaccines that are made in China” that other countries will no longer test them for safety. Chinese manufactured vaccines were given the greenlight to be shipped in bulk to as many as 152 low and middle-income countries and can now bypass any inspection from any other country, including the U.S. Combine this information with the either non-existent or WEAK, or non-transparent pharmacovigilance systems in place globally (As reported by the Safety and Surveillance Working Group of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), absolutely none of this is surprising.

By: JJ Sat, 28 Jul 2018 22:41:13 +0000 Jon. Another little tidbit on China. According to WHO led team of experts who in 2011 after a thorough review, China is ensuring safe vaccines of assured quality. Chinese national regulatory authority meets international standards. WHAT IS TRULY UNSETTLING is that this WHO stamp of approval in 2011, gave China the green light for both funding and access to global pharmaceutical marketing efforts. “With a regulatory system for vaccines documented to comply with international standards, vaccine manufacturers in China are now eligible to apply for WHO prequalification of specific products. It is expected that vaccines from China could be prequalified 1-2 years from now. The eventual ability of United Nations procuring agencies to source vaccines from Chinese manufacturers is expected to have a significant, beneficial impact on global supply of vaccines of assured quality.”

**WHO works hand in hand with the FDA, CDC, and the EU (which is largely made up of representatives from Big Pharma) to set up global vaccine manufacturing, sales, distribution, and safe monitoring regulatory policy and procedures. The Gates Foundation is heavily involved in developing guidelines and, funding implementation activities through GAVI. *** The overall goal has been to decrease the pre-qualification period of time to bring vaccines to market and more rapidly bring new and existing vaccines to markets that have been ‘underserved’……………..

By: JJ Sat, 28 Jul 2018 22:16:14 +0000 None of this is surprising…. And Jon, as always, keep at it. Post marketing drug and vaccine safety surveillance, through rigourous pharmaco-vigilance systems is largely non-existent. This is DESPITE much rhetoric and lip service paid to this ‘crisis’ by likes of the BGMF, WHO, FDA, and others. There is no one overseeing the regulatory bodies charged with overseeing the industry. Fox is guarding the henhouse. Continual lip service cries to address the crisis, but largely no action. It will be interesting to see whether India and China drug and vaccine manufacturers will be monitored under any new global surveillance initiatives. Many of these manufacturers are partnerships between local manufacturers, philanthropies such as BGMF or CHAI, and Big pharma like GSK, Welcomme Trust, or Novartis, and local governments. (think the pay to play model). For those interested in the global processes (and politics) of drug and vaccine safety monitoring, I have listed a few sources from Gates Foundation, FDA, and UK government 1) 2) 3)

By: Sue Mon, 23 Jul 2018 23:01:00 +0000 ALL vaccines made in ALL countries, are ALL poison, ALL the time, in ALL doses, and everything based on vivisection really does come back around to bite us on our selfish butts.

From “The Poisoned Needle” (1957, Eleanor McBean PhD,ND):

“In 1806 a Mr. Kraus was awarded $1000, by the then rulers of New York territory for his scientific discovery which had kept rabies out of New York for over twenty years. His formula is a matter of record and consisted of the ground-up jaw bone of an ass or dog, a piece of colt’s tongue and the green rust off a penny of George the First reign.”

Now, for the 2018 vaccines, we have exchanged the “ground-up jaw bone of an ass or a dog” with kidneys from a monkey or a dog. We’ve replaced the “piece of colt’s tongue” with embryonic chickens, mouse brains, and even worms. Interchanged for “the green rust off a penny of George the First reign” we have aluminum, mercury, lead, formaldehyde and acetone, to name just a few.

Wow, it sure looks like we’ve come a long way! Or, as Stephen Blake, DVM, has stated:

“The time will come when man looks back on where medicine is today and say, “Can you believe people believed in injecting toxic substances into living beings and called that healing?”

Vaccines Cause Chronic Immune System Dysregulation ……

By: James Mon, 23 Jul 2018 21:34:00 +0000 Excellent article, this needs to be read by everyone. It goes without saying for everyone to say NO to vaccines for themselves, their children, their entire families as well as their animals, vaccines maim and kill, and that’s a fact.

By: General Maddox Mon, 23 Jul 2018 21:08:44 +0000 Reblogged this on Real News Australia.

By: Mark Mon, 23 Jul 2018 20:13:34 +0000 This may be political in motive but then vaccines have always been political, not medicinal.

Edward Jenner, the “father of immunization”, only tested his idea on one little boy, declared him cured, then pressured the British government to mandate vaccines.

The real doctors of the day had doubts but they were shouted down as soon as the mandate money began to flow.

“The tongue hath no force when gold speaketh.” – Marco Guazzo, 1536

By: NaturalWoman Mon, 23 Jul 2018 18:25:07 +0000 Since more and more people are avoiding anything from China, perhaps this one thing will cause the vaxxers to rethink their position.

By: Ross Benov Mon, 23 Jul 2018 17:09:43 +0000 I am not questioning the truthfulness of this article. I am just thinking that Trump’s strategy is to fight one enemy at a time. After securing Russia – kind of (Putin is not stupid) – I am expecting the US attacks on China to intensify on all fronts and with all means.
